Embarrassing and Disgusting

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Jan 13, 2011
I know they have forums for people with emtophobia (the fear of vomiting), but I just wanted to get some insight as to how you cope with nausea, as it is one of the many symptoms of CD.

I can get lots of nausea with my Crohns because of its location. I have hated vomiting since childhood, and haven't done it many times in my life because of it. Sometimes I just wish that I could let it go. While growing up, I was the only one of my siblings that had a fear of throwing up. I would do it when I couldn't stand it any longer, but I do have a strong will power in this area.

My brother has CD and when he feels nauseated, he seems to have no problems throwing up. I hate that I want to fight it and that I feel afraid. I know that it is a learned behavior. Both of my parents have different degrees of emetophobia. My father claims that he hasn't thrown up since he was about 19 years-old. He's in his 60s now. He used to watch is father throw up quite frequently while he was fishing with him. I've mentioned in other posts that my grandfather had CD. Watching your father who is a role model and strong in every other way, being so sick must have made a big impression on him. Grandpa never took time off and after getting sick, he'd carry on as usual. I'm sure that's where my father developed his strong aversion to it. While growing up, I used to hear my father say, "I won't throw up unless I'm dying. It's nasty! If you're not sick you will be if you look at it, or smell it." I know my daddy meant no harm in his comments, but he didn't realize that one his kids would develop that annoying fear. I learned that it was gross and something to do as a very last resort. I probably would have felt better on many occasions much sooner, if I had allowed myself to throw up.

I know it's unpleasant and nobody that is normal likes or enjoys doing it. How do you handle nausea and terrible stomach upsets with your crohns?

A) I hate vomiting and never do.
B) I make myself sick when I feel nauseated.
C) I fight it for a while and then get sick when it's too much to take.

I guess, I just need to tell myself that it's okay to dislike it, but it's also okay to release it when I need to. I won't be harmed, it's just gross. I appreciate your support. I've battled this for a while. My husband thinks that I'm being silly. He doesn't realize that emetophobia is the fifth most common phobia in the world. Any advice on how to overcome this embarrassing problem, please share.
I hate being nauseous myself and hate throwing up but I can't control it when its just gonna happen ya know? Your mouth watering excessively is the first warning sign that its gonna happen and you better get to a safe location. :p The only time I ever forced myself to vomit to feel better was when I was really drunk or hung over. :p For your symptom though, assuming you're being treated and all that business, couldn't you take something for nausea like Emetrol http://www.emetrol.com/ which is over the counter, Phenergan (prescription), or Zofran (also prescription but I hear this one is expensive and isn't usually prescribed long term because of the cost) or Dramamine (but this tends to make people tired). There are also natural remedies like ginger (a ginger tea made from fresh grated ginger for example) or there must be a ginger supplement or candy/drop that may help if ginger is hard to find near you. There's also a patch you can place behind your ear called Transderm Scōp (transdermal scopolamine). http://www.transdermscop.com/prescribing-information.htm

Have you spoken to your GI about methods for treating your nausea?
As you know, I am emetophobic too, though only when other people vomit. I can deal with Crohn's related vomiting fine, and I always take option B. If I feel really nauseated I go and stand over a toilet, I don't physically make myself sick, but if I'm feeling bad enough, the toilet will trigger me to vomit. If it doesn't, then I know I'm safe for a short while. It's just easier for me than wondering when and where it's going to happen!
I can't stand throwing up.....even more so can't stand doing into a toilet (you KNOW what else goes in there ! lol).....I will fight it as long as possible - then usually end up at a sink (or trash can if I've eaten so I don't stop up the sink).....
I hate throwing up too
especially if it goes thro your nose!
I have Cyclizine from the doc, prescription only, It is an antihistamine, for nausea, vomiting and dizziness, associated with motion sickness and vertigo.
Hi Andigirl,

You have put into words something that I have struggled with my self over the years. I'm definately an "A". The last time I got sick was 26 years ago and that was because I had too much to drink. I also hate being around people who are sick. Blood, no problem, vomit turns my stomach. 2 weeks ago I went down with a stomach bug that is going around and I did everything that I could to avoid vomiting. I would probably have felt better sooner if I could just have let it go!

Fortunately, my Crohn's has only really attacked the tail end so far.

I hate being sick but it has been one of my main symptoms and I have got used to it. What I really hate is being sick in hospital when others are around and I am tied to the bed with an infusion of some sort. I find it mortifying and much prefer the toilet option.

Though the worst EVER thing was when I was admitted after a big bleed and was having a blood transfusion. I had very a very low Hb and BP so wasn't even allowed a commode (which is bad enough in a bay of people) and they made me use a bed pan...they only did this once after the mess that occurred on the sheets etc. Again I was SO embarrassed.
It was the emergency admission ward and they obviously didn't have someone in often with very active crohns. They were so slow answering the bell the million times I had D I ended up unhooking my infusion and heading for he toilet...much to their displeasure but what do they expect? I still have nightmares...
Thank you! I used to think that I was one of the few people had this aversion. I am on things for the nausea. My GI doctor told me that either way, I'd be fine (throwing up or preventing myself for doing it). I think I will continue to try to fight the nausea, but I may eventually get to the point of just doing it to relieve myself. My doctor said that I probably would have the nausea as my Crohns is in an area where that is a symptom. Zofran and ginger are terrific, but there are those really bad times when they just take the edge off that horrible feeling.
Oh, AndiGirl, I am so sorry you go through this. My daughter is that way too. She fights and fights and fights it. I just let it go. I don't "bring it on" but I feel so much better after that fighting just is not an option for me. I did know that this was a "real" phobia but I did not realize how common.
Good luck finding your answer.
Michele :ghug:
A big thanks to everyone for the support. This is one demon that I'll probably need to confront as my CD brings on nausea. It sure isn't fun. I have to keep reminding myself that it's gross, but people do it all the time and live. Heck, I've done it and lived. I need to quit worrying about it when I have nausea. I think that is the bad part.

