Enough Already !!!

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Nov 9, 2010
Hey everyone,
Sorry but really do need to vent, going crazy right now.
Just woke up in a very good mood , no stomach pains , 4 day weekend and going out to a wedding tonight - go to collet the post and have just recieved a letter from my employers saying that i have to attend a meeting on the 19th May as they now have justification for termination of my employment due to my absences. WTF !
I spoke to Occupational health/my GI and my boss about this and was told that they couldn't get rid of me as i had only just been diagnosed and was recieving treatment from the hospital. I've just started back full time and am really doing my best. I can't believe they are doiong this , there timing really is brilliant too, now i have a futher 3 days of stress and worrying before i can even speak to anyone about this.
How come when things start to look up someone's there to kick ya back down again ! Seriously feel like giving up , whats the point :frown:
Hi Joleen,
I'm so sorry you've rec'd this letter. It a real kick in the face eh?
There are a few of us on here right now going through the same. I started chemo 2 weeks ago, and 3 days later had a simular letter. I put it in the hands of my gp and the union, and let them fight it out with management. I had a call a week later to say that they would follow my occ health report and I was covered by the Equality Act, and so they would find me an alternative role within the dept. I could have told them that BEFORE they wrote the bloody letter!!
The employment law is on your side. Do you have a union rep you could contact to take thing's over on your behalf?
Hang in there X
I spoke to a union a couple of weeks ago and they said they would take me on but they wouldn't be able to help me with anything pre-existing. I have occupational health on my side , so im going to call her on Tuesday. They've just been so unhelpful through this whole thing. When i was in hospital last , i was admitted through A&E and when i called my boss to tell her , she gave me this huge guilt trip about how they would have to cancel a days worth of patients because of me (im a dental nurse) and then started going on about how i was likley to lose my job, last thing ya wanna her when your in pain in a hospital bed. They've not even given me the chance to get better , ive only just been diagnosed in Oct. Not going to take it lying down anyways.
Can't add much that the others haven't already covered, but I just wanted to say good luck!

- Amy

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