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Don't you just HATE it when your family don't understand what you're going through?

I'm going to the toilet nearly 5 or 6 times a night. Sometimes I'm still asleep when I stagger out of bed.

Yesterday I had an argument with my elder brother.

He says I make too much noise, and I should try and be quieter. I tried to explain at 4am I don't even REALISE how much noise I'm making, and what does he want me to do? Muffle my butt ffs!!

And get this..I also have to make sure the bowl is clean after every use. Now I do this as a matter of course, but should there be an occasion when I forget do I deserve to be screamed at?!

Am I being unreasonable?

Rant over....

I'm getting revenge tonight. They aint seen nuthin yet. I just ordered a curry hehehehe
Lame! If you do clean the toilet make sure you leave any splatter that lands on the floor and walls. Guess they'll be more specific next time.
I'm sure you're not any louder at 4am then you need to be. I agree with Creepy...if they still don't understand don't flush to show him how "good" it gets for you.
And the next time you get in trouble for not putting the lid down pee on the seat. My wife and I have an arrangement. She checks to see if the lid is down before she sits down and I check to see if the lid is up before I urinate. Considering I also check to see if it's down before I sit I'd say I'm doing more than my fair share of the work.
Well, gender issues aside.. if the house rules call for the seat to be down, should also insist the lid be down... it levels out the p _ _ _ ing field (hey, no need to edit that.. I said "playing" field) Gotta admit, it sure is nice not to share a b/r with a 'non' crohnie.

As for family members complaining about the 'cleanliness' of the toilet... Here's a little trick you might want to try, just to shut them up.. Discretely wrap the top of the bowl in plastic film.. ie Saran wrap, cling free.. clear cello wrap, etc (fill in the blank based on an equivalent product in your country of origin). When either a male or female member of the family discovers the hard (n dirty) way it is sealed, and starts ranting N raving about who did it... stand up and say "It was sealed for your protection".. Either you'll start a toilet war where you've all the ammo, or else they'll learn to cut you some slack.. or just get pissed off.
(sorry... I couldn't resist that last one.. but, it really is appropo or is it appropee).
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BWS1982 said:
Somewhat on topic, I HATE it when I have to use one of those "female-designed" toilets that leave no room for "male equipment" in the front area, the ones that are perfectly round and not oblong shaped. I also hate it when the design makes it a near guarantee you get splashed somehow, no matter how gently your excretions exit your body and drop down. I also hate when there's no fan in the bathroom, like my gf's grandmothers place, and it's a small enough house that a shut door does little to stiffle the noises and your "stage" of process (now he's done going, he sounds like he's wiping now, oh, heard it flush, I hear the sink running, good he washed his hands, why the long pause now, did we not have a towel/toilet paper?)
Female designed? Ha! That's what they were ALL like not that long ago. Whippersnapper :D (I'm just teasing you, I know you're not THAT much younger than me:p )
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BWS1982 said:
Somewhat on topic, I HATE it when I have to use one of those "female-designed" toilets that leave no room for "male equipment" in the front area, the ones that are perfectly round and not oblong shaped. I also hate it when the design makes it a near guarantee you get splashed somehow, no matter how gently your excretions exit your body and drop down. I also hate when there's no fan in the bathroom, like my gf's grandmothers place, and it's a small enough house that a shut door does little to stiffle the noises and your "stage" of process (now he's done going, he sounds like he's wiping now, oh, heard it flush, I hear the sink running, good he washed his hands, why the long pause now, did we not have a towel/toilet paper?)


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