My doctor prescribes Zofran for me because he knows that I work and am also a busy mama, who can't afford to be held up with nausea. He's very understanding and said his wife is the same way. He gave me advice that he has given his wife many times. Here it is: If you really need to vomit, your body will do it no matter what. If you feel nauseated, you have two choices, get sick or fight off (work through it). Many people believe that throwing up will make things better instantly. That is not always the case. He claims that some people feel relief, others feel worse, and others need more sessions of getting sick to feel better. He claims that if you can fight it, you are not hurting your body if you choose not vomit. He also said that you might feel better just doing it. He claims to have other patients that have gone 20 plus years without getting sick. That reminds me of my father.

I know in my heart that I need to deal with the worry when nausea hits me hard. I can do what I can to try to make it go away, but I need to be okay with the thought that getting sick may be the answer once in a while. Deal with the fear rationally. Easier said than done.
He's right though. When your body needs to, it will no matter what and I hope you don't fight it then cause that's when it comes out your nose. Hurts so bad. D:
I have also had alot of nausea and vommiting this sux!!!I use TEI-FU essential oils under my nose just a drop to help and on my tummy to help with pain.I do take rx when needed but this seems to help alot!I dn't like take meds
I normally take the Southern route with my tummy probs.
Still have no dx. , but I do get tidal waves of nausea now & again.

I have found that cola syrup over a bit of cracked ice cools the urge down quite a bit.

Sometimes you just have to let it out & the longer you wait the harder you retch.

I just hate to vomit too, but I also think the sooner you let it out the sooner you're going to feel better.
Definitley C! I will fight it as long as I can, then wonder why I waited so long after I finally do throw up. Dumb, but I manage to do it every time. :)
Sometimes just kneeling in front of the toilet will finally get me to get over it and throw up already. Laying on the bed moaning about it doesn't work...
I have had a lot of issues with nausea due to narrowing and small bowel involvement with my Crohn's. Hate it!
Definitley C! I will fight it as long as I can, then wonder why I waited so long after I finally do throw up. Dumb, but I manage to do it every time. :

Sadly, I'm the same way. My husband keeps telling, "Just do it! Get it over with." I don't think it's so easy.

My brother also has CD, but his doesn't seem to cause too much nausea as his is mostly in his colon. I haven't been able to speak to him as much as I'd like about how he copes with his CD. He knows that I'm suffering a lot of nausea because of where my CD is located. He also knows how much I hate throwing up. He's my big brother who has always looked out for me. I've had nausea off and on for a week now, so when he stopped by for a little while on the weekend, as asked him how he does it. Vomiting seems to come so easily for him. He said something that I never really thought of. He said, "I used to party. People who drink to get drunk seem to get used to it. It's not that big of a deal to them." He than said, "I don't know why you are so afraid of it. It's not going to kill you. It's gross, but that's about it. You and Ellen (one of my older sisters) are weird that way." He reminded me that when either Ellen or I would throw-up while we were growing up, we would cry (more like bawl) afterward. Ellen is not emetophobic and she will throw-up, but she still cries afterward. I am scared of it, but when I break down to do it, I don't cry.

For those of you who are like me, absolutely hate it; I think I figured out the reason. It is such a violent process. You have no control once you start. Your body is using so many different muscles. The actual retching can hurt. The taste and smell add to the discomfort. I think many people wouldn't develop the fear if it didn't have so many parts to it. I probably would handle it better if it were violent but without the taste and smell; or non-violent (no retching) with the taste and smell. Put them together, blech!!! Just a thought. My brother told me to watch the next time somebody close to me gets sick. He claims that if I do that several times, it won't bother me so much, and I may start to overcome the fear.
I think your brother is sweet to talk to you about it. As I said before, it is not on my list of things to do, but I am not afraid of it. I am a sympathetic thrower upper though. When I was working in the schools, all my kids knew to hit the trash can and take it in the hall, cause Miss Michele would puke right along side you if it happened in her class! My poor students! They put up with a lot from me!
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I hear you Michele! I don't puke along with them, but I feel sick for a while when I see kids or anyone for that matter getting sick.

I did remind my brother that when I was in high school, I remember hearing him puke. I said each time it started, I would plug my ears and distract myself. Maybe when my kids are older, I'll get better about dealing with it.
Hey Andi, thanks for this thread, I'm right there with you hunny. I too am terrified of being sick and will do anything to avoid it coming out. Things that have stopped me being sick in the past are:

going to sleep and hoping it's gone when I wake up
Ginger biscuits
Ice Pops/Ice Lollies or just suck on a plain cube of ice
Homeopathic remedy Nux Vomica (strength 30c)

Stay well Andi.

Hi Paula! I haven't tried the ice, but anything with ginger does seem to help.

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