EMERGENCY 911!!!! Need help / advice right this second.

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Dec 23, 2012
Edit: Check out my last post, Its starting to get hard to pee. Not painful, just tight, or like there is no pressure. What does this mean? (See last post)

Hello, I have been dealing with crohns for about 2 years and have not experienced what I am experiencing tonight, except for when I was first admited to the hospital and finding out I had crohns.

In the last couple days, my stool has been having spots of blood in it, and I thought it was beacuse of a tear in my rectum. However the last couple nights, tonight being the worst, I have been having nothing but liquid come out, and it is all bloody. Sorry for being gross, but I am going to attach pictures. The first was at dinner around 8, and the 2nd was just now at 2:30 am)

the few days prior to this, it has been more than usual pain to go to the bathroom, and I have been a bit more sore in my stomach area. Along with lots more pain in my rectum while trying to actally go to the bathroom. All my urgency came back, along with the comfortable "I gotta go to the bathroom" feelng ever 30 min, and it seems to be getting less and less time between tirps, like I feel my rectum filling up with more liquid, and hear my stomach squishing the liquid around in my gut.

I dont know what the "signs" are of a flare, mainly beacuse I have not been 100% into remission for 2 years now, but tonight the symtoms are the worse they have been ever, just as bad as when I was just released from the hospital, but not AS BAD as when I was in the hospital, as far as the pain goes at least..However, I have a 50mg fentanly patch on and just took 30mg of oxycodone, along with another 30 earlier at 8. So, that could be why I am not experiencing as much pain, but still some pain and discomfort.

No fever.

I sent my doctor an email, and I am going to try and call him in the morning....

I am 4 days late on my remicade infusion due to a mixup, and I am getting it done TODAY at 11am. I dont know if I should go get my infusion and maybe the symptoms will get better after the infusion... Or if this is a clear sign that I need to go to the hospital... I jsut dont know what is "normal" or what is a definite "Go the the hospital NOW".


IS THIS BRIGHT RED OR DARK BLOOD??? I have heard that dark is bad, and red is, not "ok" but not as bad as dark... I cant tell if this is considered dark or light in the pictures. Any help on this?

I cant tell if this is blood for sure, I dont know I am 2nd guessing everything.. I has that distinct smell that I remember from the hospital though.

Feel free to look if you have the stomach for that sort of thing (sorry for posting up something disgusting.

This was 8pm.

This was 2am.
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Hey Derek,

Sorry, I'm really of no help. But if you haven't had blood before, or very little in the past and this is enough to warrant your concern, I would hazard a guess to get to the E.R ASAP. It might be Crohn's related, or could be something else along the IBD line, but it's better to get it checked out, just to be safe. I'm still working on my own diagnosis and haven't had blood in my stool that I could see, so like I said, I'm not much help, but if you've got internal bleeding that is a new symptom, it is better to get it checked.

Your doctor will probably refer you to the ER or for a scan and possible a fecal occult test. Sorry to hear you're going through this.
Ahhhh I dont know what to do, If I go tonight then I could miss my remicade infusion (Which might be the reason for the symptoms in the first place)

I wish there was a way I could contact my doctor for an emergency question. I use this site called "mychart" and sent him a message telling him whats wrong, but I am guessing that he will not see it until (I am HOPING) later this morning, If not later tonight.

I dont know what to do :(

I ******* hate this. I don't want to go to the hospital again.

Im not of big help either... but,
Sounds bad, I havent experienced that before, but I havent had surgery this far, so...
I would call the emergency room at least to tell them what you are experiencing and take it from there.
If you do not agree with them, if they tell you to wait or whatever, call 911 and get help asap.

Hope someone writes that have such experiences.
But do call the emergency at least to tell them whats going on NOW!

Good luck.
I'm familiar with Mychart, but I can't send messages. They're not set up for that yet.

