Finally Eating Again...But

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Jan 23, 2011
Well after what seems like forever I finally felt able to reintroduce food to my body after many months of being on the 028 Elemental diet. It was so hard, I'd become phobic of eating for fear of the horrid symptoms I got when I ate before.

But I LOVE food, I am so so so so excited to be finally eating again. But I am absolutely terrified I will become so ill that I won't be able to eat again and will have to go back on the drinks. The terror I have for this is spoiling my eating and stressing me out.

The horrible symptoms I get when I eat always seem to start with one thing and gradually get worse. The distended tummy is always my first unpleasant symptom. It is here already :(. I really really hope it doesn't get any worse, and that the other symptoms don't start coming as well. I am so scared I will end up on the drinks again and starving.

My tummy is distended beyond belief! Do you think after 2 weeks my body would still be struggling to deal with the food, which it has not had to digest for many months? I'd have thought after 2 weeks things would start to get a bit better. But things aren't getting better. I sometimes feel so bloated after consuming certain foods and drinks I feel as though I'm about to explode :(.

I also seem to be unable to eat fruit. I ate a banana the other night for supper and my god, I regretted it! I swelled up like a balloon within minutes. When I had raisins the same thing happened.

Whenever I have yogurt or milk I seem to get the same reaction as with fruit. Its so horrible!

I was using linseed to try and create bunk and avoid constipation, but again that started to make me have this awful reaction. So now I am just sticking to a rather simple diet. I am not eating meat or very high fat food because I know they will cause me problems, they have done in the past.

Oh I hate being so bloated, all the time, it makes me look pregnant, and I can't fit into any of my clothes.

What is causing all this? Will it go away? How long will it take for things to settle down? Is it normal to be like this even after eating for 2 weeks? Is there anyone else who has had problems like this?

I feel like a right grouch complaining! Other than all this I am absolutely over joyed to be eating again :) I so love food!

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Hi Super, I was on TPN for a couple of months and studied nutrition for a long time. You have to be really careful starting up your normal digestion after an elemental diet or TPN.
A lot of people become lactose intolerant (milk, ice cream etc.) The milk sugars ferment and create a lot of gas which is the bloating you feel. Also, fruits are tricky not only because of their fiber content (which 'scrapes' the inflamed walls) but also because they need to be digested on an empty stomach, otherwise they will also ferment (create a lot of gas.) This stuff doesn't matter when your guts work well, but does matter to us. You really need to stick to easy to digest foods for a while at least. Simple things like white rice with a touch of butter and melted cheese (firm cheeses have almost no lactose). Plain toast and other simple foods (otherwise called 'white foods') I would keep drinking a protein rich drink like the elemental stuff, but if it sickens you then find another one (even the protein/carb 'body builder' drinks which have whey protein isolate, WPI, are very easy to digest.) Digestive bitters are good to stimulate gastric juice production, and a little peppermint tea helps with the gas.
Good luck - you lasted on the drinks alone (well done)so a bland low fiber diet should be manageable for a while, with protein drinks.
All the best, I feel for you with that dreaded painful gas that comes from incomplete digestion! all the best - handy.
Hey Heidi - so glad to hear you are starting to eat reall food again.....I would take it VERY SLOW with what you eat - and keep it you know milk etc is causing bloating - I would cut those out......maybe start with tea and toast (what I was down to at one point as a child)....OR - whatever it is that you know right now causes the least problems. Introduce simple foods one at a time - if it really bothers you, move on to the next one.....and, keep a log so you know which foods are safer.....

Please let us know how you are doing.....
It's good to hear from you, Heidi. I was worried. You are still in my thoughts and prayers, sweetie.
I was using linseed to try and create bunk and avoid constipation, but again that started to make me have this awful reaction.

I have had terrible reactions with linseed.

You could try Chia Seed Gel

It is pretty much the only seed I can tolerate. I can't eat the seed dry but I can consume it in the gel form. I normally mix a small glass of gel with water or juice and drink it down.

Chia seed gel added to pureed food is normally tolerated by very sick people, so you may be able to handle it. If not, just start off slowly and try consuming the gel in a drink. You could even add it to something like Ensure or the Elemental.

