Feeling quite ill today

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feeling quite ill today

i feelso ill today :(

i feel really nausueus n sick.. i cant eat anything ive only had a bite of toast to eat :( im so tired n keep feeling really faint

and im in college :( i dont know what to do... i cant go home because my mum wants me to stay intoday because i havnt done a full week at college since being at hospital :(

how do you cope when you are feeling like this?? but you cant go home :(

if i felt like you do, i'd go home. no question.

to me, the college course comes second to our health. this a is delicate area i'm treading in here, but it shouldnt be up to your mum - you know how bad you feel, and if you're feeling faint, cant eat...the only place you should be is in bed, or possibly at the docs surgery.

i'm really sorry to hear you're having such a rotten time right now, & i hope its just a short-lived phase & you perk up soon. xxx
ive got a doctors appointment tonight.. ive got the runs which isnt fun at all haha

might go home but ive missed so much college

I hope that you start to feel better soon. I know how it feels like to feel terrible during school. If I was you I would just go home. Don't make yourself worse as the stress could make you worse.Yeah that doesn't make much sense. Sorry not much sleep last night.haha

I will say my prayers for you
lol i get more stress from my boyfriend than i do from college. college is a walk in the park compared to him.

thank you =]

my tummy is still really sore :( my dr said it myt be a tummy bug ontop of my crohns... av neva had a tummy bug thats made my tummy feel this sore before :( mind you... i havnt had a tummy bug in a while.....

feeling ill is starting to do my head in quite abit and av only had this for 3 months-ish

what does everyone do to help them feel better?
I write... I party with friends at every opportunity, even when my disease tries to say 'no'. I also simplified my life... Think we have way too much (pardon phrase) **** to deal with in our lives to tolerate any more from anything or anyone ELSE. I concentrate on making the best of my life... of finding the best in my life.. focusing on that. Looking for humour, COUNTING my blessings big time.. AND not allowing myself to waste today in lieu of a tomorrow/someday.

Next time you doing a walk in the park at college, keep an eye out for a 'new' boyfriend. Pretty sure you'll find no shortage of newer, less stress filled models

Just a thought...
Hey Babe,

I get the same thing as you, nausea, and "sore tummy." I'm writting this right now with the latter. I had nausea earlier but it finally cleared up about 4pm. I constantly have the "soreness" though. Hate it. Always feel bruised.

Hi Babe123 -

I have been in a flare now for almost 3 months (every day feels like the day after a boxing ring match and sometimes I get to re enact the ring match as the day progresses so I hear you abou the sore tummy-and I am on lots of meds) , and it's not getting much better, but I am waiting our surgeon consults, more med switches, more tests...etc etc etc (life feels like an etc!)...but to keep spirits up and health on somewhat of a watch by me (I am coming to terms with the fact I can be more in control than I feel I can most days), I have begun taking more time for *me*.

Heck of a task as mom of four youngins' - but one thing a day that's about me, makes time go. Today was a movie - with some popsicles (can tolerate) and a big old warm blankie, just like a little kid (done as soon as my rugrats went down).

Back in my school days, I had more me time and didn't even realize it...had great walks/runs ( I was a pseudo trainer ) and lots of art when I could outside of the class schedule and work.

I am really looking forward to the sunnier days and sitting on my stoop and people watching too this year if I still stuck in the can't drive/ walk too far mode I am in now. And I have a new swing to sway on too. All good. And no, I am not as old as I sound but for relaxation, is calming down the senses and well, doing it's thing to avert my head.

Hope you feel lots better soon !
I took the semester off after getting sick and I play guitar a lot. Actually I just bought a new guitar and it helps me to relieve the stress. Just find an outlet. Writing and playing music is my outlet as well as coming onto here.

Best of luck
Hey Jeff,

What kind of guitar do you play? I have a classical 6 string. Have a friend that plays a 12. I just love the tone of any guitar or saxaphone. Find both very relaxing so I agree with you.


I am a bit of a book worm and love nothing better than a good thriller and some music on in the background when having a low day guts wise as I can "lose" myself in the book in between falling asleep lol

It can be really hard to tell the difference between a tummy bug and our bowel problems and often only when more than a few days go by do the docs and we realise that it wasnt a bug! So make sure you follow it up with your doc and dont suffer!

I am doing an honours degree to do with work and had to put it on hold and watch colleague finishing their's including those junior to me whilst I was unwell. The reason? I just couldnt concentrate. My head was all over the place and was so tired I couldnt focus. Loathed as I was to stop it I knew it was the best thing to do at the time as I knew I wouldnt do my own abilities justice either.

I have just picked my degree up again and hope to finish it by the end of the year as have 2 more modules to do then my dissertation in Sept. Fingers crossed.

Dont be afraid to say "actually I need to take some time out for me now". There are times to push yourself and times to sit back and ALLOW yourself to rest, repair and recuperate ok? Only you can judge that one for you too, not your mum or anyone around you. After all what is a few months out when you can really shine later? I actually had my degree on hold for 2yrs and it bugged me no end but had to wait. Now is the right time for me.

Do what you "feel" is right for you Babe. We will always listen and be here as sounding boards. Good to see you posting, keep at it we value your input ok?

Thinking of you
Kittee said:
Hey Babe,

I get the same thing as you, nausea, and "sore tummy." I'm writting this right now with the latter. I had nausea earlier but it finally cleared up about 4pm. I constantly have the "soreness" though. Hate it. Always feel bruised.


Try gravol for nausea.It works for me.

I have an epiphone les paul standard, a zager dreadnought acoustic(I hate it), an art and lutherie parlor, I have an old ibanez electric that is getting ready to be fixed up in a few months, and a custom acoustic guitar is getting built for me once I move to Alabama and get a job.
Don't know how to start a new post here was just wondering anybody here have anything positive to say about the operation? I suffer from terminal ileum crohn's and have the operation to look forward to in April bit worried just looking for someone who's been through it to talk about it with.
As for starting a new thread, simply go to the area... frinstance 'Treatment', and it is simply a process of clicking on the new thread icon/button. You can look at our FAQ section re tips on posting, etiquette, etc.. or just pop in with an open query that I'm sure someone will respond to. There is a sub-section (tho not religiously organized) dealing with surgery under 'Treatment'.. or you can browse the posts or do a search on the key words relating to surgery. i've not had an ostomy (Which is the op I think you're wondering about) but i've had a number of ops, the last one being a resection of the colon (lost 1 1/2'). I'm sure someone on here has; as to whether any currently active members did or not I can't swear to. (which is why I suggested the search or browsing). I'd also like to welcome you to the forum.. and I hope we'll hear from you again.
thank you everyone, i have trouble jsut sitting back doing nothing.. ive always got to be doing something.. maybe i push myself abit too much

and a cant miss anymore college cos my attendence is low

doesnt help that ive got alot of stresses.. that jsut makes it worse

i do knitting which is quite relaxing though

Knitting must be nice and calming. :)
I do a lot of sketching to relax.
I know how it goes with missing school... I never even dared to enter into college for the fear of missing so much I'd fail out. It can be hard enough trying to keep a job.

I hope the best for you... and wish you all the luck in the world.
TammySue62 said:
Try gravol for nausea.It works for me.

Is that prescription?

I have a few Odansetrons? <sp> Left and I have 5 on a refill but I save those for those days that if I dont do something, I will puke. Mostly its just a general gnawing nausea.
Hey Jeff,

Well that's me well and truly told eh? Sounds like you have a fantastic talent and ability and truly hope your plans for the future come true. You deserve it.

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