It's possible you can call your doctor's office after hours and someone will pick up. If you get a voice mail message at the beginning saying it's closed, stay on the line until the message ends. It may start ringing and someone may be able to talk to you. They may ask if you want to talk to your doctor. I found that out about my own doctor a couple of months ago. I didn't get end up getting her out of bed, but speaking to someone was helpful.
My doctors office opens in 6 hours. I am going to wait it out and call him. Ill be sure to drink a lot of water to keep hydrated from the diarrhea.

I just wish I know what constitutes a "I need to go to the hospital" judgment call, as I am sure other have made in the past. Like all the posts I have read where people say.. I was doing good until I ended up back in the hospital in June, or whatever.

What made them decide it was time to go back to the hospital.

Ahhhhhhhh this SUCKS!
Best of luck.

It connected me to their urgent care, and I just got connected with an advice nurse, they took my issues down and passed it to the nurse on duty and she is supposed to be calling me back shortly.

I know that because they are giving out advice they are going to play the "better safe than sorry" card. And probably end up telling me to go to the ER anyway... I just dont know if it is worth it or if I should just wait the 5 1/2 hours until my doctors office opens up and get in contact with him.

It connected me to their urgent care, and I just got connected with an advice nurse, they took my issues down and passed it to the nurse on duty and she is supposed to be calling me back shortly.

I know that because they are giving out advice they are going to play the "better safe than sorry" card. And probably end up telling me to go to the ER anyway... I just dont know if it is worth it or if I should just wait the 5 1/2 hours until my doctors office opens up and get in contact with him.


I hear what you're saying. Every time I talk to my doctor about something, it's always 'see a specialist' -and I spent my first 29 years dealing with a primary doctor that had been to medical school and could do a lot more than they can here. They seem to utilize more of their training. Here, it's like their hands are tied. I guess it's fear of law suits and also because they can't see you, they make the best judgment call.

If you think you can wait until the doctor's clinic opens, wait. If you're losing a lot of blood volume, please don't put it off. Even though it might be difficult, try and keep your fluids up. Particularly electrolytes. It sounds like you're flushing a lot of those out of your system at present. I'm not a doctor, am still new to Crohn's and haven't had all the really nasty symptoms. Just usually a lot of pain. So I'm by no means an expert.
Yeah so the urgent nurse was no help, she said well, Give us a call in the morning, and we will send you to your pirmary care doctor. I was like, uh, wait. My primary care doctors is a new one that knows nothing about me, I have a GI doctor that has been on my case and knows what to do. And she was like, we cant do that, you must first go to your primary doctor, get a stool sample, and then if he recommends it, he can send you to your GI doctor once the stool sample comes back in a couple days.

I was like >.< (Facepalm)

I am just going to call my GI doctor in 4 hours and 15 min, I guess they open at 8 instead of 9. woot. So much for getting any sleep tonight, and I already took 2 sleeping pills. Let the hallucinations begin!

It seems that they think it's semi-urgent, but probably more comfortable waiting at home. If your GI specialist knows and understands what's going on, it's better to wait for them. You'll probably get better care with regards to medical history and current circumstance.

Ultimately, it's your body and you know what's become your normal and what's new or something to be alarmed about. If you're able to, try and lie down and rest your eyes. The worst that could happen is you actually might fall asleep. And if you don't sleep, because of concerns or your gut rushing you to the bathroom, you've at least rested your head a bit. It can help.
It sounds to me like a mini flare up. The reason i say mini is because a huge flare up you will have more blood and probably have been writting this from hospital.

I think you will end up getting put on steroids for a bit. but it does sound to me like a mini flare up

How did it go today? Did you get to see your GI? so sorry you are having so much trouble! Also a reminder for me to ask m GI exactly what he would say constitutes a run to the ER.... I don't really know either.
Hello there, I am sorry I'm late coming in on this

Firstly, I want to reassure you a little, while blood is not normal, it is a common symptom of IBD and it's not always a sign of anything sinister.

