Emotions and Fatigue

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Best of British
Apr 25, 2010
My goodness, the joys of Crohn's! I've been reading through the posts here and today it just brings a lump to my throat.. I breaks my heart to read about the uncertainty, suffering and pain.. but also to see the support and strength of everyone is wonderful.

I've been struggling these last 2 weeks of fatigue. One day I'll be ok, the next I can barely get up any stairs. It's ridiculous. For a while I thought it might be ME, because I know that can be connected and I have many other symptoms similar, but I saw a doctor yesterday and he said it was just Crohn's.. the thing is, I've NEVER had it this bad. I've not been sleeping well for the last week or so and this is different to the weariness associated with anaemia.

I get so weary in my bones they hurt. It sounds crazy, but it feels like my bones ache and the only relief is lying on my back straight out. If I curl they hurt more.

Does that make any sense or am I going crazy? Sometimes I feel crazy. The other thing is that it's so hard to explain to people, they just don't understand. It's not that I'm tired.. sleep doesn't help at all. It's not restful and I'm just as weary after sleeping as before.

My emotions have been all over the place.. I slept better last night than I did in a long while, but there was a period where I used to dread night times.. I hate that.

Anyway.... just had to get that out.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful day, and can find some things in the day to encourage them!

My encouragement today - reading all the posts and knowing there's a support base of people who know what you're going through!

Hey Cris, All of us at some time or another feel the way you do. The many times of my journey through this diesease I have gone into a slight depression but never took anything for it because it usually passes. We are worried about our own future from time to time but you take the time to look after yourself and try to pick yourself up. Not an easy task, as we all know.

Having fatigue is very common in Crohns. Could be just part of the diesease or lacking something in our bodies. Glad glad you posted, makes all aware of the different ages of people who get Crohns. Whilst some are suffering more than others, it still wears us down. :hang:
Hi Chris,

I understand how you feel. I get fatigued pretty easily, too. Emotions? I could probably write a book about that (maybe I will).

Choice is the saving Grace I have available to me. Today, I'm choosing to live with Crohn's disease. You know there is a whole lotta stuff I have to face today by making that choice. I'm betting the ranch that living with Crohn's today is the best choice - we'll see in 24 hours.

I'm also making a choice with my emotions today. This is one place where I know that I can make a difference. I can choose to be a slave or a master. I find that it consistantly works better for me to choose being a master over my emotions. If I'm a slave to my emotions, that is too much work. There are way too many of them, and they often don't have too much regard for what is best for me.

The best part about emotions is that I have a mind, an intellect, and it follows my choices. Intellect will keep me safe and secure when my emotions are having an uprising. However, there are other times when I can rely on my emotions. If I'm having trouble with emotions, what I do is exercise my intellect.

The key to both of my choices for today is putting them into action. Once I get the feet moving in a constructive direction, today becomes a done deal. It works every time. I live by this belief: Constructive action never fails.

They say that the only "guarantees" in life are "death and taxes". Well, whoever came up with that depressing thought missed the best guarantee of a lifetime: Constructive action never fails. Try it - just for today - you'll probably like it, too.
Chris, I have been lucky and haven't suffered much fatigue yet, but I've only had Crohn's for a few months, so who knows about the future. Fatigue is one of my daughter's biggest problems. She also gets what she calls "brain fog" when she feels fatigued. She gets really frustrated because she will be sitting in a class at college and forget something that she knew the day before. Her thinking just gets muddled and the fatigue makes it worse.
We haven't found a solution yet, but you're not alone.

I know how you feel. Fatigue is a big problem for me, I just cant seem to get up from my chair some days, and others I have the mental energy to make myslef do it. I feel so lazy sometimes, but I want to be able to do things, I just cant physically do it. So on my good days I live it up! doing whatever I can as much as I can, then I dont feel soo bad on those days that I cant do anything. But it really does suck having to deal with the exhaustion.
Thanks guys, yeah I get the brain fog too, which doesn't help right now as I'm planning a 6 month training school that I'm leading in January.. But yeah you're right, it won't be forever. As long as I can have my space... and eat better.. I'll be fine!

I need to make the most of my good days but they all seemed to be full of work and work related stress! Man, I feel like I've been so negative recently, but again I think that's just the tiredness. It knocks me for 6.. emotionally too. Which is funny, because if anyone has done Strengths Finder one of my strengths is positivity.. Not seeing much of that right now ;)

Thanks so much everyone..
I can totally relate to not being able to see much positive right now. Fatigue is a bummer and there's not much we can do but wait it out. I hate scaling back when I get started on something. I hope you feel better today.
I get so weary in my bones they hurt.
It's not that I'm tired.. sleep doesn't help at all. It's not restful and I'm just as weary after sleeping as before.

Hey there! You're not crazy - I've been dealing with just that on-again off-again for years. And the brain fog. All this has been especially bad for me the past 3 mths. It's not anemia or thyroid trouble. I exercise, drink tons of water, sleep tons of hours. And still there are tons of times I skip things I'd like to do because I'm just too fatigued/fogged/out of it :yfaint:

My encouragement today: my little dog figuring out how to get his breakfast out of his treat ball! He's too cute, if I do say so myself :lol2:

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