Fatigue is my worst enemy...grr

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Oct 9, 2013
Just was asked by my 6th graders friend, "Why are you always to tired?" Ugh. This one has been rough lately. I am on Stelara and maybe that is part of the cause, but seriously I could nap every day. I am getting frustrated with this, anyone else have issues with fatigue as they age? Is it the Crohn's or age or medication? I am 40...

I have been okay lately symptom-wise, besides a partial obstruction about two months ago. Just so tired. I am in graduate school, teaching online (from home) and have three boys (ages 6, 8 and 11). I used to handle it better as I was commuting to work and teaching two days a week. So, working from home has been great. My levels are all normal, minus my zinc is a tad bit low. But hemoglobin, iron and b12 are all great.

The worst part is that most people do not understand (my husband does, he is great-thank goodness). I don't tell family members anymore as they don't get why I need naps. Just keep moving and you won't get tired, if it were only that easy.

Just wanting to vent...and see if anyone is struggling with this.
How are your vitamin D levels? I was low, and the doctor advised me to take D supplements and it does help some. Altogether though, Crohn's presents a load to my body and as I get older I need to take more daytime naps. Back in my working days I was constantly chronically fatigued taking quite a toll on my quality of life until I retired and could get the rest I needed.
I never received much sympathy for having fatigue either. Typically instead I'd receive "helpful tips" on how be more energetic and less fatigued. Moving around more strangely was a tip frequently provided. Drink more caffeine is something I've heard many many times. I remember one time mentioning that I was overly tried and fatigued and the person told me to become involved in yoga and then proceeded to show me yoga moves. Then there are those that went to compare tiredness with others, as if it is a contest! Very strange.

I'll still complain to others when fatigued sometimes. Generally though I try to keep how I'm feeling to myself when around others. I just figure others wouldn't understand or care to understand.

Hope you find some get up and go in the near future!
Sorry you are dealing with this!

Crohn's inflammation, methotrexate, sertraline, metoprolol, ?stelara can all cause fatigue.
Have any of your meds changed recently? Do you have any increase in Crohn's symptoms? [If you are more tired recently, and have had more symptoms, I would think about looking to see if you having more inflammation.]

Have your Mg and thyroid been checked? From what I know from reading and my adult son, Crohn's can cause some fatigue even when not flaring.
have you checked your vitamin B12 as well? Deficiency in b12 can cause fatigue and this is quite common in IBD patients.
fatigue can come with a chronic disease unfortunately. I notice I have a low level of energy compared to people my age, especially since my early 20's and diagnosis. CD is a systemic disease and goes beyond the GI track :frown:
You are very very good having raised 3 kids. You are lucky! I cant imagine myself having that much energy for 3 young kids!
Its important to listen to our body and if your body suggests you to nap it is most likely because it needs it. This shall help you getting better.
I also get varying degrees of fatigue. I'm 39 and in remission from an unknown form of IBD. It seems much worse when it's too hot and humid, or if I stray from my strict vegetarian diet with no GMO's. I also drink very little alcohol and don't smoke. Even if I do everything the best I know how, eating clean and living a healthy lifestyle (which does make a big difference), I am still usually more easily fatigued than a regular person my age. Stress is another issue that affects my energy levels negatively at times as well.
I'm 24 years old and I have this fatigue that won't go away. I'm kinda flaring now, so I would say it's because of the flare, but I generally experience that fatigue regardless of flaring or not.

I had to quit my full-time job, because it was driving me nuts and I too am working from home now, which is making it a bit easier to manage my time (sleep when I need to). My tests are all coming in normal, so yeah, I think it's something that we just have to adapt to.