Even yoga hurts

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my little penguin

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Apr 15, 2012
Trying to help with DS's joint pain
Had him try mediatation -so far he is willing to try it.
Then he tried a kiddie yoga program ( 4-7 yrs ) were exercising.
Five minutes in he had to stop since it hurt his spine too much .
He can barely bend over to touch his toes. His hands only go as far as his knees if that ..
I guess swimming is it .
He sounds like M -- her spine bothers her a lot. She's lost so much mobility that she also can't bend past her knees but her rheumatologist thinks she can get it back if we can get her joints under control.

The one thing she can do besides swimming is biking (but only if her SI joints don't hurt too much).

Hope the rheumatologist has some answers for you soon. Sending HUGS:ghug:
:hug: Yes PT was ALAWAYS a horrible day afterwards.

Grace's PT lady said she feels so bad for kids with JIA because in order to help them you have to make them hurt.:(

My older kid has had chronic joint pain for a few years and has had to use crutches here and there. She often has to do pt even when in immense pain. However she does not have A condition where there could be damage to joints etc. sometimes the only thing she can do is the exercise bike and swimming. One of her biggest problems is pushing herself too hard, particularly at school where she is trying so hard not to be different. Outings are tough for all of us cos she can't walk more than ten minutes without needing a break. We have learnt that you have to modify everything, from yoga exercises that she can tolerate to gym class and pretty much any physical activity. As you know, it is important to try to keep moving (somehow) or those joints will stiffen up causing more pain. But is one of the hardest jobs as a parent to keep encouraging them to move when you can see how much pain they're in. Hang in there. Eventually these kids get so tough they can tolerate a lot more pain than the average person.

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