Elevated Liver Enzymes

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Nov 5, 2009
So.. a couple of weeks ago I had another blood test done, and the blood work didn't look good in general, but my Liver enzymes were very elevated. I've been having problems with this off and on. I had an MRCP and it showed that I have some dilation of a bile duct, but they didn't see a stone stuck (I had my gallbladder removed already) Anyway, I have a repeat blood test on Thursday, and I'm scheduled for surgery for bowel resection next thursday the 5th. If my liver enzymes are still really elevated, could this potentially postpone my surgery??

Just looking for some opinions. I forgot to ask the doc about this, but will do. I just wondered if anyone has had this problem before.
My blood test also showed bumped liver enzymes. I have no idea what that means but my doctor wants me back for a blood test in a week.
Well, they believe for me its either the medications OR they saw some sludge/dilated bile duct that may be causing a back up and making them elevated. They were going to do an ERCP on my a while ago to open up the bile duct, but I had just had my baby and I said I didn't want to do it then. So we'll see! They've been up and down, but higher now then they have been in a long time.
Hi there, have you had a liver biopsy done. It could be psc (primary sclerosis cholangitis). 75% of people with psc have crohns and I am one if them.
I've had liver enzymes fluctuating from normal to abnormal for the last 2 years, during which time I've had 2 surgeries. This was never flagged up until the last 6 months, but it didn't seem to pose a problem with the surgeries.

I've had a MRI of the liver and I'm waiting to see a consultant in the new year about the results. They did say something about being concerned about some sort of sludge, which can happen with Crohn's patients but are also trying to rule out any rarer causes of liver disease.
huh, I've never heard of PSC before. I did have cholangitis when I was pregnant which turned into pancreatitis as well. They talked about the sludge in my case as well. I guess we shall see. I just don't want to have to do the ERCP thing AND the bowel resection close together... but I guess that might be how it goes!

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