First day at my new job: long post

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Feb 5, 2010
Well, today I started my first day of work at my branch. I apologize for this rather long post, but I'm feeling a mix of emotions and just have to spew out all my thoughts somewhere.

For those of you who didn't follow my other thread...I was unemployed for some time and recently got hired as a part-time teller at a nearby bank. I have no previous experience in banking, but do have experience in customer service and cash-handling. I arrived at 8:45 am and the assistant manager let me in. I also met the new manager of the branch, who was also there on his first day. There were a couple other tellers there too. So, I stood around for a while talking with the manager and ASM and one of the tellers (when he wasn't assisting the drive-thru customers). Then the lobby opened up and the ASM sat at the customer services desk to direct people. I was still standing around at this point (behind the teller line) not knowing what I was supposed to be doing. So, I talked with one of the other tellers in between customers.

Finally, my training supervisor came in, but I stood around some more not knowing what was going on or if I was supposed to be doing anything. After another 20 min it seemed, she told me that she was setting up my name tags and passwords to log onto the computer to do my training. She showed me how to use the intercoms for the drive-thru so I could pick up the tubes for them. She told me they were having a hard time finding my login info. So, she started "training" me on daily transaction stuff and telling me about all these codes to type into the computer. I'm thinking to myself at this point, "I hope this isn't what it's going to be like all day." I don't learn the best that way. I like to be given the concrete information, comprehend it, then put it into practice. But, I do what she says for the time being.

A little while later she hands me a piece of paper and tells me to call it and find out my password and codes. I have no idea who I'm calling or what the numbers on the paper even mean. At some point I put the guy on hold and went to get my wallet that had my new employee number in it (not realizing that the number on the paper was it). The phone had slipped off the table and was hanging on the floor and when I came back my training supervisor says, "Just so you know there's a hold button." (I have never used a phone with multiple lines before, sorry!) So, then I felt like a dope. 2 hours later I'm finally signed into the system to start my computer training. She signs me up for 3 web classes next week. She asks me if I'm sure I can get all my training online done quickly to be able to do the online classes (which I can't do if I don't complete the computer stuff first). I'm usually a quick learner (my last job I completed the online stuff way ahead of schedule), so I told her I didn't think it would be a problem.

So, I start the 1st module of my training on "Banking Basics." I'm introduced to another teller a little later and am told to take "lots of notes" because my supervisor is known to "drill with questions." So, I start taking notes and am feeling slightly overwhelmed by all of the info. I soon realized the format of the online training was not my favorite. What was being said into my headphones wasn't the same as the text that appeared on the screen. So, I had to wait to read all the text until after I listened to the speaker and then write lots of notes. I certainly was writing a LOT and I started to feel like gosh this is taking forever. The program didn't even let you view your progress. So, you have no idea how far along you are in the module without quitting the whole program to view the outline. I had no idea when I finished sections, so when she came over to ask how I was doing I didn't know what to tell her. I was in the middle of a section apparently and there's no pause, so I had to tell her when I finished, so she could check.

Boy did I feel lousy when I called her over to check on my progress and saw that I was only halfway through the FIRST section. That's it! I was supposed to be done with Banking Basics and the second module on Security after today. But I didn't even finish the first section! It didn't really feel great when she realized this and said, "Oh, you're not even done with the basics..." And then asked me how long I thought I had been working on this section and looked at my notes to see what I had been writing down. She told me I was writing too much and showed me all these reference sheets saved on the computer "to keep in mind." I wish she would have told me about those BEFORE! Or hey...maybe they should print all that out for new people so they're not scared into thinking they need to write down all this info from the training because they're never going to see it again.

After that, I had about an hour left before I had to leave. I sped through the next sections trying my best to get at least the first section done! My supervisor went to lunch around 12:45 pm and said she'd see me tomorrow because I would be leaving before she got back. I wondered who would approve the section for me once I completed it if she was gone. She didn't tell me (or maybe she figured I probably wouldn't finish).

At 1:15 pm, one of the head tellers came over to let me know it was time for me to leave, so I should log out for the day. I logged out to check the outline and saw I was on the LAST section before the end of the first training module. Grr!

So, needless to say, I went home feeling rather discouraged. I pride myself on doing things well and I kinda felt like my training supervisor thought I was under performing. I don't like being perceived that way. Like I'm slow or something. But, if those first 2 hours in the morning hadn't been wasted I bet I could have easily finished both sections. I don't think she kept that in mind.

