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Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 25, 2010
Hello everyone. It's so nice to read stories from people that know what I'm going through. Thanks for being here. I welcome any and all advise for both Crohn's and the use of this website. Took me a week to figure out how to post a new thread, but I'm learning.

Now, about me....I was diagnosed with Crohn's 5 years ago, but had my first abnormal colonoscopy 15 years ago. For 3 years I took Pentasa and Mercaptopurine, but when I lost my job and insurance Oct. 2008, I quit my meds because I couldn't afford them and I thought I was cured! I can be a little stupid sometimes. I was doing great until recently.

Since April 7th, 2010 I have been hospitalized 3 times for a total of 24 days. The first night they did the NG tube, CT scan next day, kept me on IV fluids for a couple of days and transitioned me to mechanical soft diet in less than 48 hours. Started Pentasa and Prednisone. They sent me home on Monday and Tuesday night I was in so much pain my husband had to call an ambulance. Same routine as the first time, except they started me on Remicade and stronger doses of Pentasa and Prednisone. During both hospital visits I saw my GI once or twice and the rest of the time was his associates or other hospital assigned FI. I stayed on the soft diet, but overall did not feel really well. Two weeks later at 2 a.m. I'm vomiting and cramping, but did not want to go to ER again. I waited until 8 a.m. and could not reach my G.I. Dr. so went to family physician. He couldn't believe I was having another attack and that he could not reach my GI Dr. or any of his associates. I told him I needed a new one, so he sent me to a different hospital with a different group of GI's.

This Dr. kept me in the hospital for a week on IV's and liquids and finally did an upper GI series. He informed me the Crohn's was extremely active in 2 places, the iliem and the colon. I also had a fistule that had developed towards my appendix, but was closed with scar tissue. He said my colon needed a break and plan on liquid diet for at least a week or so.


It's been 2 weeks and I'm afraid to eat. I've been living on ensures, yogurt, baby food, etc. I just started experimenting with mashed potatoes, pasta, creamed soups, etc once a day. It's not bad, but I tend to get this real heavy feeling in my upper right side. It's different from the pain I had when I went to the hospital. I don't know if this discomfort is from the Crohn's or from eating something heavier than liquids and yogurt. I tend to get cramps before I go to the bathroom, the stools have become more solid, and I'm going less often.

I guess I should post something under diet, but I wanted to say hello first. I'm looking forward to getting to know some of you. Thanks again for being here.
Sorry you're having a rough time of it.

Same sort of deal with me -- multiple and consecutive hospital visits until someone finally paid attention. Sometimes we have to insist on treatment.

Welcome to the forum.
Welcome to the forum! I am sorry about the rough days you have had....every day is a step towards feeling better!
Hi MisB
and welcome

Yeah, sorry too, and you've exhausted all the usual meds too. My Crohns is in the iliem, so can't help with the colon pains, but someone here will, there is lots of support and advice, glad you found us, and you'll make lots of friends.
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Welcome MisB! :welcome:

What part of Florida are you from? I grew up in St. Petersburg and just moved to Chicago recently :)

My Crohn's is concentrated in my ileum as well. The pain you are talking about could be from your body slowly getting used to eating something other than liquids, or since you said you had scar tissue, it could even be that anything really small is going to cause you discomfort passing through. I would be extremely careful eating things as you don't want to end up with a bowel obstruction. Definitely liquify as much as you can. I know it's boring and it sucks. I was on a liquid diet probably for a total of 3 weeks before I tried soft foods.

It's good you are on the Remicade though. Hopefully thay will help with anymore fistulas that may or may not be there and get that inflammation down. All those meds can talk a while to kick in, so you'll definitely want to be extra careful for a while. There are others on here who have been on the liquid diet for months even. So, it's doable. Not easy, but definitely doable.

I agree you should get a new GI who will be available to you when you need them! Good luck! Glad you found us :) I have received lots of advice and knowledge on here as well as made great friends.
Thanks for all the encouragement everyone. What my family has been through in the last few months has been really horrific to say the least, and this flare-up has really pushed us all over the edge. I just keep praying that God is starting to turn things around, like leading me here for extra support.

I appreciate everyone's replies. All of you really seem to understand even though we all have our differences. What a complex disease this really is. My family is supportive, but they can't really understand the pain and frustration or the bathroom and diet issues. I hope to be an active participant on this forum, although I still have so much to learn myself.

Dreamintwilight - I live an Palmetto, just south of the great Sunshine Skyway. If you lived in St. Pete you should know exactly where I'm talking about. I actually worked a temp job at Ceridian on U.S. 19 in St. Pete for a couple of months last year. I would love a chance to chat with you, but this is my first forum and I'm not sure how they work. I saw your facebook link, but couldn't get it to work. If you're interested in contacting me, maybe you can let me know how we do this?
hiya MisB and welcome to the forum :) if you're unsure about anything regarding using this forum, just shout out either in here, the Site Suggestions section, or send me a pm - it is a little confusing using a forum at the beginning but you'll soon get used to it.

i've also had that fear of stepping back to more solid foods after liquids have calmed things down. i would say keep on the mostly-liquid things for now, and very slowly introduce just one slightly more solid food in 24 hours - if you have no pain, take it from there. discomfort is different, like has been said, this could just be your tummy adjusting to more solid stuff going through it.
Thanks Dingbat. I'm slowly learning my way around the forum. As I get my questions together, I'll send you a pm. I appreciate your help.
As for the food, your suggestion is basically what I am doing. Thank God I like yogurt and Ensures. I've gotten away from the baby food and using my food processor to turn some things into mush. It seems to work pretty good. I'm still trying to determine which solids I should try first and which ones to stay away from. I guess it's trial and error.
I still can't believe my first GI was pushing solid foods like he did. I think he was trying to kill me.
Again, thanks for being here. I will contact you as I put my forum questions together. Thank you for your efforst on this site. It's great to find people going through what I'm going through.

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