Farm Girl and IBD and Eosinophilic Disease

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Sorry no answers about the tube. Get some rest tomorrow is another day with hopeful a better feeling Grace and some more answers (((HUGS)))
Farmwife, I can't remember but did the scopes mention any specific inflammation/ulcer in Grace's stomach or esophagus?? I'm just wondering if there is just a little bit of bleeding in those areas that is turning the NG tube brown/black? When she's vomited, has there ever been a tiny amount blood? Certainly don't want to worry you with something new, I'm seriously just throwing this out there...

Hate to hear she's always having pains :( I hope you both get a good night's sleep! :hug:
((((((Hugs)))))) Farmwife.

I can only tell you that right after Johnny's diagnosis as we started treatment we had many down days. Weird side effects, ER visits, pain, vomiting, strange rashes, emergency blood draws and on and on. I think unfortunately it is part of this process. I think the GI's stay the course a little longer than what we moms would like because most often it ends up working. Two steps forward, one step back.

If you feel like Grace is having more bad days than good days or if she seems worse than what she was before diagnosis I would push the Dr. for a change in his recommendations. Of course you know her better and know when to say something. I just wanted you to know our experience. Hang in there you are both doing great and I have no doubt soon Grace will be feeling a lot better. :)
Black on or in the tube...this was a whole discussion a while back. I am drawing a blank on who it was...anyone care to help an old lady out.

She backed off her feeds? Did I fall asleep and miss something? I thought she loved her tube and was missing it after it got ripped out of her (I still get quezzy thinking about that).

Lost 2 pounds:(

Is prednisone still an option? Are you about ready to try that at this point? I know how much we all love to hate prednisone but poor pumpkin has been sick for so long. Maybe it is time?
I hope you hear from your GI soon FW! It seems to me losing two pounds with a feeding tube in should prompt serious action. You need definite answers and Grace needs treatment that is working for her! Good luck!
That's a shame she is getting worse again. Wishing the rhuemy appt would hurry up - bet we would all love to rush time along as we watch our kiddies suffer before being seen/having tests.
As for the tube - how often are you flushing the tube? Not sure about the pump - Andrew was just fed one "meal" at a time, but we flushed the tube with a syringe full of cooled boiled water every time (so 5 or 6 times a day). His tube was clean when it came out.
Sending hugs!! :hug:
Feeling happier today. :ybiggrin:YA! Good night of sleep.

No phone call today from GP. I've called three times this week. I'm shocked since she's the doc that calls out of the blue to ask how Grace is. Why not pick up the phone and say the labs look good? Grrrrrrrrr!

After nap Grace woke up in severe pain. She was doubled over and screaming that her tummy hurt and then her knees where hurting to. The whole thing lasted a half an hour or so. It went away on it's own. She use to do this multible times a day, a year or so ago. It kind of stopped. I hate this whole thing.

crohnsinct I'm not against pred at all. At the beginning of her dx's the GI warned that we need to be careful on how much we use it because for her eos disease, pred is the only known treatment for it other than EEN. MLP correct me if I'm wrong. However he was assuming as we were that EEN would do the trick of bringing everything under control.

So I'll see how the week end goes and call on Monday. Tonight her throat is hurting and her knees.

On a brighter note Grace caught her tube before she ripped it out.:ywow:
Your right but ....
Some kids need a little steriods to calm down the inflammation and then the EEN takes over and keeps the body from forming more EOS/inflammation .
Depends on the kid.
Fwiw DS used to double over in pain prior to dx and even when he wasn't in remission .
But in other drugs.
I would inform the Gi about the pain .
How many weeks has she been no foods 6????
Thanks MLP but I thought when you take the "trigger foods" away that the eos start to leave. Then is remission achieved for that disease, RIGHT?
She's been on EN for a whole month. Her problems seem to be picking up, not leaving. Again I'm not against using pred.

As I'm type this I'm considering taking her to the ER. Belly, joint and now throat pain is getting bad and no meds are helping. I'll see what the GI on-call has to say. The throat is perplexing. The pain comes and goes. Acid reflex. infection, virus....who knows??????

I'll update when I can.

Have a good week-end everyone.:heart:
Hi Farmwife,
Something to consider is the possibility that something in the formula is bothering her. Just going on the liquid diet may have settled things down initially. However, if there is a trigger in the formula it might not have shown up for awhile because of how broken-down the food is, and it may have taken until now before she reacted to it.

