Family Medical Leave

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May 5, 2010
I'm not sure if Family Medical Leave is something that's only done here in the US, so apologies in advance if this isn't a familiar concept to some of you.

I've been using a fair amount of sick leave at work, and it's getting to the point where I'm facing disciplinary action (which could eventually include me being fired). So my human resources rep said I should apply for FML because that way I get up to 90 days where I can be out of work sick and it will not put my job in jeopardy or result in disciplinary action. So I'm applying for that now.

My question is, I'm still undiagnosed, and there's a section of paperwork that has to be filled out by my doctor. I'm honestly not sure what he's going to say on the paperwork since I am still undiagnosed. I hope he is able to give answers that let them approve me to get FML. Has anyone else gone through this process while still undiagnosed? If my GI doesn't think I qualify for FML, I can always try my GP, but I haven't been to the GP since December and I have been to my GI multiple times recently, so I thought my GI was a better starting point. Any advice anyone can give me about this? This whole thing is new to me and I already peppered my HR rep with questions, but I'd like to hear from others who have already been through the process. Thanks!
Don't know too much about this but wanted to say good luck. My former employer was generous enough to give me FML, even though the size of the company made them exempt from offering it.

I hope you are able to work things out!

- Amy
I am not American but, can you say IBS? I know it is a condition and not a disease but better to say something?
I'm not in the States either, but my insurance company is American! My experience with taking in all the different forms for my doctor to fill in has been that the forms usually ask for a diagnosis, but they also ask about symptoms, frequency of visits to the doctor, the kinds of diagnostics they've performed and any treatments for symptoms they've prescribed.

The first time I had to take short term illness leave, my cancer hadn't been diagnosed, so I didn't have a diagnosis. But the symptoms of fatigue, throwing up blood, and bizarre blood test results, and other forms of inexplicable bleeding seemed to satisfy them to approve my short term illness leave.

Some doctors are really bad at filling in the forms: my strategy has been to write out as much information as possible for the various questions on the forms and attach it to the form to give to my doctor. And then I hope for the best, 'cause that's all I can do at that point! Hope this makes sense.
Hi Cat,

I have my own business so I don't have any kind of leave but what struck me about your post is that on top of being sick and trying to get a proper diagnosis you have to worry about taking time off, possible disciplinary action etc. etc. Since you are seeing a GI and together trying to get a diagnosis that he will come up with something for you to satisfy fmla.

I'm sorry you are having to go through all the worry and paperwork on top of not feeling well. I hope everything goes smoothly and you get a diagnosis and proper tx soon.
Thanks everyone for your replies.

Amy: I didn't know there was a company size requirement. Fortunately the place I work at is a rather large company, so no worries there. Both my boss and my HR rep have been really nice and understanding about me being so ill all the time, but at the same time the HR rep said she has to treat me the same as the other employees, which is why we had to talk about disciplinary action and FML.

Pen: I'm not allowed to say what my diagnosis is on the paperwork; that's up to the doctor that fills it out. I don't think my GI will say IBS because he's one of those doctors that doesn't seem to believe IBS is a legitimate thing. He's leaning towards crohn's but he's really against giving a firm diagnosis until he sees some evidence of the disease. I'm having my pill cam in exactly two weeks so hopefully that will yield a diagnosis, but my HR rep wanted me to get the FML paperwork filled out ASAP. She said I could update the paperwork later if/when I do get a diagnosis.

Glum: My doctor should be pretty good at filling in the form, he's always writing and taking lots of notes when I have a consultation with him. So hopefully, like you said, the part where he puts down my symptoms and lists all the tests I've had will be enough for them to determine that I do qualify for FML. My HR rep said that all the form really needs to impart is that I do have a serious medical condition that requires me to be out sick more often than regular people. I hope my GI is able to convey that on the form, I faxed it over to his office yesterday afternoon and haven't gotten it back yet.

Ann: Yes, it's really hard being sick and trying to work full-time. I work in an office and unfortunately I'm not able to work from home, and some days it's really hard to make myself go in. Today is one of those days, and of course now I'm petrified to call in sick because I can't lose my job - if I lose my job I'll lose my insurance and won't be able to go to the doctor any more anyway, plus my husband doesn't make enough money to support both of us, so I'd probably lose my house too if I lost my job. So, I'm trying to drink some tea to calm my stomach and I've got the heating pad on and just trying to feel human again before I have to leave for work. Not fun. So I'm really, really hoping this FML thing is approved and soon.
I can't help either Cat!! I hope you get the fml so you can stop stressing about work!!! I'm afraid you are in a vicious cycle there!! Worrying about being sick and missing work is adding too much stress for you. Good luck!!
I thought FMLA was without pay. The Family Medical Leave Act is used by you or a family member to care for you. FMLA Poster should be hanging somewhere in your work place that you can see and read. By law they should have it up. Ours is in our break room. Workers should be able to take up to 6 mos. for FMLA (don't quote me on that, but that's what I thought I've heard over the years). It's to protect you to have a job to come back to. I don't think they have to promise the same position, but they have to promise you a job. Check it out really well because I could be wrong on some of this. Maybe you could check it out on the computer. From my experience the doctors are not the ones to always fill out those forms sometimes it's their nurse or assistant who fills them out from the docs notes, and then the doc signs it. Read over it before you leave and if something is not write question them about it. Hope this helps.
Cat-a-tonic, This is a little info from the web. You can find more under FMLA.
Covered employers must grant an eligible employee up to a total of 12 workweeks of unpaid leave during any 12-month period for one or more of the following reasons:

for the birth and care of the newborn child of the employee;
for placement with the employee of a son or daughter for adoption or foster care;
to care for an immediate family member (spouse, child, or parent) with a serious health condition; or
to take medical leave when the employee is unable to work because of a serious health condition.
Mark: Thanks, I hope the process is easy & quick. Right now I'm still waiting on my GI. I sent the paperwork to my GI on Wednesday and didn't get it back yet - now I have to wait for a long weekend and see if he gets the paperwork back to me on Tuesday.

Lucy: The way it was explained to me is, yes, the Federal side of FML provides 90 days unpaid. But my HR rep said there's also a State component to FML here in WI, which says you can use your vacation or sick days on days that you take FML so that you still get paid but it also doesn't get counted against you attendance-wise. If that makes sense.
That's great. I can also use my vacation and sick days so I get paid if I'm off for a long term illness. I'll keep my fingers crossed that all goes well for you.
Hiya Cat

I'm not familiar with this neither, only know how it works over here!
I believe it's going to be hard if you've not got a firm dx, hopefully you will in 2 weeks time after the pill cam.
All I can do is wish you lots of luck, and hope you can stay stress free.
love lots
Joan xxx
i went on fml at my job. sounds like the exact same situation except i was recently diagnosed so there was no problem there. Mine was also at the advice of my HR manager, they could see that i was a great employee before this happened and they wanteds to give me a chance to get better. This came at the point for me when i really could no longer go in to work...i used all of my vacation and was worried about getting fired. they told me if i went on fmla i would be able to take the time i needed without losing my job or benefits.
sadly , for me it wasn't enough time. after 4 months they had to let me go and my position but i still have the insurance thanks to cobra.
Now im not sure what to do because i have not qualified for ssa disability but have no money and can't work.
I definately think FMLA is a good choice if your flaring bad and hope to be recovered soon but for me it just prolonged the inevitable. :/

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