Fed Up

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Jul 21, 2011
Generally fed up with life

I am being forced to cut down my hours at work due to how tired i get, Having an arguement with my girls nursery so viewing a new one tomorrow.

My GI is on my case about how i react to test, i dont like them and cant handle them emotically so stop putting me thru them. She says she thinks there is somethings else wrong aprart from the crohns but just keeps pumping me with more pain killers. I no i am my own worst enemy as i ned the tests but they make everything so much worse.

its bloody snowing and all i want is for everyone to stop nagging a t me and let me get on and leave me alone x
I'm sorry to hear you are having a rough time. It's easy for physicians to order test after test because they are not having to go through all of the preps. I know test are needed but that does not make it any easier on us. I to get discouraged a lot when it seems nothing is going our way and you start expecting things to go wrong. Just remember your not alone and together we all can make it through lifes ups and downs.
Hang in there.
:hug: Stacey

I'm sorry you're having a hard time! I had to cut down on my hours (from five days a week to three) because of my health; I know it's extremely frustrating.

What kind of tests do they keep ordering, and what else do they think is going on?

I hope things get better for you soon!
I hear you about the tests. Had an allergic reaction to an MRI this morning and a surgeon sticking his fingers up both my holes today. I feel your pain. Tests suck!!
I am sorry you are having a rough time. It gets irritating being sent all over creation to get test after test after test. I was wondering like SarahBear what tests they are doing? What is leading your doctor to believe that there is something else besides Crohn's?
When they did the coloscopy it was clear, they only got in a little way as was sreaming with pain. I have lost all flexibility in my bowel and in pain a alot, not sure why but she thinks my crohns is settling and ther something else.

Im not convinced i think its my crohns hiding x
A CT scan will be good, they can look for any inflammation and be able to tell where to go from that point. Were you awake during your colonsocopy?
they gave me sedation, apparantly 1.5 times the normal dose but can still remember the pain and screaming x
They don't bother with Versed for me anymore. I get propyphol. I can't respond to instructions on that stuff but neither do I feel/remember a thing.
i wish they would give me that, i bruised a nurse really badly last time although cant remember doin it. felt so guilty but was in agony and initially they wouldnt stop, unitl my mum burst inthe room and went ape.
I remember being in pain once, but I blame the doctor for that, he was just a bad person in general
I'm sorry you've had such a tough time. I can totally relate to the pain of that test. I too was given a 'high sedation dose' but all I remember is the absolute agony I was in. They didn't stop and I was yelling and crying. I felt so out of control. I find that the most damaging thing. I found it traumatic really and it has set off a lot of mis trust and anxiety surrounding being out of control and not dealing well with the unexpected. In the future I won't be having these tests done without being knocked out completely. It's more damaging to have to go through it awake.
they always say to me the tests are urgent and they cannot wiat to find a slot where an antheastist (spelling) is avaliable, so annoying x
Really? I don't know what I would do if they said that to me. It's the worst thing to feel like you have no say in it. I know :( cos you don't want to make anything worse, health wise, but at the same time you want it to be your decision.

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