It might be worth switching to another formula while you try to sort out further treatment for her. You would need a dietician with experience with formulas to help you choose a different one.

May Grace soon be well.:hug:
hope gracie is o.k and the pain has settled such a worry when they have pain and theres nothing u can do big hugs.xx
Elimination of foods implicated by skin testing has variable effects, but resolution of symptoms can sometimes be achieved with amino acid–based elemental diets.

Supportive treatment with pharmacotherapy, mainly oral glucocorticosteroids, is indicated for those with obstructive symptoms.
Patients with mucosal layer involvement may benefit from anti-inflammatory medications (eg, oral glucocorticoids, oral cromolyn) and/or diet elimination therapy, particularly if they report a history of food intolerance or allergy.
Drugs, such as montelukast, ketotifen, suplatast tosilate, and mycophenolate mofetil (inosine monophosphate dehydrogenase inhibitor), and alternative Chinese medicines have been advocated but are generally not successful.

Oral glucocorticosteroids with anti-inflammatory properties are the primary therapy, especially for patients with obstructive symptoms and eosinophilic ascites. Most patients with eosinophilic gastroenteritis respond dramatically to oral glucocorticosteroids within 2 months. Successful treatment with other anti-inflammatory medications, such as leukotriene modifiers (eg, montelukast) and mast cell stabilizers (eg, cromolyn), has been reported

FW EGE is different than EoE .
EoE responds better to pure elemental than EGE .
See above
Reality is it is even rarer than EoE
You may want to try neocate unflavored or elecare vanilla
I would push to see

It can take 6 weeks to reach remission
For DS with just Ibd and not like grace ( Ibd + EGE)
He still had way too many issues in EEN .
Hope she gets some relief soon
Poor Grace, hope she has managed to settle without a trip to the ER. I was also thinking along the lines of an allergy to something within this formula. Definately worth asking to try another one. There was a little boy in the ward last time I was in hospital who had to try 3 different EN liquids before finding one that didn't react.
So so sorry that Grace is having such pain. I wish you guys could catch a break.

On the throat pain, could it be the Crohn's flaring up? Ryan gets pain in his throat when he is starting to flare. It is either ulcers or inflammation with him. I know his scope at dx showed ulcers there.

I hope that she is resting tonight and that you are also. Hugs! and more Hugs!
Hi everyone. I feel so out of the loop since I'm not around all the time.

Grace's update isn't a happy one so please use discretion upon reading.

On Sunday after the service Grace was rushed to my arms and my hubby said she's in pain with her belly. She was passing out because it was so bad. I got her home (next time I will go to the ER but we only live a short distance from our church) and gave her the Donnatal and with in the half an hour she was fine.
Her belly pain was back up under her rib on the right side.
Her joint pain is NOW in her right wrist.
She had green liquid poo and LOTS of mucus with is. More pain as she pushes now. This is so scary how fast her pain is spreading. :ywow:
I don't understand how she can have a dx and still go down hill.

Called her GI nurse and with in an hour she called back and said the GI wants to wait for us to see the rheumy and see what he says. The GI thinks it a possibilities that she has inflammation from her joints (possible arthritis) pain that's causing the slow up in the healing process.

I forgot to ask to change her formula. I'll do that tomorrow. I do think that the throat pain is back up from the stomach or intestines. The scope showed NO DAMAGE in her upper scope. So where is the back up coming from? They've already raised her Zantac a few times. How many time can they do this?

The good side is tomorrow is her pool time.:D She's looking forward to that and my hubby will be taking her so I can have some mommy time with my son.
Of course on the bad side I'm already bracing for a major flare after she comes home. Well at least when we go on Thursday to see the rheumy she be in full flare.

muppet and crohnsinct how do you survive the storm? I was thinking of you guys when I saw the pics on the news. Did anyone else get hit?:D
I am SO sorry! How scary!! I sure hope she's doing OK. So surprising to me that the GI wouldn't want to check for a blockage or something? With pain that severe? I sure hope she enjoys her swim. I remember it was just at the start of the summer last year that Gracie got on the medicine that helped her feel better AND she just love love loved swimming -- it was a great summer. Feeling good and playing like a fish!
Poor, poor Grace!!! What is the GI's plan? How long will Grace be on EEN without improvement before the GI decides to make a change? Either in the formula (I know you forgot to ask but the GI could have suggested it also) or in moving to meds?