There are multiple possible causes for blood appearing, you might have inflammation in the rectum or you could have some small tears (fissures) in the lining which might be bleeding, especially when you pass stool as this would irritate them.

I think the sensible thing to do is inform your GI or IBD nurse but still attend for your remicade. If this is being caused by a flare, which is the most likely explication, then delaying your infusion could make this a lot worse.

Try not to panic, getting stressed out really isn't good for IBD. I know that's easier said than done and I know that blood is a scary thing, particularly if it's never happened to you before, but it is a common part of IBD and it's not always serious. Just make sure you get in touch with someone in your IBD team and take it from there.
With blood I would wait and call in the morning, unless it was huge amounts of continuous blood. The pain would make me want to talk to a GI on call. For my son (may work differently in pediatrics) I would have called the GI on call day or night. I have had to call them in the evening before and they have always been extremely nice about it, that is what they are there for. Once it turned out to be nothing, but the other time it was life threatening and it was good I called.

The nurse that gives you your remicade infusions should know if you can get your infusion but I would ask you GI as well if there is time. My GI's nurse has made mistakes before so if she doesn't seem to know what the heck she is talking about I ask to speak to the GI.

If you are able to wonder if you should go to the ER, usually you are okay waiting it out. In my experience if it is life threatening there is no question in your mind, you just know. Better always to be safe than sorry though.

I hope you are feeling better soon(((((Hugs))))))
Just wanted to give and update, I didnt go to the ER, and I spoke with my GI first thing this morning, he had me go and get my remicade infusion and he is having me come in tomorrow for an examination along with some blood tests and a stool sample, depending on if I get better or worse in the next few days will determine if he will be admitting me to the hospital if things keep getting worse, or if they dont get any better actually.

Ill keep everyone updated.

good. You did the right thing in calling fast your doctor with this new bloody symptom. this amount of blood is minimal compared to what I have experienced in my peaks in the past and my recto-colitis is classified as moderate. You have a a doctor who responded very fast (you are lucky).
good luck.
I have noticed that it has been getting harder to pee last night and today...No pain, just like its tighter, or like, no pressure behind it....

I remember being asked that over and over when I was in the hospital... I cant remember if this is a symptom or a side effect of a medication or a red flag.

Any advice?

Im only 28, I have never needed to take flowmax or anything like that. lol
Sorry I'm late to the party Dereksmagic and sorry you're going through this. :(

I have had a lot of blood in my stool in the past and based off of your pictures it looks like you have some fresh blood but not a lot from what I can see. Dark/old blood tends to be black and I don't see any of that.

As for difficulty urinating, it's possible that you might have a fair amount of inflammation that's preventing urine from passing but hopefully the Remicade will help.

If possible, have your GI do a rectal exam while you're there to check for hemorrhoids or a fissure and your prostate just in case (that's a quick one to rule out with the difficulty urinating). They may prescribe something (possibly a steroid) on top of the Remicade based off of your stool and blood work results. Or they my simply want to do some more tests. Keep drinking and keep us posted. :ghug:

Here's info on when to go to the ER: http://www.crohnsforum.com/showthread.php?t=55447
Yeah ill see him "today". And he is going to pull more blood and all that.

I haven't had more blood today. But lots and lots of diarrhea. 15-20 bathroom trips today. I started back on "uceris" (steroids) today.

Will keep you all updated.

I almost want to go back in the hospital just so I can get all the fluids and everything taken care of all at once. Lol. Plus all the Italian ice I can eat. :)
Two years ago I was hospitalized from complications when I didn't even know I had Crohn's. Dark blood is harder to tell, it's black and usually looks more like flecks or scabs. Red blood is fresh blood.

I was in the hospital for 6 weeks, but went into remission after being put on Humira. I never noticed the black blood in my vomit. Or didn't want to see it...

Hang in there and stay hydrated.

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