Well my story feels like a broken record. My name is Sabrina and I am still in the midst of getting a confirmed diagnosis of Crohns. I go to mayo Clinic next week. Last year I became sick. Fever, pain in my abdomin, headaches, eye aches, joint aches, and a rash all over my legs. I went to numerous docs and finally my OB ordered a CT. The Ct came back showing inflammation throughout much of my small intestine. It showed my colon to be fine. The gastro that I saw ordered a colonoscopy which came back fine as well. Since then I have had numerous episodes in which I have ahd to go to the hospital because of the pain and the bowel problems. My liver enzymes are always up when this happens. Last time my liver ALT's were in the 120's. Fast forward to now, a year later I am seeing a different gastro and just had another CT and another colonoscopy. My CT showed thickening of y bowel wall in the small intestines to be at about 3cm with numerous tiny lymph nodes in the adjacent area. My colonoscopy was oh course, normal again. I would expect it to be since my CT keeps saying my thickening is only in the small intestine and is located somehwat in the middle area. I love any feedback if anyone has had a similar experience.