It's weird. I get a vibe from her. She's outwardly nice, but I sense this underlying feeling of empowerment she likes to lord over people. Any time I added my own personal experience to the conversation to try and relate to what she was talking about, I wouldn't get a response. So, I don't know. Hopefully, I won't have any issues with her.

Everyone else seems super duper nice otherwise. need of some encouragement. I know it's only the first day. But, I don't like leaving a "bad" impression on people. And I feel like my training supervisor already has an impression of me that isn't REALLY me! It's a new job, so of course I'm going to have some insecurities. I just wish I felt like my training supervisor was more encouraging rather than so focused on what I haven't done yet.

Alright, bring on the warm fuzzy feelings! :)
Sorry to hear your first day didn't go so well, Marisa. Some people are difficult to work with, and it sounds like your new supervisor might be one of the difficult ones. But hey, you survived, and it can only get better from here, right? I think everyone gets overwhelmed to some degree on the first day of a new job, so just remember that it'll be easier tomorrow and easier still the day after that and so on. And hey, if I were your supervisor, I'd be very pleased that you were taking a lot of notes instead of just breezing through things and only half paying attention. Sounds to me like you're doing fine as a trainee, but your supervisor could use a little help with her people skills.
Thanks, Cat :)

What's funny is before I started the online training she said I should take lots of notes too and handed me a huge notepad to write on. So, sounds to me like she's hard to please. You either take notes and you don't get far enough or you don't take notes and you get nailed later on during one of her pop quizzes, haha.

I agree on the needing people skills too! She was part of the interview process for me and I remember thinking, "Gosh she's awkward!" There was a nervous energy about her that I noticed then too. Maybe she's still "new" to her position and feels like she's got something to prove by being hard-headed. Or maybe she just doesn't relate well to people! Haha.
it's weird. I get a vibe from her. She's outwardly nice, but I sense this underlying feeling of empowerment she likes to lord over people. Any time I added my own personal experience to the conversation to try and relate to what she was talking about, I wouldn't get a response. So, I don't know. Hopefully, I won't have any issues with her

All teller supervisors are this way. :)

Oh.. and you will feel like you aren't fast enough for a month or two... its just that way- you'll get there, don't be so hard on yourself!
I don't get it, Katie! Haha. Of all the people to be personable you would think the teller supervisor would be the one! I mean they are the first person new people have to deal with. Blah. I'm trying not to let it ruin my experience ;)

I'm notorious for being too hard on myself. But that's where you guys come in handy! Hehe.
Don't worry - there's always someone dumber. I'm sure the supervisor has seen it all - dumb asses, smart asses, nervous people, overconfident people. Just be yourself. The people that hired you were confident you could do the job. They are right; you can.
Hang in there. It's just the first day. It will get better!

- Amy
Just tell her you're only working there until you figure out their vault, then you're going to the islands!!!
Just tell her you're only working there until you figure out their vault, then you're going to the islands!!!

Ha unfortunately most banks don't even hold enough money daily for that. It cracks me up when customers come in and expect to be able to withdraw 10,000 cash in all large bills without calling ahead of time. Riiight.
Hiya Marisa!

Have you had a better day today?
Some supervisors are jobs worths, over zealous and power mad!
Just rise above it, don't bite, you'll get there in the end and prove her wrong!
If it continues however, have a little word, discretely, do a bit of reverse psychology on her! like, 'Hey, you're really good at this, how do you manage so well'
'do you think you could give me some tips'
'Hey, I like your blouse, it really suits you' ha ha ha ha no, that's just brown nosing, don't do it, lol
Good Luck huni, you're gonna do just smashing, and anyway maybe she's jealous cos your gawjus!!!
Hey everyone!

Today went alright. I managed to complete all the sections I was supposed to complete yesterday. So, I guess technically that means I'm still a day behind. Still trying to catch up though. Hopefully tomorrow I can get ahead some. These training modules are SO drawn out and structured in a way that doesn't make things terribly easy to learn. The last portion of my day I spent watching a powerpoint recording of the EXACT material, word-for-word, that I spent the majority of the day going over. I would have skipped over it, but it was on the outline of things I had to complete. Yuck.

