Embarrassing question, but...

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Oct 11, 2009
So I have had external hemeroids and skin tags since I was 18 (I am 26 now). They have only gotten worse with time. They are very large and infected, painful and embarrassing. They actually are such a problem that it makes it harder for me to go to the bathroom. Very gross and un-sexy.

I asked my Dr years ago if I could get them removed and she said no because surgery was risky. I went to a rectal surgeon for a second opinion and he said that it would be fine, but when he called her she was furious and when I next spoke to him he said that he would not do it if my GI Dr did not approve. The whole experience was very embarrassing. My GI was very angry at me for asking another Dr, but she said that I could ask her again when I was 21. I did and she still said no. I gave up after that out of embarrassment.

This may not seem like a big problem in the grand sceam of the diseas, but they bother me very much both because of how they look and because of how they feel.

Last year I saw a rectal surgeon because I had a fistula and he said that the operation would be easy and safe. My Dr still said that she would not let me have it.

I am getting a new Dr on Tuesday and I am going to ask him what he thinks. Has anyone else dealt with this problem, and if so, did anyone have any problems getting them removed? If it really is too dangerous, I will continue to deal with it, but I would be so happy to have one less problem in my life.

As a side note- I had a very mean condesending Dr. She hated me. I have no idea why I stayed with her for so long, except that I started seeing her when I was very young and always have a hard time standing up for my health. She is no longer taking my insurance, forcing me to find a new Dr, which is probably the best thing that could have happened.
I have asked G.I.s about it before and they have always said no. I think the explanation that I got was that because of Crohn's they would not heal well and would probably cause more problems than if they were left alone.
hey jers girl!
yeah ive had a load of skin tags too =/ they suck. mine were always sore but never infected. i had a few smallish ones around my bum hole and then there was this longer one, ew. after a while it stopped being sore and almost had no feeling, like my body was slowly taking away the nerves and blood from it. just my speculation.
any way, about a year ago i was having surgery on one of my fisultas, just to clean things up and place a new seton, and my surgeon just snipped that sucker off. we had NOT discussed it beforehand, so i was very suprised when he told me as i was waking up.
but it turned out not to be a big deal at all! it was really really sore at first and bled a lot, and hurt horribly to go to the bathroom, but after about a week it was almost like it was never there.
i now have an ileostomy and all the little skin tags seem like theyre dissapearing, my bum is healing nicely.

SO in my opin, i dont think it would be a problem to have them removed, BUT if they are very infected? that could pose a problem. in my experince srgeons hesitate to cut where there is active inflammation/infection, becasue (as wiles said) they risk not healing well. cutting into inflammation can just cause a bigger problem.
maybe there are some topical meds you can try to see if the area will calm down enough to go for the surgery? talk to your doc and see. also maybe have this in depth convo with your surgeron, ask him his opinion on how well it will heal, ok?

and im so relieved that you are getting a new GI, i was gonna suggest that too, she definitly did not have your best interest at heart. good job!

i hope this helps jers, good luck! let us know how the appt goes on tuesday :)

and p.s. try not to be embarrased ;) we ALL have butt issues here, we can commiserate.
Thanks for your input guys. I really apreciate your posting.

It's so fun to feel like I am getting to know people on this forum the longer that I am on here. :)
First of all, congrats on switching doctors! I hope this one makes it easier for you.

I had skin tags that the doc said he wouldn't bother removing cuz they would just grow back. I ended up having surgery for a peri-anal fistula and said "Hey - while you're down there, you wanna chop those suckers off?" He did. Aaaaand they grew back - just like he said they would, haha.
However - since I have been in remission, they seem to have disappeared, which is really cool! I've never thought about it before, but maybe the skin tags are like a hemmerhoid, but on the outside. Ya know how hemmerhoids come and go, maybe the skin tags do that too? Dunno.

Good luck at your appt!
Skin tags are very mysterious. I have heard they can be a early sign of diabetes, but that is in a normal person. I think when you have Crohn's the reasons may be different.

My doctors have to be fairly tolerant since I will usually give them a second opinion.

My cholesterol was somewhat high, and the doctor asked if I would consider taking a statin drug. She should have known better, but it never hurts to ask I guess.

I told her that I had no history of Heart Disease in my family and that I do not believe that high cholesterol has anything to do with Heart Disease, but that inflammation does play a big role. Since I already address any inflammation with supplements there would be no point to take a Statin drug that would also address the inflammation, as Statin Drugs are also antiinflammatory.

As a last resort she asked if I would take Fish oil. I said I take Krill Oil already as it is better as an antiinflammatory supplement.

I am surprised that they keep me as a patient at all. But science and common sense directs what I will and will not do, and I am not going to do something just to make the doctor happy.

I guess I am getting rather stubborn as I get older.

I don't know anything about skin tags and such, so I can't really help you there, but I just wanted to chime in about your GI doctor- It's great that you're getting a new one! Any decent doctor wouldn't get mad at you for wanting a second opinion. They might be a little upset, but not overly mad. Remember, you are your own best advocate. I know it can be hard, but educate yourself as much as possible, and stand up for yourself. Don't be afraid to ask questions, too. And don't be afraid to go else where if your doctor isn't taking good care of you. Best wishes!
Be very cautious with perianal crohn's skin tags, especially when they are in a flared state (my story is long so I won't go into it now but here are some links...

in patients with Crohn's disease, conservative management is advised because of the post-operative risk of poor wound healing, anorectal stenosis and the potential need for subsequent proctectomy. Perianal crohn's skin tags differ from anal tags left over from having hemmies.



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I've had hemeroids on and off in my life with IBD/Colitis/Crohns... but have been really constant lately and dr does not want me to take more cortisone than needed, so just using Prep H stuff but they keep coming back. It's like I have to take it daily. I have fiber supplements I take (I cant eat fruits/veggies), but still. Ugh.

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