Feeling down

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Feb 9, 2014
Hi, I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice?

I have been on Pred for 4 weeks now and i believe it is starting to work as i am noticing that im not going to the loo as often and the pains in my stomach are not as frequent and apart from some side effects im starting to feel better however, I keep getting in to these really low moods that I cannot seem to get out of.

Especially in the evenings my mind feels like it is being cluttered and I cant function properly! I get irritable, moody and become distant from everyone around me!

I feel like this is really starting to effect my college work as well as i cant concentrate on anything and even when I manage to i have no motivation to complete anything!

I was hoping to talk to my doctor about how I have been feeling as I had built up a good relationship with her and felt I would be able to express myself but she has just gone on maternity leave and the man i saw today instead didnt really understand where i was coming from!

I know a side effect from being on the pred can be depression and also just been diagnosed with Crohn's is a big shock but I dont know whether its something I should be concerned about or if there is something I can do to get help?

Once i start feeling down i end up in what i can only describe as a spiral of decline because i feel like crap, then feel bad for being moody to everyone else, which then makes me feel even worse!

Anyway sorry for the long post, if anyone has any suggestions they would be greatly appreciated!
Hello Natasha, sorry you are feeling so bad sending:ghug:your way. I know when hubby was on prednisone I was like I want my old hubby back lol. He did discuss with his Dr how it was making him feel and his GI took him off it . Hopefully others will come along and give you some advise as well. You may try calling the Dr that you saw today back and explain to him or the nurse how you are feeling.
I am so sorry you are feeling down. I don't have much advice except, don't let it go on. Maybe call the doctor back and try again to explain how your feeling? I know this doesn't exactly help, BUT you are not alone. I know that my depression is kicking my butt right now and sometimes its just nice to know you're not alone!
Thankyou all for the replies, I think I will try and get an appointment with a different doctor and try and explain again.

Feeling down this evening! Just gonna snuggle up on the sofa x
I agree with the others that talking to a different doctor is probably the best route to go. Keep an open mind about possibly trying an antidepressant - certain ones can even help with the bowels and they can also help you sleep at night (tricyclics like Amitriptyline and Nortriptyline are the two I know of that can help in those regards - I'm on Amitriptyline myself and it's been good to me). Yes, being on pred and also having to deal with the diagnosis and all it entails can both definitely cause depression. Certainly it's tough to deal with the thought of having a serious chronic incurable illness, and pred could be making that even worse. Talk therapy could help you deal with things too if you're not willing to consider going on an antidepressant at this time.

And if I may add, exercise has been one of the best things for me personally in terms of easing my depression and also relieving me of stress, helping me feel better physically, helping me sleep better, etc. You said the pred seems to be working and that you're starting to feel better physically, so if you're feeling up to it, try doing a bit of physical activity and see if that helps you too. Even just taking a short walk or doing a bit of yoga can make a big difference, and if you're able to do more than that, even better. Take it slow at first of course so that you know your body's limits and don't overdo it right away. Good luck, and I hope that brighter days are on the way. :)
I think the idea of going on antidepressants scares me a bit but i think it would probably benefit me a lot so will definitely make another appointment with the doctors today.

I also think exercise would help me, I tend to get built up energy and emotions in the evening which I then cant get rid of leading to feeling even more low and agitated so I think I really need to find a physical activity that I would enjoy, which is proving difficult! But hopefully I can think of something.

Thankyou, hope everyone will have a good day :)
I finally went on WELLBUTRIN. It has helped a lot. Prednisone can cause depression, it's better to get Bellingham suffer!

Hope you feel better soon!'

I can definitely say that anti-depressants can help. I also take Amitriptyline - I was prescribed it when I was on prednisone. Pred didn't make me feel depressed (the opposite - it made me euphoric) but it caused me to feel so restless and bored. I just couldn't concentrate on anything, it was terrible. Pred also caused me to have severe insomnia, which was mixed up with the boredom, because I didn't just have daytime hours to fill, but I was awake with nothing to do all night as well. Amitriptyline is an anti-depressant, but it is also used for several other purposes, including acting as a sedative. It cured my insomnia and restlessness right away, and, something I hadn't expected, it helped my mood.

I had not thought myself to be in need of an anti-depressant, as my low mood was caused by external circumstances. I didn't want to feel happy in a fake way, which was the way pred made me feel - it gave me waves of euphoria, but I knew it wasn't "real", if that makes sense. But the Amitriptyline doesn't work like that. I still feel negative emotions when external circumstances warrant them, but I'm no longer overcome by depression, I can see things with clarity and deal with negative things in an appropriate way.

I can't say that Amitriptyline will work for you, or that any anti-depressant is right for you, but I just wanted to let you know that anti-depressants can help, and while I've read of many people who say that anti-depressants just make them numb - unable to feel any emotions, good or bad - this has not been the case for me.