Tomorrow they have me at their nearby drive-thru satellite branch that is slower. The ASM mentioned trying to put me on a drawer - yikes! I understand the hands-on stuff is where I'm really going to learn how to do things, but I hope they at least have the common sense to have me finish the corresponding training online first, so I'm familiar with the terms. Tomorrow I'm supposed to learn the system they use to handle all transactions on the teller computers. It's slotted to take 2.5 hours online. Sheesh. I also hope my training supervisor understands if I'm doing hands-on training rather than my online stuff that's only going to put me farther behind schedule in completing the stuff I need to take the web seminar classes next week that she's been CONSTANTLY reminding me about.

Every time I went over to get her approval before I moved on to the next section, she kept saying "Make sure you complete it in the time allotted." Sheesh. I get the idea!

Did I mention that she also never came over to check on me today or even said hi to me in the morning? I was never sent on a 15 min break either (5 hour shift = no lunch, but yesterday I got a 15 min. break). Though several of the other tellers at least stopped by to say hi and ask if I was still awake. ;)

Mario - Maybe one day I'll take over her job, haha.

Oh...and all I heard today was to STOP taking notes and just have a general understanding of the material. Well duh, isn't that a given? Haha. Though, i wonder if some of these people had more of a finance background prior to being hired that helped them understand the material better. I took notes yesterday and I FAILED the first assessment the first time. We have to get an 80% on each assessment to pass and only get 2 tries before getting locked out of the system and have to call a number to get them to reset it! I'm not sure why that is necessary, but boy did I feel the pressure the 2nd time I took the assessment. I thankfully passed it the 2nd time. But yeah...if I want to take notes, I'm going to! I wish people would just hush and let me do my work, haha!
What kind of a computer system locks you out if you fail an assessment twice?? The computers here at my workplace lock us out if we mis-type or type the wrong password 3 times, but that's clearly for safety - it locks out any would-be password stealers. Well, at any rate I'm glad to hear you survived day 2 without strangling your supervisor, ha ha. :)

Also, you said you're a day behind - but if you're only working part-time, doesn't that mean you're right on schedule (assuming you're only working 1/2 days)? ;)
Yeah...I have no idea why the program would want to lock you out of the system if you fail the test so many times. I suppose, in order to notify your supervisor, in a way. But, it just seems like more of a hassle to me. Some people aren't that great at taking tests. Adding the pressure of being locked out in shame sounds harsh, haha!

Hey, that is true, Cat. ;) Too bad my supervisor doesn't look at it that way!
Well, I'm happy to report that today was a GOOD day! :)

The drive-thru satellite branch was a lot quieter and less busy with fewer people, so I wasn't as distracted while I did my computer training. Which was good since there were no headphones and it was harder to hear the sound.

It was more simulation stuff and I did better on the assessments today without having to take barely any notes. I printed off a lot of the resource guides from the computer and that helped a lot in answering the questions.

My supervisor was also a lot more personable today. We actually had a semi-conversation today!

So, tomorrow I am back at the usual branch. Now that I've completed some of the teller training, I wonder if they'll try putting me on a drawer like my assistant manager mentioned. Or if my supervisor would prefer me to finish my training first.

I'm just happy that I had a good day! Hope it continues! :)
This is so great to hear Marisa! Onward and upward from here...................good for you hun, you'll blitzem!

So happy for you, :):):)
Glad things are going better for you, you are a very kind person and deserve to be respected and treated with dignity. Please try to not be so hard on yourself-from one perfectionist to another, it is hard for you to live up to such high standards when you have been out of the game for a bit like we both have. I believe in you and you will catch and be just wonderful at your job. Hang tough my friend.

So, I'm feeling demoralized today. It was a rough day for me.

I finished my trainign 2 days early, so my supervisor has been letting me shadow the supervisor tellers and today she wanted me to "run her drawer." Which, I knew basically meant she was going to sit back and not help me.

She's just brutal. Her corrections of my errors are very condescending and her explanations are very quick and, I guess, though I sometimes understand what she is saying, it's not being explained in a way that I remember right away because I would make the same mistakes again. Or maybe it's just that she has such a terrifying and intimidating presence that I lose all confidence in myself and forget everything.