Can inflammation in the joints affect GI symptoms? I know the reverse is common but I've just never heard of joint inflammation causing GI problems???

Her throat pain could be relate to the NG tube... first, the tube itself could be irritating her throat. The other thing is we were told the only reason Stephen needs nexium is because when he inserts the tube, the tube leave the 'flap' (sorry, don't know medical term! :redface:) between the esophagus and stomach open allowing acid to move up the esophagus. As Stephen removes his tube each morning, this is only an issue at night (same with tube causing irritation), but in Grace's case, she may have acid moving up into the esophagus all the time.

To try to alleviate the acid issue, perhaps ask her ped or GI if you can pull the tube out 0.5 or 1 inch and tape it at that length when she's not having formula (so that the tube isn't actually reaching into her stomach)... perhaps that would help block any acid. Don't do this without checking!!!... it's just a GUESS on my part that it might help if acid is the problem.

I can hostly say, I have no idea why the docs do or don't do anything. She's not "sick" she's not "suffering" between her bouts of pains. She still has more good times then bad so far. I just want Thursday to get here.
Hi Tess, Grace will be on EN for some time. The GI wants to give it to March when we meet with him to discuss the next step. The nurse did says that the tricky part is trying to figure out what could be causing what. The nurse said we need to call after her next BM.
I just hope you start to see more improvement in her! I just feel so badly for her, still having these on-again, off-again pains! But, I'm glad she's having more good than bad times! :Karl:
I'm so sorry farmwife what a scary day! I was thinking same thing as Tesscorm about acid backing up, don't have any advice about the rest of it just hope she gets some relief soon.
I'm sorry she had such a bad bout of pain - passing out from it! Sheesh. I'm glad things are moving through and that it was relieved with donnatal. <<<<<Big hugs>>>>> Regarding the arthritis... I don't follow that thinking either, perhaps the nurse misunderstood. Maybe he just wants to wait to make any treatment decisions based on whether he is going to be treating an arthritic condition too.

Sorry she is feeling badly still.
I "think" the Gi is holding off on adding treatment because what he adds could effect the test results the Rheumo may need to do.
Hope Thursday gets here quickly .
Sorry FW no advice...but a question...did she gain back those two pounds lost. Did you tell the GI about that?!

As for us and the storm I have two words for ya...National Guardsmen!!!!! That's right...the strong, strapping, young men in uniform paid us another visit. Mother nature is definitely a woman!

30" in one dump here. My daughter got 40" and wait what is that I hear? Dang! A front loader is dumping more snow on the corner where I just spent 4 hours clearing the sidewalk. I running out there with my rolling pin now!!!!!!
So sorry that Grace is getting so much pain. Just have to send lots of healing thoughts your way since I don't have any advice. Hope she has a good time swimming!
Physician Assistant??????

I guess that's who were seeing on Thursday for her first rheumy appointment.
Is a PA as good as the doc? Or will she see us and then refer us to the doc?I know it sounds bad but I'm a little annoyed that it's not the rheumy but his PA!

crohnsinct she gained back all but 1lb.:ysmile:

She had a great time swimming today.:soledance:
Her joints are sore and
her belly abdominal pain showed up and then she went poo and it left......what does that tell ya?

Have a good night y'all. crohnsinct I'm glad our national guard was able to keep you safe and warm.;) Is that why you gave the hubby a snowblower out of guilt??????:wink:
FW Gab mostly see's the Nurse Practitioner when we go to the GI's office, and the PA when we see her kidney doctor. We rarely see the actual doc :)
I'm sure it would be more comforting on first visit to see the actual Rheumy, but sometimes the PA's and NP's and such are so much more willing to spend the time and listen to details and what not :)

As a matter of fact, when we went to the dermatologist at Mayo clinic for her MRSA infection, and skin issues, we have still yet to meet the actual doctor...only the PA LOL.

Best of luck tho!
Yeah I would say Physician's Assistants are as good as docs (especially given a few of them are here on the forum) long as they know when they need to escalate to the doc. I have been in many a PA's office and had them tell me to wait while they got the doc. I also as a general rule find they take more time with you and listen. But I guess it is the same as anything..there are good ones and bad ones so you just have to go in with an open mind and see.

