Hello everyone! Its been a little while since I posted. Still trying to figure this disease out, I was recently told by my GI that I have Mesenteric adinitis....Ive never heard of this until now. Apparently its an infection and/or inflamation of the mesenteric lymphnodes near the small intestine perticularly near the Ileum. So my quesiton is has anyone had this diagnosis before? The pain I experince with this new diagnosis is the pain I have suffered with my whole life. Its near the Ileum, sharp and unbearable!! They say its common for people with UC to have this diagnosis. It comes from raw pork, or some other infectious bacteria. My deal is, if this is what my problem is and has been the whole time, how common is it? Im thinking that when I get a cd attact my entire body goes into inflamation mode, thus inflaming every last lymphnode near my small intestine....is this right?? It doesnt make sense to me. Im wondering if anyone else out there has had this problem. In the mean time, I had the dreaded colonoscopy yesterday and things are looking pretty good. Lots of biopsies were taken to compare them with the last biopsies taken back in Feb. Inflamation is down and my narrowing seems to have gotten better?!? Im still so confused, and just want a solid answer for once.