I even messed up a transaction and deposited the wrong amount of money into someone's account, but it wasn't caught until after the person had left with the incorrect deposit amount on their receipt. So, she got all crabby after that and had to undo the last transaction and do it again. I feel like she was partially responsible because she should have been watching me step-by-step to ensure I was inputting the correct information and she wasn't. So after that I wouldn't click to the next screen without her saying everything is fine.

I really have tried hard to connect with her and lighten the mood. It was the same terrible attitude yesterday when we finished up the day with my review of all the online training. No encouragement. Just flat out "no" or "not necessarily" in response to my incorrect answers. Sometimes she tells me I'm wrong for something, but what she thinks I answered is not what I said. For example, she asked me to explain how we "make things easy" for the customers as part of our company promise. And I explained that we can help customers fill out their transaction slips and she cuts me off saying "No, we never fill out slips for customers." (Which was not at all what I said) So, I went on to say, "I meant if a customer was unsure about what information goes where, we can help them with that." She says, "Ok, the only information we are allowed to write for the customer is their account number." And jokingly I said, "So, we can't sign their name for them?" And she just stares at me with a dead pan face and doesn't respond. Sheesh!!

I also attempted today to make conversation and get to know her and asked her how many people she has trained so far and she said 4. Followed up with, "So you better not fail!" Neat. Thanks for the vote of confidence. I feel like she is setting me up for failure.

Anyway...I was glad when I was able to be with different supervisors later when she had to go to other things. They are all really nice and patient and don't make me feel stupid for making the same error more than once or having to ask which number to put down.

I actually heard that she made one of the supervisors I was working with cry. She pulled her mid-transaction (so I had to wait for someone to come back and finalize everything) to basically yell at her downstairs for making some kind of errors on a new process that the bank is implementing that people are still having a hard time with (because they were never trained!! BIG surprise! They were just told they all had to read this 2" binder of information on how to do it). So, it's not just me she treats terribly. It's basically all of the people working underneath her. Because her demeanor made a complete 180º today when a superior showed up. All of a sudden she had a sense of humor and was giggly and nice. Annoying.

I also didn't get a break AT ALL! I was there for a total of 6 hours and I didn't even get a 15 min. break (so I forgot to take my Imuran). I'm supposed to technically get a 30 min. break if I'm there at least 6 hours (which wasn't planned, but she asked me to stay late to get codes for next week).

Grr!! Just yuck! She's such a miserable person. How do people like this get supervisor positions?
I took a few management classes in college and have seen it prove true time and time again. The "peter principle" basically says that people are promoted to their level of incompetence. in other words S*** floats! The best advice i can give you is to document, document, document! keep a journal of all things that she says that is derrogatory or demeaning. You may also want to disclose to the human resource person that you have a disability (?chrohns?) so that you are protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act.

In the meantime blow sunshine up her wazoo and take deep breathes each time she is a d-bag. you are a very strong person and will make it through this. take notes and question her as to whether or not you have the right info ask her to just initial your notes so that you know you are on the right track in the learning process. put it back on her - how could you teach me to
this the way that you want? and have her initial when you do. You have fought really hard to get there don't make it easy for this witch to get rid of you! As always i am pulling for you Marisa! ((((((hugs))))from the big ole jerman...
Jer - I was thinking about when I should disclose having Crohn's to HR. Do you think since I'm still in my probation period i should hold off on letting them know - at least until I'm a permanent employee? I'm definitely trying my hardest not to let her "win." I agree with you! I have fought hard to get this job and I'm not going to give up anytime soon. Just pray I keep my patience and not let her get the best of me. That's just what she wants!
Sorry I missed this thread Marisa. I'm so sorry that you are having a hard time so far.

I hate to say it, but it might be a jealous woman thing going on with your supervisor. My younger sister had a horrible woman for her student teaching. No matter what my sister did, it was wrong. After going through 4 years of collage, student teaching and work to become a teacher, she almost quite because of that woman. She really made my sisters life Hell, and even tried to keep her from graduating from the program behind my sisters back. It was really terrible and crazy how much this woman had it in for her. My sister is really pretty and bubbly and smart and I honestly think that some women feel competitive or threatened by women that they feel jealous of.

It sounds like your supervisor is a hag to everyone so please try not to take it personally. In a few months you will feel more confident at the job and she will have less power over how you feel about yourself. Just remember that some people will not like you no matter what you do and you will just have to remember how sad their lives must be if it makes them feel better to make your life harder.

