Fainting due to Crohn's Disease?

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Mar 27, 2009
I was working out today for my first time in a few months, and after like 20 minutes of cardio and weight lifting i felt like i was going to pass out. I was really lightheaded and dizzy. I had to sit down for like 5 or 10 minutes while drinking some water. Then i finished working out and I got a protein drink and right after that i just had to sit down because i felt like i was going to puke and i was going to faint. So my question is am i feeling like this because i did not have enough water, not enough food? or am i really out of shape after not exercising at all for like 5 months. Or is it the crohns... lol
I had the same thing happen to me. I'm not sure what it was, but I ate a banana and the feeling went away. So, the next time I went to work out I made sure I ate a banana before. I think it is the chrons, but anybody who doesn't hydrate or work out with enough juice in them before would feel that way.

Bananas have potassium and sugar. I know I needed a potasium drip when I am sick in the hospital.

Try eating some protein before and make sure you keep hydrated and make sure you cool down enough from the cardio before weights. Your endurance might not be at the same level because you haven't been for a few months.

That's about all I can suggest from my experience.
hey dont worry.. it happens at times.. nay be u must have been tired the previous day or might have strained yourself too much..
dont worry everything wll be fine...:)
Thanks, but i didnt do anything the previous day:D lol also i woke up like 1 hour before i started working out so that might be it also haha
This just happened to me last week. My hemoglobin levels were really low but have gone back up. If it ever happens i would say go to the doctor and check the blood levels.

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