Enter The Desperado: My Crohn's (well, probably) story

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mar 29, 2011
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times... and truly, the phrase's use was no cliche!

It was the summer of 2010. My life was coming together rapidly. I had recently graduated from the University of Texas and was searching diligently for a teaching job. I was engaged to the love of my life, with a wedding coming in late July.

And... I was bedridden! With severe diarrhea and mouth sores and high fever, I languished in bed mere weeks before our wedding. My condition was attributed to the significant stress of job searching while preparing for a wedding (one REALLY desires to be employed before one gets married!)

Thankfully, I was able to rally through the use of an antibiotic. I accepted a math position exactly one week before the wedding. My wife and I were able to experience the greatest wedding known to mankind, and enjoy a wonderful honeymoon in San Francisco!

The school year soon approached, and my wife and I made the move to our new hometown. Tragically, the stress of the move and the stress of embarking upon the first year of teaching (my fellow teachers understand) returned me to the condition I thought I had conquered a mere month ago!

Not wanting to deal with the problem, I "grinned and bore it" and began upon my teaching career. However, the symptoms did not go away. Diarrhea was frequent. Mouth sores were painful. Fever was intermittent. I lost 20 lbs (and I was already a bit of a beanpole!)

We began to suspect a deeper cause. A visit to a GP brought out his concerns, and I was referred to a GI doc. His concerns mirrored those of the GP, and he immediately scheduled a EGD and a colonoscopy. (Colonoscopy prep = cruel and unusual punishment.) The EGD showed healthy intestine, but the colonoscopy showed blood, ulcers and inflammation. The GI uttered his assumption: "Crohn's Disease." (It's not really a diagnosis, I suppose.)

Those surgeries? Happened last week. I've been started on some Sulfasalazine, and recently discovered what a suppository is. :eek2: (Canasa.) It's a bit of a bummer being "diagnosed" with an incurable disease in the prime of my life, but eh - life could be worse.

Looking forward to leaning on the support and wisdom of my fellow Crohnies!

- Desperado Dan
Welcome Dan and wow, a real set of mixed emotions in your post! Congratulations on your marriage and your first teaching post. As an ex-teacher, I'll testify to the stresses involved in the job. I'm a Crohnie suspect at the moment so don't really have a lot of experience, hence advice to give but just wanted to say hi and you have come to the right place. Hoping that now you're on the way to a diagnosis you'll be on the mend soon and better able to enjoy the good things that have come into your life.
Take care, Helen x
Hi Dan :bigwave: glad you found your way here. Stress is a major culprit of this disease! I used to wonder why I got so sick every time I moved. I also got my worst through a divorce and custody battle. Support means alot to us and even though outsiders try to understand (I have an amazing husband now) they can't understand that it is an embarrassing and unpredictable disease. A new job, and a new wife and home...my my that is alot to endure for healthy people. Hopefully you can get a def diagnosis so you can be treated as soon as possible to get your problems settled. Congrats on all your life's journey. It does get better once you get on track and figure out what works for you. :hang: welcome aboard!
Welcome Dan! I'm a fellow Texan (Yeah!) I'm glad you found this site, their are so many caring people here that really help with thoughts and questions you may have. I have only been diagnosed 5 months ago and already I have learned more here than anything I have read else where, including my Dr. It's hard to find people in our real lives that have Crohn's, so this site becomes so valuable, filled with real experiences of others.

I wish you so much happiness with your new marriage and huge success with your job. And most importantly..........healing of your bottom. lol
HI Dan and welcome!

Thanks for sharing your very well-written story. You have been thru a lot but thankfully you have your new bride to help you thru!

What surgeries did you have?? Sulfasalazine is a relatively mild drug, I am surprised they are using it for Crohn's, usually it is used for UC.

Hang in there! In the meantime, you will find a lot of good advice and information here!

- Amy
Hey Dan,
Welcome to the forum. We're definately all in the together.
I hope those "surgeries" are the only ones you ever need! :)
As only a man without an anus can say, trust me, there's a few worse things they can do to us.

But I do agree, prep is a horrible torture.
Got back from the gut doc, and he diagnosed me with Crohn's!

Yeah! After reading all the horror stories of people stuggling to get a dx, I feel lucky, ironically...
There are the negative aspects, which are negative enough, but I do enjoy a good laugh every now again when it comes to the IBD experience and the humor and life that reminds us all that the IBD experience is part of the human experience afterall.

Thanks for posting Dan--welcome. And thanks to all of you for your humor and life.
Hey Dan , welcome to the forum.
I got diagnosed with crohns colitis in Nov 2010, This year i have had 4 hospital stays and like yourself im planning my wedding (Aug 2011) My employers have now put me down to half pay , so feeling the stress a bit myself. I agree on the prep - horrible , i had a really bad reaction to it ended up vomiting and lost about 3 pints of blood too, so had too have a transfusion , booked in for my next colonoscopy in May , not looking forward to it at all. Hope you find this Forum as useful as i've found it :)
Hey Dan - glad you got a quick diagnosis. Hopefully you can get on your way to feeling better now!

- Amy