I'm new to the forum and have been going through very hard times this year so far...I was diagnosed with uc when I was 12...being young and dumb I never really stayed up on medication...well now I'm 25 and have been in the hospital 3 times starting Jan 1st 2016 for a total of 26 days and now I became diagnosed with crohns diseas.. I had a perferation of the colon and it created an abscess well surgeons want to remove my colon but gi Dr are trying to let it heal of infection and then start intravenous antibiotics. Ive been off work for 6 weeks now and really haven't eaten a solid meal. I have been very stressed out and worried...has anyone gone through something similar. Can you share your story/advice.
Thank you very much.....Royce
Thank you very much.....Royce