Feel funny after shot

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Jun 20, 2012
Hey guys had my fourth shot which is the second single dose I guess.
it's the weekend so I can't get in touch with my GI yet but after this shot I feel really funny more small BM's like polyps coming out or something like that I do have trouble with internal hemorrhoids from prolonged inflammation.
I feel kinda funny and a bit light headed but at the sometime also a bit hypo like I had heaps of coffee also my joints hurt and knees feel weird under the knee cap just weird didn't have this at last injection and mu stomach feels funny and the guts or intestines whatever they are feel weird and have strong burning pain .
Could this be a reaction it's not that bad to scare me or go to hospital just body feels weird anyone else come across this.
Do you a have noticeable reaction at the injection site? If you are worried, you could call the Humira 24hr hotline and ask the nurse about it.
nah nothing at site it's 3rd day and feeling way better and boels hurt a lot less like better than before injection still heaps of loose bm's an gas but feel like it did something