Um guilt..yeah o.k.. At one point hubby and I were out there shoveling and a truck load of the boys went by and they beeped and waved. Hubby just laughed and asked if I could use my influence to get them to finish the job:ytongue: Silly man...all it takes is food and cookies!
Second the first appt for a complicated kid should not be with a PA.
We have good exp with follow up an NP for Neuro after we saw the actual neurologist.

Bad exp with the derm PA. Which was a first appt.
Ds had too many issues and we left with too many questions.

If its a teaching hospital it may be different
Our Rheumo has a fellow do the first appt spends an hour or more
Then attending comes in with medical student to review the history.
Another hour .
Follow up with just Rheumo 15 minutes.

You can always schedule follow up with just the doc
That is what we do

Good luck
A lot of times you will see the PA and then the doctor but if they are telling you the appt is with the PA that means you are probably seeing him and not the doctor. Hopefully he will consult with the doctor once he finds this is beyond his scope of practice.
:ytongue: Im not sure my opinion would be unbiased regarding the PA... You'll have to wait and see how it goes. It depends on the PA and his/her experience in the field...
Good news her WBC is the highest it's been a year and a half.:soledance:
Bad news is her LDH is still climbing AGAIN!

:rosette1:Good news is her GP is willing to write out LDN if her GI won't.
Bad news is she wants to wait a bit longer for us to try a few supplements again.
I'm more than ok with that because we are holistic in nature BUT NOT IF Grace is getting worse.

Good news is Grace is having a good couple days. YA!:rosette1:
Bad news is she is more energetic and driving me crazy!:D

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Yay for Princess Grace. Glad she is running her kingdom again even though I feel bad for her servant.
That is great that he is open to giving LDN a try.
:dance: Yay for little princesses driving their mommy nuts being energetic! Nice to know she's feeling a little better :ysmile:
Poor sad FW! Honey you were already crazy don't pin that on innocent little Gracie.

LDN? Is that for the IBD or is it also a treatment for the EOS?
YAY! that she is having a good couple of days!! and that the WBC's are up!! - lets hope that its the start of something long term!!

Sorry I've not been on much recently - been thinking of you guys though!!

Hugs xxxx
I would be annoyed about the PA too. Mostly because Grace has a complicated case. The combo of EOS and IBD and how it might be effecting her joints is going to be an unusual combo for them. I had a friend who took her son to that Dr. and she said he was able to tell from a physical examination of her son that his joint pain was from his crohn's and not from RA. She was very impressed with him. I would just stress with the PA that Grace has suffered far too long with her joint pain and her case is complicated with a lot of unanswered questions. Maybe they will be able to pull the Dr. in.

Good luck, I am sure either way you will walk away with some questions answered and a plan to help Grace's joint pain. ((((((Hugs))))))
What a blessing were going tomorrow!

After her shower she couldn't walk to the couch. Her right foot ached and she asked for meds and a heating pad. WOW! How sad. Something has to be done and soon. I'm afraid she won't be able to walk soon.

I'm still obsessing on her LDH level. WHY???? I asked the GP again about it raising and she said she's glad we're going to the rheumy tomorrow and to make sure to ask them.
I told my hubby this and he said........arthitis.:ywow:
Could that be causing the raise all the time. I feel so stupid. Could that be it? Her joint pain has been around since one. I never thought of that.

Oh well we'll find out tomorrow. Have to go pack...everything!

Yes, no one worry I have my rolling pin of defense for the BIG BAD CITY!:wink:
I just wish that hospital were in the middle of farm land.:biggrin:
Good luck tomorrow!!! I hope you get lots of answers, information and plans for going forward! :ghug:
Good luck in the am
Hope they can help her.
Be careful with the LDN or any drug
Not that you don't want to try it
But your Gi should be the one steering the treatment for her Ibd and EGE
If not then A . You need a new doc and B drugs the gp prescribes may cause
An issue or conflict with what the Gi wants her on or to do.
Trust me the more docs involved the harder to get them to agree.
Hope you have an extra big handbag to hide that rolling pin - don't want to scare the doc before he does anything wrong ;). Good luck with the appointment, hope you get some answers - and treatment!!!
GOOD LUCK!!!! I hope the real rheumy guy is around as wel as the PA - maybe the PA will take the history and then go get the real rheumy!!

