Wellllll, some folks are sooooo extremely fragile, that no matter how tactfully said, how sincerely meant, how innocent or innocuous the comment or sentiment, ANY expression that could be taken in negative context; even a heartfelt suggestion; triggers a totally unexpected... usually 'magnified' or 'extreme' response. It often reflects a delayed OR programmed reaction; however late, to issues long buried in their past. The most extreme of these are the widely publicized cases of people; typically young males, who rampage.
Not always. Was visiting a friend... who employed a seemingly 'normal' young lady as a part time housekeeper, who was planning/preparing for her upcoming wedding. Being that my friend and I were both divorced, I made a small joke (in retrospect, there are times I should definitely keep my big mouth SHUT) r.e. marriage in general... not a joke at the young ladies expense, or in any way of a personal nature of her or her pending first nuptials (ooops, there's another one) Just one of those things that folks of either gender who are divorced get into the habit of doing... take my word for it, never met a divorced person who didn't fall into this pattern - akin to black humour, as divorce is a painful thing.
Anyway, my comment (too lame to call it even a witticism) wasnt' directed to her, so her response caught me totally off guard.. She was washing dishes in the sink... without a word, she grabbed a butcher knife from the sink, turned and threw it at me, point blank. Fortunately, by the time it hit me in the chest; it had rotated in mid air so the blunt handle struck.. So, I guess my comment almost ended up being a cutting remark.. but in reality was duller than even me. Anyway, at that point, the young lady burst into tears, and ran out of the room.. I wont' bore you with all the details; how this wasn't her 1st proposal, how'd she'd been engaged on a number of prior occasions; even jilted once; and how her currrent fiance was now experiencing some 'premarital jitters, and how marriage appeared to her to be the only viable exit from an abusive home.
I wasn't hurt; no harm, no foul, no need (as I saw it) to involve the police. I did get an invitation to the wedding; went; and gave the happy couple a nice gift.
End of story. Did my best to avoid being in the young ladies company without plenty of witnesses... So I have no idea at this point how her life turned out.
My long winded point? Even after all of that, I'm still stupid enuff to question whether or not you were sad in your avatar photo. Us old farts never learn. You aren't washing dishes by any chance, are you? ;-)