Hang in there lady! Just be proud of yourself for getting the job and sticking with it.
Yeah, Marisa, if I were you, I wouldn't bring up your Crohn's until after your probation period. You never know. It would be a good idea to bring it to them at some point, though, so you can explain about frequent bathroom trips or doctor appointments... Good luck!
Thanks, Nicole! :) I hope I don't get to the point of wanting to quit like your sister. I am trying not to take it personally. It does help knowing she's not singling me out specifically, since she seems to be a d-bag to many of the other employees, but how sad for us all. It's still hard for me to understand how she's been allowed to act that way for 2 years without consequences. Ah well.

Sharon - I agree with telling HR. It's weird because this will be my first time ever disclosing it. I'm not so much worried about the frequent bathroom visits (since I am usually on the C side of Crohn's rather than the D side), but the doctor's visits and possibly some fatigue I'm worried about (once I'm on a regular schedule). And getting my breaks at appropriate times, so I can stay on schedule with my meds! Do you know what exactly is required of me to disclose it to HR? Will they ask me to fill out a form or have my doctor write a note or something proving I have the condition?
M - I've only worked at once place since being diagnosed, and it was all very informal. I mentioned it to my boss at the time, and my boss' boss, and they were very understanding. I just made sure to bring in doctor's notes if I missed any time, or had any limitations. I also told them well in advance of any appointments and they accommodated me. Maybe other workplaces are different?
Hi, Marisa. I'm so sorry that it seems you are working with a bully. I fully agree re. what the other person (Jer's Girl, I think?) said about jealousy. Jealousy plus perceived power equals a nasty combination. Here she is, miserable (and perfectly happy being miserable, too!) and making sure everyone else is as miserable possible, too -- and then you waltz in, all happy and shiny and it makes her just cringe. Only you can know if the behaviours cross the line into harrassment or if it's a sort of unpleasantness that you are going to choose to deal with until the time comes when you can Move On and not have to work directly with her. I'll be praying that you can continue to manage the situation, whatever route you take. I was in a bully situation not too long ago, and I think that God removed me from the situation before I had to go through the agony of filing a harrassment suit -- we were close to sending in the paperwork, and then all of a sudden I didn't have to anymore. What a relief it was. You'll get out of your situation, too.
Thanks, Kelly. I've been super stressed this weekend thinking about this coming week. It's been really difficult for me to just let it roll of my shoulder. That's just not how I work. I like to do things the right way and do my best, and this is the first time I've ever had to deal with someone like this. It's not fun. My husband and I talked and I decided I'm going to try and grit my teeth and bare it. Though, if she continues to treat me poorly, I'm going to make my very best attempt at addressing the situation with her and saying I feel her approach to coaching is harsh and not at all helping me learn at my best. If she gets defensive and tries to argue with me about it, Alan told me I should be well within my rights to say I don't feel comfortable continuing my training until we've sat down with a manager and hashed this out. If it's done that way, at least I can say I tried to resolve it with her first, rather than going over her head to complain about her. AND...if she really is worried about my failing ruining her reputation as an effective trainer, then if it came to that point, perhaps mentioning going to the managers would scare her into not treating me terribly. And if the managers support her rather than me, then I guess I don't need to be working there anymore!

But...I'm trying my hardest to believe that my biggest challenge will be to get through training without letting her get to me. But, if I can do that, my contact with her will be minimal, and she won't have control over my employment status anymore. I don't want to be a quitter! So, I'm going to give it my best. I sure hope the above plan doesn't have to be put into action, but at least I have an idea of how to handle the situation if things do go sour.

I could sure use all the encouragement and prayers you all can throw my way! I can use all the courage, strength, focus, tough skin, humbleness, grace, and speedy learning I can get to stick with this job and stick it to this bossy lady!! ;)
Hey Marisa, :bigwave:

Sending you all the luck and positive thoughts in the world that you can survive the training time and move on to bigger and better things!


Thinking of you hun, :hug::hug::hug:
Good luck with everything today Marissa....REMEMBER - like you said, she is there only for a little while - you don't have to put up with her forever.....

Good idea about asking her to initial notes - and document, document, document.