Chia seed gel was responsible for me having my first ever solid normal bowel movement after months of alternating between constipation and diarrhea. I took it every day for around three weeks before this happened, but once it happened I never looked back.

Hope things improve for you soon.
Oh I hate being so bloated, all the time, it makes me look pregnant, and I can't fit into any of my clothes.

Yes, this can happen to me. I brought some maternity clothes and now I feel a lot more comfortable and loose around the tummy area. Plus on the positive side, people give up their seats on crowded buses for you. :smile: I normally take the seat, because it is ultra embarrassing for them when you say you are not pregnant.
Hi Heidi - Just wanted to pop in and wish you good luck with introducing food again. Sounds like you are already having a tough time - take it easy, go slow....

Hope things start to get better for you!

- Amy
Thank you so much everyone! What lovely message :). I do have a tenancy to over think everything and become obsessive about symptoms. In all honesty so far being on the food has been an absolute pleasure. I've not had any of the previous symptoms at all (except for the preggers belly), so to be honest I had a think last night, I should really be celebrating, rather than complaining about a bloated tummy.

I have waited a while before putting it out to the world about my eating, because I've eaten so many times before and then had to stop and go back on the 028 Elemental diet. I hate having to tell people I'm eating and then not eating again, so I've just given it a bit of time. I just really really hope it will continue and the tummy will settle down.

Thank you so much lovely people!

i was going to come in and suggest a lactose free diet, but it's already been said. lol.

honestly, it is so worth trying... the bloating etc could well be simply due to lactose intolerance... if you kicked out lactose from your diet you might well be able to enjoy food without the horrible after effects, and in turn without the worry..
Hey Heidi
I know what you mean by the gas and the bloating.
I hope you can eat without pain soon. I am thinking of you and sending positive vibes your way :D
Thank you again lovely people for these messages of support :).

I am actually on a lactose free diet at the moment. I found that every time I had milk and ice cream, stuff like that, the bloating was just unbelievable. I definitely think Lactose is a problem right now. Its really odd though, I never used to be lactose intolerant. Is it possible that this is just temporary? I really hope so, I'm going to The Costa Del Sol in the Summer and I want to be able to eat Haagen Dazs, although I reckon I can manage without it ;) Just to be able to eat is a gift in itself!

Does anyone else on here have a problem with garlic and certain foods like pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds? I've just spent a whole day in bed feeling horrendous after having a 2 teaspoons of pumpkin and sunflower seeds yesterday, I can't believe the reaction to them!
I have a really tough time with garlic and onions - even the smell of them makes me sick, which is odd because I used to love them. Have you tried any probiotics? That may help with the bloated feeling/digestion. I am trying to stay away from all dairy products too and see if that helps me to feel better. I have heard that you should reintroduce one food at a time for 4-5 days to see if you have any reaction, then try another, but give enough time in between to see what foods may be a problem and which aren't. Good luck with eating!
Lofflex Diet

Hi there,

It is tough and V.scary eating again. I am under a dietician and am having to follow a really strict low fat low fibre diet called lofflex after being on the cartons and am then reintroducing food items gradually.
I still have two cartons a day as my consultant says they still have a healing/soothing effect and also help get the nutrients as this diet is definately not a long term thing.

It is basically
any lean meat/poultry but not pork or any processed meats like pate etc
White fish (not battered/breadcrumbs), tuna,prawns and scallops
Two small portions of any of carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, lettuce, mushrooms, peppers, swede, tomatoes (No skins, seeds or stalks)
Two small portions of any of Melon,grapes,peaches,plums,pears (No skins or seeds)
Rice and other rice products such as rice noodles, rice cakes, rice krispies
Potatoes - No skins and must be hot,
Low fat ready salted crisps
Olive Oil of sunflower oil
Soya Marg and Soya Milk or rice milk
Herbs, Salt and Pepper

Perhaps you could try it for a week or so and then slowly reintroduce food. Yeast,Wheat and Milk products are to be reintroduced towards the end.

I tried to be clever when I started it and cut out all the cartons at the same time and ran in to trouble so now I have gone back to having a couple of cartons at breakfast and find they really do help.