One word of warning though - because I was initially prescribed Amitriptyline as a treatment for insomnia, not as an anti-depressant, my GP prescribed it to me with no discussion of depression. Even though I continued to stay on it after coming off pred, at no point was I referred to a psychiatrist. I would be wary of seeing a psychiatrist, or even discussing depression with a doctor, as I have had extremely bad experiences with doctors and mental illness. I was misdiagnosed with anorexia when my digestive problems led to weight-loss, and having that mental health label on my medical record attracted a lot of discrimination from various doctors. Also, if they suspect you have a mental illness, doctors are liable to dismiss any complaints you make of physical symptoms as psychological.

So while I recommend considering anti-depressants, I would suggest that you avoid a psychiatrist if at all possible. The ideal, I believe, would be to see if you can find a good GP who is sympathetic to your concerns and will discuss medication with you discreetly. If you do see a psychiatrist, whether for meds or for talk-therapy, I would suggest you make sure to emphasise to them that your mood stems from prednisone and that you do not normally suffer from any psychiatric symptoms. If you feel you would benefit from talk-therapy of any kind, I would suggest seeing a councilor who is not a medical professional, as this will avoid any mention of mental illness being recorded on your medical record. Often colleges and unis will have a free counciling service available to students which isn't connected to the medical system. I'm sorry if I sound paranoid, but I feel it's better to be honest, and my honest opinion is that discussing mental illness with doctors carries significant risk of discrimination.

It's also worth bearing in mind that your mood may well be related to external circumstances - as you say, being diagnosed with Crohn's - and that it may consequently improve as your circumstances change and you adjust to having Crohn's. Have you tried to find things you enjoy that you could do when you find yourself stuck in a low mood? It might help to experiment with things that may bring you out of depression - e.g. when your mood is low, do you feel better around others or alone? Does it help you to get outside? To exercise? To have a nap? Try different ways of distracting yourself and continue with anything that helps.
Just think of the antidepressant as temporary. Only while you are on pred.

I think Humira was making me down. I've recently stopped and think I might just be feeling better - I haven't had any depressive moods in the past week and a half (it was 4 weeks ago that I took my last dose). BUT if you've only been on prednisone for 4 weeks, it may need more time to work its magic before you can be switched to something else. If I had not been able to get off the Humira (or if it turns out to be another med i'm on that I'm not able to get off of or switch, I may have to try a low dose anti-depressant).

Good luck.
Thankyou so much for all the information,still trying to get my head around it all but its been a good read! Will let you know how i get on:)
Many thanks xx
I also think exercise would help me, I tend to get built up energy and emotions in the evening which I then cant get rid of leading to feeling even more low and agitated so I think I really need to find a physical activity that I would enjoy, which is proving difficult! But hopefully I can think of something.

There are so many types of physical activity you can do - here are some ideas for you off the top of my head. My personal favorite type of exercise is lifting weights, I feel so good after a weightlifting session. Hiking through the woods and looking at nature and breathing the fresh air - that's lovely! Yoga is really relaxing and there are some poses which have been really helpful for me, particularly for my arthritis. Roller skating or ice skating is very fun. Hula hooping is fun too although if you have a painful abdomen probably best to skip that one. Swimming is fun and very low-impact so it can be beneficial if you have painful joints. In the summer, I really like kayaking, it's a great workout but very relaxing at the same time. Going for a bike ride outside on a nice day is lovely too. Even just playing frisbee with another person or with your dog can be fun! I hope that gives you some ideas. Even if you're not doing a proper workout where you go to the gym or whatever, just getting some physical activity in can help your mood so much. You could even just put on a favorite song and dance around to it for a bit! The important thing is to get moving and get those happy endorphins going. :) Good luck and have fun!
I agree with the exercise idea. I am the least fit person I know - I'm terribly underweight and have no muscle, so what most people consider "exercise" is out for me - but I always feel better after walking my dog. I take it very slowly, even if it's just for half an hour or so. I've never been the type to exercise in any formal way - going to the gym or anything. Where I live there are no gyms, but there's a lot of countryside and walking outside suits me down to the ground. It's free too of course. So if you're feeling too unwell to do anything rigorous or don't feel fit enough to attempt a gym or exercise class, just walking can really boost your mood and make you feel better.
Cat a tonic, loving the list of exercises:) I went to visit my cousins today and we went for a nice walk in the woods with there dogs which was so nice although I probably over did it haha!
UnXmas, unfortunately I live in an area with tons of gyms and no countryside which after today is disappointing as I really enjoyed myself just getting out in the nature! But I'm definitely going to look in to finding some kind of activity I will enjoy! I believe there is a big cycle park that new near me so im gonna see what thats like:)
Thanks for all your support

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