My philosophy - what goes around, comes around - I'm sure she will get hers in time....hope you will be there to see it.....<insert evil little laugh here>
Today was a good day! Mainly because I was at the slower, drive-thru only branch with only the 2 tellers and no supervisor. Yay!

I actually heard some interesting news. They were talking about how they heard my supervisor applied for an assistant manager position at another branch. I think they said she was offered the position, but hasn't decided if she's going to take it or not (due to the pay).

Needless to say...I would be BEYOND ECSTATIC if she left! All my problems would be solved. Well, at least with her anyway. I would feel terribly sorry for whatever branch is getting her as an assistant manager though. Those poor employees! ;)

So, hoping the rest of the week goes well and I don't get any surprise visits from her. Friday is the scariest day because I'm back at the main branch with the Evil One. My Assistant Manager told me to take my time and not worry about keeping up with the other tellers. So, seriously...if she tries to bully me into going faster I'm going to tell her that the AM said not to! Haha.
I have worked in banking for 16 years so I thought I would offer a little advice. Banking is hard, most people have Key Performance Indicators that are difficult to meet. There is a lot of pressure and unfortunately managers often take that out on staff. The person training you needs you to reach certain goals so that she is not underperforming. Often those are hefty goals. While it sounds like she is not the nicest person please understand that she probably has never had proper training to be a trainer. Someone just thought she could do a good job as a trainer since she did a good job in her prior position. Given that she has applied for a new position she probably does not like what she is doing right now and/or underperforming in that role. I am assuming that as a trainer she is only there until you are trained? I would not confront her on her training methods, nor would I go to your managers unless she was harassing you in some way. You do not know what kind of power she has in the company nor do you know your managers well enough to think they will side with you. I know it is not how it is supposed to be but unfortunately it often is in banking (I have worked for 7 banks, some better than others). You will not be looked upon favorably if you complain so early on. I think you either need to suck it up. There is going to be stress and pressure in banking. Once you are trained you are going to have to make sure that you are following all compliance and hitting your sales number. Your manager is going to push for these things as she needs your numbers. Banking is a good profession but like anything it is not always smooth sailing. Honestly I think voicing your concerns about your trainer coupled with telling HR about your crohns may lead to you not getting past probation. I would hold off telling HR about crohns until you have a flare or issues that affect your work. I once worked with a lady who actually lost her job due to frequent bathroom visits coupled with poor performance. I quit my job but I would have been fired due to poor performance that crohns had a lot to do with. Be careful as companies can make anything seem like poor performance if that want too. It is especially easy in a bank because there are so many performance indicators. I think your best bet is to stick it out, learn as much as you can, do the best job you can and befriend the team that you work with. Good luck!
Thanks for your input and advice, Bec.

I understand there are many goals that people need to fulfill within the various levels of the company. I do not think that is ever a good excuse to treat someone poorly. I also think the ability to empathize goes a long way regardless of "proper" training.

I am not the type of person to complain about things to management unless they are affecting my performance or ability to success in a role. I don't believe anyone should suffer at the hand of someone who likes to wield their position for their own benefit and at the detriment of others. If that means I lose my job over it, then it's not a company I want to work for anyway. With that said, I have already decided I'm going to "suck it up" as much as possible.

And to be more specific, she is a Service Manager, so she will not technically go away once I'm finished training, but will have less influence over what I do on a day-to-day basis.

I am an extremely loyal and dedicated worker, no matter what the job, so I'm not going to give up so easily! :)
You sound like the kind of teller Branch Managers want! That sucks that she will remain in the branch. I got the feeling she was a trainer that went between different branches. The problem is that one bad egg can really affect the moral of a branch. I was not working in a branch in my last position at a bank. I was a regional manager responsible for the lenders but the regional manager in my area responsible for the branch managers (who was not even my boss, we were peers) made my life really miserable. He was a bully. Him coupled with a flare and one lender who did not do his job and made me have to micro manage him (he was on performance management) resulted in me leaving my job. I was depressed, ill and stressed beyond belief. Now due to the economy I have not been able to find another job :( Hang in there, if you can, no job is worth your emotional or physical health. One thing I can tell you is that people are always moving around in banks so maybe the trainer may take that other job or after you have passed probation you may be able to change branches. I did not mean to sound harsh. I understand the issues you are facing. But having been a manager for such a long time I also know how hard it is for someone who is in the wrong job for them, either that or your trainer is just a meanie. Good luck!
Nicole - things have been going alright so far. Saturday is the big day. This whole week I'm at the slow branch that's drive-thru only, so it hasn't been bad. Saturday I'm at the branch where I hear the drive-thru gets wrapped around the building! So, fingers crossed! ;)

