Ensure makes my stomach feel weird but seems to otherwise be great for me?

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Nov 11, 2011
It's hard to explain. Shortly after drinking Ensure Plus, my stomach sorta feels like diarrhea is coming... but it never comes. Once the feeling goes away, I don't notice any negative side effects. Stool ends up being normal and not urgent or anything, no bloating or anything.

I just thought this was odd -- any idea what may be happening? I have crohns, with mild symptoms, and it's in the terminal ileum. Next time I'll try drinking it slower to see if it makes any difference.
Hi Interactiv. Does same thing happen with other formulas?

My son had same experience with Ensure Plus and Boost Plus. He does not get that feeling when he drinks Boost High Protein or Elecare.
Thinking about it I probably experienced the same, though by then everything made my bowels act wierd.

There is quite a bit of sugar in them I think.
Hi Interactiv. Does same thing happen with other formulas?

My son had same experience with Ensure Plus and Boost Plus. He does not get that feeling when he drinks Boost High Protein or Elecare.

Not sure -- haven't tried many others. I'll have to experiment.
I find Ensure and all similar supplements quite filling - they contain far more calories than most drinks, and a lot of fat and protein, so they sit heavier in your stomach than if you drink water or carbohydrate/sugary drinks like fruit juice or energy/sports drinks. They're like milkshakes, basically, and if I remember correctly, Ensure plus has more calories than regular Ensure.

When you eat a meal, it can trigger the urge to have a bowel movement. This is true for healthy people too, but healthy people are much better at subconsciously suppressing the urge if it's not a convenient time. My guess would be that Ensures trigger the urge because they're substantial enough for your digestive system to respond to them as a small meal. Because your system's not well, it feels like a need for diarrhoea. But maybe it's not substantial enough to actually result in a bowel movement right away. Though I am just guessing, of course.

When you do have bowel movements, are they triggered by certain foods?

There are some supplements that come in a fruit juice style rather than a milkshake style - Fortijuice is the main one I know of. Personally, I found Fortijuice disgusting, but you may find it doesn't produce the feeling that Ensure gives you. Your idea of drinking it slowly may help too.
I find Ensure and all similar supplements quite filling - they contain far more calories than most drinks, and a lot of fat and protein, so they sit heavier in your stomach than if you drink water or carbohydrate/sugary drinks like fruit juice or energy/sports drinks. They're like milkshakes, basically, and if I remember correctly, Ensure plus has more calories than regular Ensure.

When you eat a meal, it can trigger the urge to have a bowel movement. This is true for healthy people too, but healthy people are much better at subconsciously suppressing the urge if it's not a convenient time. My guess would be that Ensures trigger the urge because they're substantial enough for your digestive system to respond to them as a small meal. Because your system's not well, it feels like a need for diarrhoea. But maybe it's not substantial enough to actually result in a bowel movement right away. Though I am just guessing, of course.

When you do have bowel movements, are they triggered by certain foods?

There are some supplements that come in a fruit juice style rather than a milkshake style - Fortijuice is the main one I know of. Personally, I found Fortijuice disgusting, but you may find it doesn't produce the feeling that Ensure gives you. Your idea of drinking it slowly may help too.
That makes sense. Certain foods (that I try to avoid) can trigger BMs but lately I've been normal. Ensure makes me feel like a BM will be triggered, but the feeling fades and I continue my day as if there was nothing abnormal.

And yeah, Ensure Plus is 350 calories (vs the typical ~240) -- I'm generally underweight so the extra calories are nice.
I was also diagnosed with crohns about three weeks now and since then I was told by the doctor avoid vegetables products with lactose and of course I assumed the ensure was part of the lactose family and so I stopped taking it. Now it's twice as hard for me to gain weight without the ensure.

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