Fake Poop for Fecal Transplant

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Jun 21, 2012
Doctors in Ontario, Canada, developed the synthetic stool — which they call RePOOPulate — to treat people sick with infections from Clostridium difficile, a bacterium that can cause serious, persistent bouts of diarrhea.

lay article here

scientific article with full text here http://www.microbiomejournal.com/content/1/1/3
Stool substitute transplant therapy for the eradication of Clostridium difficile infection: ‘RePOOPulating’ the gut


Fecal bacteriotherapy (‘stool transplant’) can be effective in treating recurrent Clostridium difficile infection, but concerns of donor infection transmission and patient acceptance limit its use. Here we describe the use of a stool substitute preparation, made from purified intestinal bacterial cultures derived from a single healthy donor, to treat recurrent C. difficile infection that had failed repeated standard antibiotics. Thirty-three isolates were recovered from a healthy donor stool sample. Two patients who had failed at least three courses of metronidazole or vancomycin underwent colonoscopy and the mixture was infused throughout the right and mid colon. Pre-treatment and post-treatment stool samples were analyzed by 16 S rRNA gene sequencing using the Ion Torrent platform.

Both patients were infected with the hyper virulent C. difficile strain, ribotype 078. Following stool substitute treatment, each patient reverted to their normal bowel pattern within 2 to 3 days and remained symptom-free at 6 months. The analysis demonstrated that rRNA sequences found in the stool substitute were rare in the pre-treatment stool samples but constituted over 25% of the sequences up to 6 months after treatment.

This proof-of-principle study demonstrates that a stool substitute mixture comprising a multi-species community of bacteria is capable of curing antibiotic-resistant C. difficile colitis. This benefit correlates with major changes in stool microbial profile and these changes reflect isolates from the synthetic mixture.
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Very interesting but I thought the poop needed to be from a family member with a similar gut flora make up.
Very interesting but I thought the poop needed to be from a family member with a similar gut flora make up.

From what I read, they believe that using a family member or someone sharing the same household as your donor offers the best chance of success, but it not an absolute requirement.

Interesting article.
this is definitely where the future is with fixing dysbiosis, like that in IBD. for now, there are problems with this method and with doing regular fecal transplant, doing something like this repoopulate mixture of 33 bacteria, seems super ultra safe, but then again, its not going to have the same diversity that a real intestinal flora has which you would get with a fecal transplant with a complete flora. im sure this mixture of flora for repoopulate will become more diverse then 33 bacteria, and be expanded to include other important species and strains.

regardless of the obstacles, we are going in the right direction!!

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