Feeling down

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Aug 28, 2011
Hi all, hope you don't mind a bit of a vent. I am just sitting with my daughter as she had to come get me out of bed because she had a sore stomach and felt sick. Only 2 weeks ago I was at the GP with her with a bad sore tummy worried that it's about the 5th time just this year. Was supposed to do a calprotectin but we've been away on hols. Worry is settling in!
Andrew has been keeping okay but seems a bit down just now. He ate like a horse on holiday but still lost half a pound. Hoping its "just teenage hood ".
Then there's me - still in a lot of pain with my joints, some sore stomachs and now I seem to have developed migraines. Doctors are no further forward and I am so tired of feeling ill and sore! :(
Rant over. On a good note, Norway is a truly beautiful country - loved our cruise there.
Glad you had a great trip. Hope it is just a blip for the kids and they feel great soon and you get answers for yourself and soon everyone is healthy.
:(I'm so sorry to hear all this.
Of course your down any one would be.:hug:

I hope things get brighter or at least y'all get some answers soon.

Sorry to hear this. Your vacation probably seems like it happened a long time ago. Hope things turn around for your family soon.
So sorry to hear this. I hope everything settles soon and they can find some answers for you!HUGS!
Really sorry to hear Sascot! Hope your kids feel better soon and you're able to see a rheumatologist :hug:!