Bec - Thanks! I hope my branch managers think the same way. ;) the more I hear some of the chit chat between other employees about things going on, I realize I'm not the only one being "targeted." Sounds like many people are waiting baited breath to hear that she will be leaving the branch to take the other position. I hope so! Also sounds like the assistant manager, at least, is aware of some of the situations that have happened where he knew this woman was wrong in how she chose to deal with certain situations. So, I'm glad to know that the managers are behind the tellers :) It also sounds like others aren't willing to be stepped on anymore and are more willing to speak up if they feel they are being treated unfairly. Hopefully that means this woman won't be given the chance to ruin the team's morale, like you said.

That is unfortunate what you've had to deal with. It's hard for me to understand how bullies end up in customer service jobs. That is one thing I will never understand. There should be more accountability for people. Sad that often times good employees get pushed out of places because of that.

No worries about sounding harsh :) I understand you were just trying to offer another perspective!

I hope you find something yourself. You sound like a very understanding and patient person. Your next employer will be lucky to have you! :)
Surprise! Haha. I've been feeling drawn to the forum lately and even though I'm keeping up with you on FB I wanted to harass you here as well. Just wanted to say kudos for sticking with it and trying so hard. You're being very patient and understanding and regardless of what happens you should be proud of that. Starting a job where they expect you to learn or know things when you haven't been trained well is SOOO frustrating, especially when your management sucks. The good news is that you're smart and even if they don't know how to train you properly, given time you'll figure it out anyway! SO POOP ON THEM!!
Haha, thanks for your surprise message, Melinda!

Good to know people still check on me every once in a while. I'm not as active on here as I used to be either. But, good to know we can all come back and see what's going on either way.

I guess it's time for an update. I never did after Saturday. One is in order.

Well, I SURVIVED Saturday! It was busy, but I suppose I built it up in my head to be worse than it was (or maybe I was imagining a Starbucks rush in my head, haha), because I didn't think it was too bad. And everyone kept saying it was busier than usual. Hmm. So, I guess I'll be alright if it's like that all the time. I was on drive-thru only though. May be a different story once I'm working in the lobby. I haven't yet had to deal with a customer on a one-on-one basis face to face. Baby steps. They want me to get really comfortable doing the basic stuff before putting me at a teller window.

I'm still making minor mistakes here and there, but it's normal I guess. I did get an e-mail form another branch about a customer who was wondering why a certain transaction was debited and deposited. Apparently, I missed switching the type of check it was (or it could have accidentally gone back to the original option since it's chosen on a scroll down menu). It was fixed and the customer was notified what happened. Not a major issue, but still annoyed I did that!

My supervisor was very odly nice on Saturday as well. Not only to me, but everyone else. Like COMPLETELY a different person. So, I'm not sure if someone spoke to her about being a little more friendly or what. But, it was SO much better. It would be really nice if she was like that every day. And that just proves that she IS capable of being a decent person. So, she should really stick to that attitude, regardless if she hates it, haha. That's her job!

I'm in the midst of completing extra compliance training online and we just covered harassment and I would say many of the descriptions in it were very similar to the atmosphere she was creating prior to this sudden turn around. So, I wouldn't be surprised if someone pointed out the fine line she was approaching between harassment and just being bossy.

So, yeah...this week I'm at the drive-thru only branch, so it's been on the slower side. So, hopefully it continues this way and I start to ask less and less questions as I become more confident in the transactions I'm doing.
Marisa! Awe...I hope that thingsd perk up fory you...Don't let these things get to you. SYou seem to be a good person, and lord knows...we do not need any added stress. You will be just fine. She's not saying it so I will--your loyalty and dependability are worth tons...Keep up your good effort. Peace, Sue
I wish they let me do drive thru first, because it certainly is different doing the transactions with a customer in your face... and quite a bit more nerve wracking when you're expected to "sell" things like new accounts and credit cards while doing transactions and providing good customer service.

