Hemorrhoids or something else? Possible rupture

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May 25, 2017
I'm not sure where to put this, so admin feel free to move as appropriate.

Warning, a bit TMI.

I was dx with crohn's about 6 years ago after chronic anemia and a capsule endoscopy.

My favorite coping mechanism is denial and humor.

My pain threshold is pretty high. I'm fine, until I'm not.

I was in the bathroom over the weekend and realized there was some soreness. So, like a dummy, i reached to feel what was up and came across something that felt sort of large and hurty, and pressure-y. Like a pimple that's close to popping. (GROSS)
I barely touched it and it popped, but whatever popped was internal because there was nothing on the outside.

But it seems to have come back, maybe. And there's another bump/ lump/ thing that's sort of half-in/ half-out.

I'm assuming these are hemorrhoids, but I'm not a doc so I don't really know that.

My crohn's has been relatively uncomplicated this far.
No surgeries, I'm able to work full-time, although I'm exhausted.
Things have been swinging towards the C side of the spectrum the past year.
Doc told me months ago to start Miralax every other day to help prevent problems.
And I, of course, keep forgetting.

So I hate talking about constipation and anything anal-rectal-poo related. Kind of dumb. I really don't want to bring it up to my doctor.

But I'm trying to weigh whether I can try some self- care at home without being a complete and total dummy.
Not looking to win any Darwin awards here.

I have an office job in government, and with COVID-19 our workload skyrocketed so I've been stressed out and gaining weight the past couple months.

Any suggestions or shared experience?

Obviously, I need to chug water and take the miralax like he told me to.

It's ok to point out the obvious. It helps me sometimes when people repeat my ridiculous statements back to me. Ugh
Definitely at least call your doc and let them know what is going on - yup, NOT pleasant to talk about it, but you know what? THEY chose that profession (insert humor, a bit of sarcasm here!!!) - so whatever you tell them, they have probably heard a ton of times before, or even worse!!!

I too work in Government, and our office has been BUSY - thankfully I'm in a position where I was able to pick and choose hw much I was involved, and now due to some internal office stuff, I said F it and am NOT working any more than I absolutely have to, aside from being on-call here and there (which is paid at 1/4 weekly rate, so not bad!!!).....

Don't let it hang around too long - you DO NOT want to end up in the hospital right now...between the Covid patients, and medical staff being so stressed and in many cases over worked, not a great time to be at their mercy.....
THEY chose that profession (insert humor, a bit of sarcasm here!!!) - so whatever you tell them, they have probably heard a ton of times before, or even worse!!!

I too work in Government, and our office has been BUSY - thankfully I'm in a position where I was able to pick and choose hw much I was involved, and now due to some internal office stuff, I said F it and am NOT working any more than I absolutely have to, aside from being on-call here and there (which is paid at 1/4 weekly rate, so not bad!!!).....

Don't let it hang around too long - you DO NOT want to end up in the hospital right now...between the Covid patients, and medical staff being so stressed and in many cases over worked, not a great time to be at their mercy.....

They DID choose that profession! Lmbo! What a bunch of freaks!

Thank you for that 😄

Definitely don't want to be in the hospital 😳

Except for a bad reaction to Imuran, I've managed to avoid hospital stays.
You don't mention whether or not you have bleeding ? The description you gave does point to piles (hemmys) but I would have thought blood on the tissue would be there. Or maybe you're one of those rare crohnies who don't inspect every thing that passes through the back door hahaha. If you're worried then see your Doc.It's better not to let things build up
You don't mention whether or not you have bleeding ? The description you gave does point to piles (hemmys) but I would have thought blood on the tissue would be there. Or maybe you're one of those rare crohnies who don't inspect every thing that passes through the back door hahaha. If you're worried then see your Doc.It's better not to let things build up
Bleeding doesn't phase me. Most of my issues have been small bowel inflammation, etc.

There wasn't any bleeding when the thing popped, although there appears to be a dark bruise there now.

There was bright red bleeding... yesterday, i think? Could have been Monday?
But only when having a bm, and it didn't worry me because it wasn't copious.

There's not a ton of discomfort, either.
When I'm using the toilet but that's about it.

I sent the GI a message so I guess we'll see what's up.

Although, based on experience, I'd almost put money on them 1. wanting a stool sample, 2. wanting to SEE it/poke at it (UGH)

Reminds me of that episode of Scrubs where they sing "Check the Poo!"

GI response was that it might be a thrombosed hemorrhoid.

He said take Metamucil or citrucel every day for 4 weeks, sitz baths, and chug water.

I'm glad he didn't ask for a stool sample or an office appointment.

If it gets bad, causes lots of pain, etc, I'll follow up.

But it's not bugging me much right now.

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