This is totally unconnected but if I don't write it now I will forget!! and I expect you have thought of it already - I still haven't caught up on the whole thread!! - I was just reading a paper on eosinophilic gastrointestinal disorders, and it mentioned an asthma med called Montelukast has been used to help kids with EIGD's - I really only mention it because middle child is on it for asthma and it has made such a massive difference to him - if the two diseases have similar aetiologies maybe it could help Grace in both the tummy and lung departments?

Anyway I hope you get some good answers tomorrow and some help for poor grace's joints xxxx
We're back.

Meant with the PA and then she pulled in the Doctor and a social worker.:ywow:

He felt all her joints and twisted and turned her bones in ways that upset me.
Grace just laughed at him. He does funny voices for kids.:ysmile:

He said he feels no damage yet. That made him happy and us.:soledance:

He said that he feels that once her IBD and EOS are under control the pains should subside. I knew that already.

He did feel that more action has to be taken but given her complicated case that he will have to check with her GI. He said give him to tonight to talk to the GI personally and for me to call tomorrow and he'll have the next coarse of action (he hopes).

One shocker is Grace is double jointed. He bent her toes back to her leg and it about touched.:ywow: Grace just laughed. The rheumy thought that maybe that's why such bad joint pain but he say her biggest culprit is IBD.

She got home and went poo. Green, mucus and pain. Also last night her belly pains were so bad I turned off her feeds for the night.

On the funny side the RHEUMY told Grace he needed to examine (her arms) and she starts to drop her tights and bend over!:ytongue:

So now I wait, again!:wink:
Too funny
Glad the Rheumo is on top of it.
Also yippee for no damage
Hope the Gi get things in gear finally and gets your little one in a better place.
I know things turned around for DS once we got an extra set of eyes from our Rheumo .
Who also does voices :)
:rof: You've got a real sweetheart - gorgeous and funny! :)

Certainly sounds positive and, as MLP said, maybe this will get things really moving for Grace! :)
Pain AFTER Poo?!?!?

I think their's been treads about this but I forget.

Grace went poo and after she was done and running around, she started to cry ouch once in a while. She said her but (anus) hurt. The pain is sharp and only last seconds and only happens a dozen or so time and then goes away. This may happen even if the poo causes NO pains.
Has this happen to any of your kids?
I'm thinking that could be a fissure... after wiping, use Tucks to help clean the area...
I think it 'might'.... if it's a little cut that's just been pulled open, it might hurt for a few minutes until it settles again???

I think the Tucks have a soothing ingredient (forget what it is now...) Also, if it is a fissure, applying a bit of penaten has also helped Stephen.
Find it in the adult diaper section
At Walgreens
Good for abscesses fissures and normal butt pain
It helps with DS's pain
Be careful trying to 'see' it bcz you can tear it more trying to locate it. And, yes, I think it can be inside - in which case I'm not sure that my suggestions wud help...
Glad it all went ok - but didn't he suggest anything for the pain? It's all very well saying that the pains will get better once the IBD is under control - but what about keeping her comfie until then? Freddy has hypermotility too and I was when I was a kid - I remember my knees coming out of place when I knelt in a certain way - it was horrid and painful but thankfully never lasted long with me! xx
That is funny, poor guy must have got a shock! :ybiggrin: Hope he manages to talk to the GI and get going with something to help all the pains and her tummy!!
It certainly sounds like it could be a little fissure just inside. Sometimes little cuts can be quite painful. Might be worth putting on a little "nappy cream" afterwards to see if that helps.
Violet has hypermobile joints TOO :ywow:
To the point where she dislocates frequently with little provocation.
She saw the big dog rheumatologist and he said he knew of no connection to IBD but I wonder...?
That's very intersting.

David or a fancy dancy monerator, can y'all do a pole on this?

I'm see all lot of IBD suffers have this.
Interesting how many of the kids have hypermobility! I don't believe Stephen has hypermobility; I imagine after all these years in hockey, we would have known by now...
Glad the meet went well. Grace could have a fissure Lucy always has multiple ones and you can't always see them. Sometimes there will be an external skintag with them but not always. Try putting a barrier cream on after wiping. There is also a steroid foam called pro topic but I think the GI would have to prescribe that. Hope it clears up for her
Clark has a fissure on the outside and he is very afraid to poo!! He will only do them at night when we put a diaper on him. He is so afraid that he holds it and complains that it hurts quite a bit. We have to give him miralax every few days because he is holding it so that he can go. When his fissure is hurting he asks us to put vaseline on it and that seems to help it feel better. :ybiggrin:
Talked to the GI nurse. GI is out till Monday. So the nurse talked to the HEAD of the department. The head GI said that she needs more and a short course of pred might do good but.....she wants to wait until her GI is back to set that up.:yfaint:

Grace seems better. Not as much joint pains. Maybe it will go away by Monday and we wont do pred!:biggrin: Of course I still want to be a size 8.:wink:
Oh dearest Sascot, I would be happy with size 12 but I figure if I'm going to dream I might as well dream BIG or small in this case.