You'll get used to it all! :)
Yeah, Katie! I was happy t hear they wanted me on drive-thru for a while. Though I'm not sure how long "a while" is. I might show up tomorrow and find out they put me in the lobby next week! Haha. Hope not. ;)

I worry about the referrals too. Since I'm part-time, our goal is 3 a week, but that still seems like a lot. I don't know how your bank is, but I hear mostly the same people come in every day and they're not really in need of any new accounts. It's like a desperate race to see who finally caves in and who actually gets the referral since one person can her the sales pitch from like 3 different tellers. I hope they take that into consideration. It would seem like most people would be unable to meet their sales goals, don't ya think?

Thanks for the constant encouragement everyone :)
I'm so glad my job doesn't force me to try to sell/upsell anything like what you described with the referrals! But apparently that's really common with so many jobs. My mom used to work at the post office (she's retired now) and she had to try to sell things to every single customer who came up to her window. So even if you were just there to buy a stamp, she had to try to sell you a commemorative post office teddy bear or something. She hated it! I guess my point is, most people nowadays are used to hearing sales pitches if even the post office is doing that, so I'm sure your customers understand.

Glad to hear the job is otherwise going okay and that your supervisor inexplicably became nice! I hope the niceness lasts!
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So, today was my first day back at the main branch. It was super busy. I was basically on the drive-thru by myself for 5 out of 6 hours I worked today. Of course, the lobby tellers helped me out when they weren't helping customers. But, I thought I was doing an alright job.

I had to get my Assistant Manager and Service Managers to help me with a few transactions here and there because I hadn't done them before.

Two annoying things happened today though.

1) I've been balancing my drawer every day for the past 2 weeks and it's been perfect every time. Today I balance and I'm $180 OVER! Which potentially means I could have shorted people money. But, I SWEAR I counted all my money the minimum of 3 times for each transaction. My husband thing it may just be an entry error that the proof department will fix. Like I entered 200 instead of 20 or something. I hope it's something easy like that rather than actually being over $180, but I'm frustrated that it had to happen while my Service Manager was there and watching me balance my drawer. It figures doesn't it? Again, I understand that mistakes happen while in training, but I keep making dumb ones. It's FRUSTRATING. I don't know how that sort of thing looks for someone who is still training or if that's normal or what. I realized today I haven't really heard a "Good job" or "You're doing well" from my supervisors. It'd be nice to know if they did think that. I have a tendency to think the opposite if I don't hear any words of encouragement, which is why I get so stressed out and have to vent to you guys.

Annoying event #2...I had just finished a transaction with the assistance of my assistant manager because it was a large cash deposit that required me to count all the money (using a counter) and put it in my drawer to be sorted later. Well, after I finished the transaction on the computer I forgot I had a huge sum of money to sort through in my drawer, so I got my sanitizer out (like I normally do after handling cash) and my AM says "Sort your money now." And I say something like "OH yeah! Guess I didn't need that sanitizer after all." And he says something like "You don't need to use sanitzer. Unless you're dying or something" (he's a sarcastic person). So, I joke back to him "Well, then I guess I'm dying." And he said something else and I said "Well, what if I was dying?" And he said "Don't tell me you're a germ-a-phobe." And I said, "No, but I need the sanitizer." And he wouldn't leave it alone and says, "Why?" And I said, "Because I have a weakened immune system." And he says, "Oh..." And turned and walked away. I think he realized he had put his foot in his mouth when he realized I had a legitimate reason for needing/wanting to use sanitizer. I mean, I get it. He wants to be the sarcastic younger assistant manager who can joke around with the employees. And I really don't think it crossed his mind why anyone would want to use hand sanitizer unless they were a "germ-a-phobe," but he should really watch some of the stuff that comes out of his mouth. Think before speaking. He doesn't know I have Crohn's either, which is why I felt pressured to say something to get him to leave me alone without spilling the beans just yet. I know he didn't mean any harm, but I'm still annoyed I was put in that awkward situation.

Anyway...hoping the rest of the week is better. It would also be nice to find out that the $180 I was over was an entry error. :(

I'm such a worrier. Rahh!
Try not to be so hard on yourself my friend, I have made a boat-load of mistakes and am a perfectionist like yourself but try to look at it as part of the learning curve. You are doing well and have made it this far so you have to be doing the majority right- correct? Good for you for putting young Mr. Fussypants in his place!