Hey Heidi! Glad to hear you are eating again! I had the same problem when I started eating again. Could it be possible that you just don't know what a normal belly looks like anymore because you are used to a concave one being normal? It sounds silly, but that happened to me! I was so used to being a waif, it took me a while to get used to a healthy body again. You get kind of oddly used to being skin and bones! My husband for one, is very glad that I have put a bit of weight on (okay, quite a bit, actually). I've had to buy all new clothes, but hey, at least I have ****s again! Ha ha!

Also, have you tried lactose pills? They help me quite a bit with dairy.

Other than that, everyones advice has been great so far. Enjoy eating, and get ready to buy some new clothes sweetheart! :)
Thank you so much everyone for your lovely kind words of support! I'm sorry it has taken me a while to reply, I've been on my holiday so haven't been online in a while.

Rachiep Thank you very much or your suggestions. I have tried the LOFFLEX diet before, to be honest it was quite good to a point, but it didn't eliminate my problems. I do find though when I eat high fat foods like cheese or ice cream and high fat meat it does cause a horrid pain in my liver, so I do think it helps a little. But I don't seem to have a problem with fiber, I find having quite a high fiber diet is helpful for me because I get a lot of constipation otherwise.

Jer's girl, yes you are spot on. I hate being unhealthy and underweight, but getting normal is not enjoyable, I must admit. I feel flabby all the time as a pose to healthy. Which is pretty disheartening. My boyfriend loves my new growing ****s though! :) I think clothes shopping will be nice when my body has settled down, but I just feel like I want to cover my body up at the moment and not show anyone.

My tummy is extremely bloated right now, but I've just had a stool test done to check out what is going. The stool test results will be fascinating, but I have to wait another week to get them! Its a painful wait I must admit!

thank you again everyone
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Heidi- I know exactly what you are going through because I just went through it! I looked monstrously fat to myself after I got healthy, but now that I am used to it, I feel like I look really pretty and soft, and I am soooo glad to have my ****s again! I imagine that it is even harder for you, as you may have never been at a healthy weight before. All I can say is give yourself some time to get used to it. Boys love curves, so it does help that my husband likes me a lot better this way. :)
I have found that I am a lot harder on myself, and tend to see other women who are my size or even quite a bit larger than me look great. I found this site, which helped me put things in perspective. All of the girls who were around my size looked pretty good to me, so I figured that I must look better than I am giving myself credit for too! In fact, I think I was over estimating my size by about 20 pounds judging by these photos! I do have a history of eating disorders though so I'm not that good at judging my own body. I don't know if this will help, but check it out! I hope it puts things in perspective for you too. :)
Jer's girl, thank you so much for this, this website looks really good! Is this a picture of you? Its a very nice picture you look great in it! You should be proud of your body!

I do tend to over focus on my body to an obsessive degree, but I'm trying to ignore the whole weight thing because its just a stress I don't need. As long as our bodies are healthy I think its really important to be able to accept it as it is. Easier said than done, but I think learning to accept our bodies is maybe a process, rather than an event, I really hope things improve over time, for both of us, I think they will. :)

You take care, and thank you so much for sharing this with me, I really appreciate it,

big hugs
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Oh no, it's not me. It's a whole bunch of different women actually. You can program in your height and weight and see women who are a similar size to you. It is pretty interesting.

I agree, it is a process. Lets both try to Keep feeling healthy, enjoy eating and have a great day! :)
Hello Nicole, well I am continuing to eat for now. I am desperate to do so. I have results from a stool test I did 3 weeks ago on Monday. I've been counting down the days until these results and I really can't wait.

I will get on the forum and tell my results when I have them, I think it will be very interesting and might show why I keep retaining gallons upon gallons of water, especially around the abdomen and thighs. I should be less obsessed with my body, but seeing it change literally overnight like this have been very traumatic.

Roll on Monday...

How are you doing?

I am good, and like I said, I completely understand what you are going through. I am happy with my body now, but going from 115 to 128 practically over night made me feel like a blob!
Yes I've been recommended them before, apparently a stool test I did proved I am low on digestive enzymes. Although my practitioner did say its as a result of being on the elemental diet for so long and that given time my enzymes will improve in quality and number again. I'd love to take digestive enzymes though, but they are very expensive.

Thank you for your advice though
