Feeling lousy w/a cold & bad cough

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Jul 13, 2010
feeling lousy w/a cold & bad cough

Well, I thought I wouldn't get hit this year with a cold but I did. And to top it all off I have a very nasty cough to go with it that has kept my husband up all night and now he's miffed at me. Like I really am doing this on purpose.

I can't breathe, head hurts, not much of an appetite but am pushing fluids so the ostomy keeps going, nose is runny and congested, and I just feel like I got hit by a truck ya know that feeling?

Anyway, I do feel bad for my husband as he has to work and all, but geez louise, please don't get miffed at me for coughing that I can't control.

I'm going to see my primary MD tomorrow to get something for it and to be checked out to make sure it's nothing more serious as I'm on immunosuppressants. Thanks for letting me vent. I just want to feel better so I can get my house back in order.
I feel for you, I've already had one cold and one flu or "flu like virus" this year (I did have my flu shot, but this sure felt like the flu - fever, aches, chills, fatigue, etc - but my doctor said there's a lot of "flu like viruses" going around lately too so it could have been that). Every time I see my nieces and nephews I get sick. I got the cold when I saw them around Thanksgiving and I got the flu/virus when I saw them at xmas. I just have to avoid those germy little kids and I'd be fine! My 5 year old niece was coughing a lot at xmas so I avoided her and washed my hands a lot, but I still got sick. Bleh!

Keep drinking those fluids, that's the best thing you can do, at least according to what my doc said when I had the flu/virus. Good luck at the doc's, I hope you get some relief and feel better soon!
Dear Gutless,
I feel for you. I have not had a cold this year or a "flu like virus" and I keep waiting. I work with germy little kids so.....
Sorry about the hubby. I guess they have a right to get grumpy too, right?
I hope you feel better soon and that your doc is able to give you some relief of your cough...for both you and your husband.
Good luck,

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