Grace had more pain last night.

Here's a question.....
If she does get put on a short course of pred is their still a chance of side effects????
Anytime you take meds there is a risk of side effects .
The longer and higher the dose the greater the risk.
Plus I have learned a Gi short course 6 weeks .
Two weeks at dose then taper 5 mg per week .
Is different than an allergist pred burst ( 5 days) .

Depending on how bad she is short may not be enough.
Good luck
The rheumy made it sound like a couple weeks. Of course I don't know if he said a couple weeks. I guess I'll find out Monday. So will even a 6 week course show side effect like moon face and such?
Sascot -- UK & US clothes sizes are very different. American 8 is ~ British 12 ~European 38 ~ Asian Large or XL

I know it's silly but it always makes me feel good when I walk into a shop that has American sizing and they hand me clothes with small size numbers.
They do that on purpose
The higher the price tag the smaller the size number even though the waist measurement is much higher. :ybiggrin:
Agreed, there seem to be a lot of shops where the sizes don't map to any sort of standard sizing system at all.
Wow where does the time go????
Today is week 6 of EN. I can't believe it's been 6 weeks already.

I'm off for a few days.
The sun is finally out. It's always so beautiful when the fresh fallen show glistens like diamonds.
Grace is getting some daddy time in town. I'm sending them with a food list. I can't wait to see what a hubby with a sweet tooth and a girl with a fairy fetish will bring home.
My son and I will be cuddled on the couch as he coughs and sneezes. Don't feel to bad. My son has made sure to tell dad he needs MORE choc brownies to heal him up!

I hope and pray everyone stays healthy and happy this weekend.
Enjoy the sunshine!! Michigan is the most beautiful place in the world to me.:)

Johnny didn't show any of the Pred side effects unitl about a month into the full dose. And the benefits to how he was feeling far outweigh the negatives. Besides if you aren't finding it helps much you can always ask the Dr. to taper sooner. You should know pretty quickly if it is going to improve her pain.
Sarah has completed 2 courses of pred and we are 3 and 1/2 weeks into 50mg of pred with no side effects other than maybe acne.

I saying this with all my fingers and toes crossed.
Grace has gone down hill. FAST, scary fast.
She can't walk now because of the joint pain. Can't get her n-g tube past 25ml and hour with out causing pain. She can't poo. Is having rectal pains and abdominal.

The head GI called and is going to find a pharmacy to fill her pred NOW. Also test this week

She has 12 hrs to improve and or we feel she needs more care, take her to our ER and or IF we can make it down to Devos.

How fast will pred work????
Poor Grace and poor you :ghug:

Really hope she picks up soon.

Usually you can see an improvement with Pred pretty quickly 2-3 days, but not always. Hopefully it will stop her getting any worse. Has she had it before? Do you know what strength?

Thinking of you both xx
For Johnny the difference with Prednisone was immediate. We gave it to him about 10 am and that day he had a great dinner and more energy. He slept like a rock that night (we were afraid he wouldn't sleep) and by the next day the blood was gone from his stool, tons of energy and great appetite.

I hope it works that quickly for Grace too. (((((Hugs)))))))
For asthma stuff -24 hours then improvement.
For crohn's stuff a little longer
Hope it helps fast
If not they can give iv pred at the hospital which works very fast
Ditto what MLP said. IV works faster. If she can't walk, go to the ER now! You may just mean not walk without pain.

Id say the days of debating side effects are over. She needs help.....poor little peanut.

I know it's far but personally if it was ds we would already be in the car heading to devos.
Her doc is there and Grace is a special case.
She needs the experts ASAP
Farmwife, how scary! Have to agree with MLP I don't know if the pills of pred will work that fast. It was about 5 days with Jack. Hope it works fast.
Sorry to hear... :( I'm with MLP too... don't waste time at the local ER, if she's that badly off, just go to her doctor directly! :ghug:

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