Hey guys,
I am sorry if I am starting to sound like a broken record, I am just trying to figure stuff out. I don't want to go into my whole history again, but to put it as short as possible I have not been dx with Crohns. My GI keeps saying IBS. I had tests over the last 5 years( MRE small bowel back 4 yrs ago, CT as well, colonoscopy three years ago, blood tests and stool tests). They were all normal except I did have an elevated Calprotectin level back in August of last year (348.5) normal would be 162.9 and under. Also at the time my CRP was elevated somewhat, though I cannot remember the exact number. At the time I had been taking a medication for another health issue that may or may not have inflamed my gut. My GI doc was not concerned about these tests. He did not feel they were very elevated and said other things can slightly elevate these tests. So basically he blamed the whole thing on IBS and sent me on my way.
Fast forward, last month I got an abscess on my labia. It started out like a tiny lump under the skin( no pain or anything in that area) I figured it was an ingrown hair or whatnot. I did not even bother looking at it. After a few weeks it got bigger literally over night. I started putting hot compresses on it to get it to come to a head. It started leaking a little, but would not break open so I went to my dermatologist and she said it was an abscess and lanced it and drained it. She said it was likely an infected hair follicle or gland. The pathology showed e-coli bacteria in moderate amount. I used a antibacterial ointment on it and it seems to be healed so far. That was a month ago.
Now about a week ago my anal area started to bother me. I started getting achy pain inside my anal area and it just felt irritated inside. My primary care doc just prescribed me some Protozone HC hemorrhoid cream to use. I used it for three days and it only helped a little. When I had a BM yesterday morning after I wiped and showered my whole anal area and all around it was very irritated( like stinging and burning). I looked at the area and it looks irritated with blotchy pink marks. I called my GI doc and told him about everything that has been happening. He said to use Zinc oxide paste or like a vaseline type ointment to help with it. I started putting the zinc oxcide on it last night. I also have my period so that is Not helping matters with the blood an all.
I also had my Fecal Calprotectin test done again( I asked my primary care to order it) and just got the results today and they were normal ( 71.7) normal would be 162.9 or under. Also my CRP I had done on the 17th of April was normal.
I am just really concerned with all this that is going on. I am worried I may have some type of Crohns that is being missed due to all my issues and symptoms. Could this be anal crohn's symptoms? I am terrified I am going to get an anal abscess or something because there is irritation around that area. I am so worried about infection in that area since irritation can lead to infection.I also worry since I got an abscess on my labia that I am going to start getting them in other areas now. My GI doc says the one I got on my labia was more than likely just an infected hair gland and nothing more. I dont know what to think though, I mean I have never gotten an infected hair gland or follicle before in my life until this one!
I see my GI doc next week on the 13th. I plan on discussing this with him. I just feel like sometimes he dismisses my issues and just blames them on my other health issues. I have Interstitial Cystitis, Firbomyalgia etc.. and according to him IBS). Does IBS even cause anal irritation? I am not having the runs and only have 1 BM a day or every other day. I do get intestinal crampiness and pain as well as lots of Gas.My stool is usually is on the soft side though and is messy. I mean it takes me like a whole roll to get clean! I try and be as gentle as I can, but I still have to wipe( I use moistened toilet paper, never dry). I then soap up and shower to prevent UTI's since I am super prone. Also my stool is always lighter in color( like the color of coffee with cream in it). It has been that way for the last 5 years now. My GI told me to take sitz baths to help with the anal irritation but I told him I cannot due to my IC and UTI issue. My urologist said NO to that and to only do showers period.
Would my fecal calprotectin levels be normal if I had Crohn's or even just anal Crohns? I am still trying to learn about the Calprotectin test.
Sorry to ramble, I am worried concerned and do not know what to think. I mean what else could cause my anus to be so irritated on the outside and feel achy and irritated on the inside?? I am at a loss and worried
I am sorry if I am starting to sound like a broken record, I am just trying to figure stuff out. I don't want to go into my whole history again, but to put it as short as possible I have not been dx with Crohns. My GI keeps saying IBS. I had tests over the last 5 years( MRE small bowel back 4 yrs ago, CT as well, colonoscopy three years ago, blood tests and stool tests). They were all normal except I did have an elevated Calprotectin level back in August of last year (348.5) normal would be 162.9 and under. Also at the time my CRP was elevated somewhat, though I cannot remember the exact number. At the time I had been taking a medication for another health issue that may or may not have inflamed my gut. My GI doc was not concerned about these tests. He did not feel they were very elevated and said other things can slightly elevate these tests. So basically he blamed the whole thing on IBS and sent me on my way.
Fast forward, last month I got an abscess on my labia. It started out like a tiny lump under the skin( no pain or anything in that area) I figured it was an ingrown hair or whatnot. I did not even bother looking at it. After a few weeks it got bigger literally over night. I started putting hot compresses on it to get it to come to a head. It started leaking a little, but would not break open so I went to my dermatologist and she said it was an abscess and lanced it and drained it. She said it was likely an infected hair follicle or gland. The pathology showed e-coli bacteria in moderate amount. I used a antibacterial ointment on it and it seems to be healed so far. That was a month ago.
Now about a week ago my anal area started to bother me. I started getting achy pain inside my anal area and it just felt irritated inside. My primary care doc just prescribed me some Protozone HC hemorrhoid cream to use. I used it for three days and it only helped a little. When I had a BM yesterday morning after I wiped and showered my whole anal area and all around it was very irritated( like stinging and burning). I looked at the area and it looks irritated with blotchy pink marks. I called my GI doc and told him about everything that has been happening. He said to use Zinc oxide paste or like a vaseline type ointment to help with it. I started putting the zinc oxcide on it last night. I also have my period so that is Not helping matters with the blood an all.
I also had my Fecal Calprotectin test done again( I asked my primary care to order it) and just got the results today and they were normal ( 71.7) normal would be 162.9 or under. Also my CRP I had done on the 17th of April was normal.
I am just really concerned with all this that is going on. I am worried I may have some type of Crohns that is being missed due to all my issues and symptoms. Could this be anal crohn's symptoms? I am terrified I am going to get an anal abscess or something because there is irritation around that area. I am so worried about infection in that area since irritation can lead to infection.I also worry since I got an abscess on my labia that I am going to start getting them in other areas now. My GI doc says the one I got on my labia was more than likely just an infected hair gland and nothing more. I dont know what to think though, I mean I have never gotten an infected hair gland or follicle before in my life until this one!
I see my GI doc next week on the 13th. I plan on discussing this with him. I just feel like sometimes he dismisses my issues and just blames them on my other health issues. I have Interstitial Cystitis, Firbomyalgia etc.. and according to him IBS). Does IBS even cause anal irritation? I am not having the runs and only have 1 BM a day or every other day. I do get intestinal crampiness and pain as well as lots of Gas.My stool is usually is on the soft side though and is messy. I mean it takes me like a whole roll to get clean! I try and be as gentle as I can, but I still have to wipe( I use moistened toilet paper, never dry). I then soap up and shower to prevent UTI's since I am super prone. Also my stool is always lighter in color( like the color of coffee with cream in it). It has been that way for the last 5 years now. My GI told me to take sitz baths to help with the anal irritation but I told him I cannot due to my IC and UTI issue. My urologist said NO to that and to only do showers period.
Would my fecal calprotectin levels be normal if I had Crohn's or even just anal Crohns? I am still trying to learn about the Calprotectin test.
Sorry to ramble, I am worried concerned and do not know what to think. I mean what else could cause my anus to be so irritated on the outside and feel achy and irritated on the inside?? I am at a loss and worried