Fatigue and depression

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Nov 18, 2010
I have not posted for a long time now. I have been on remicade for over a year and on the whole it has been fantastic. I was housebound, not only with the effects of crohns but also the arthritis, which involved, as a package liver and kidney problems. It has enabled me to live a virtually normal life, but increasingly I find the fatigue has gotten worse, to the point where i have to force myself to carry on through the day, just performing everyday tasks. I am also feeling increasingly depressed and I realise that this may be because I cannot do the things I used to be able to. Even with the remicade my joints are very painful and I seem to be increasingly clumsy and forever cutting, burning myself or am unsteady on my feet. I find I get very dizzy at times and I know my blood pressure is very low which probably contributes to this. I find myself thinking regularly " I am only 38 now, what will i be like in 5 or 10 years down the line. " My mother has very severe rheumatoid arthritis and is just about to have another operation to basically rebuild her arm because the joints and bones have crumbled and are in such a bad state. I find myself wondering where will it all end and feeling so bad because my life seems to centre around illness and nothing else. I am sure i am not the only one who feels like this and just to communicate with other s who are in the same boat would help and not make me feel so isolated. I think, because myself and my partner relocated to france, i thought life would be rosy but instead i have been diagnosed with this disease and the arthritis, he works all the time ( through necessity ) and I find myself alone and struggling!
Hi Julesinfrance!

I am so sorry you are having such a rough time right now. It sounds like you are really dealing with a lot in life and doing so far from home. I am newly diagnosed with Crohn's so most of this is new to me but I am also 38 and have the same concerns that you mentioned. I wanted to at least tell you that you are not alone! I know that some of the great senior members on here will post soon with great advice and wisdom for you...it is so good to have this forum with those guys to help out so often! Hang in there...sending you hugs!!!

Hey you, we have a lot in common. I'M 37 and the last two years for me have been hell. And when I say hell I really mean it. I suffered through tons of flare ups because I was unable to recognize them for what they were. When I finally found out I was suffering for nothing my doctor put me on Pred and that did not work well. Finally decided to use Remicade and I got my first infusion on April 8th 2011 and on April 9th I broke my tibia in ten pieces. I need an operation but since I had just gotten my treatment they did not want to do it. I was in diheria and in a cask in pain and with a broken leg. The cask was just to keep the leg stable it was not fixed yet. Then they decide to operate me and a few hours before I am to go under my heart starts acting up. 180 a minute for over 2 days. They finally needed to shock me in order to get my heart back to normal.

So all this to say that when it looks bad it does eventually get better. Give it time.

A best thing to do is get a doctor to check you out. Maybe you are tired because you are not getting all the vitamins you are suppose to. Maybe your treatment is not working as intended. Adjustments can be done. You have to kick yourself in the butt and get the small things done. I’m sure things will look up soon. Keep writing here and let us know what's happening.

thanks guys

Thankyou for your advice and support guys. I think part of the problem is that is difficult for people to continually understand when you are in constant pain, and with that comes the depression etc etc. I will definitely talk to my doctor when I have my next infusion and see if things need to looked at again. Do any of you guys know the protocol when it comes to having dental treatment whilst on remicade? Nothing is helped at the moment by the pain I have at the moment, i think from a wisdom tooth flaring up and it is affecting my ear, neck glands etc. You have to be careful whilst having any dental treatment, I understand, what are your experiences of this?
I think it's something the dentist has to be aware in case of a infection. But nothing more. I'm sure somebody here with more information will be able to answer you though.
Salut Jules,

J'ai commencé avec le Remicade en France en 2004 -- c'était au HEGP à Paris.

Je continue avec le Remicade (mais avec une dose élevée et plus fréquemment) au Canada.

C'est noté sur ta carte vitale que tu as un maladie de longue durée, non? Et as-tu couverture à 100%?

À propos des dentistes, pas de problème. :)


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