I'm new to the forum. I've had a crohns for 15 years now with not many complications. That is until a week ago. I got some really bad cramps, nauseas,and started throwing up bile. I left work and just went to hang at home. The pain then got bad so I went to the ER. Turns out I had a perforated bowel and they had to do surgery. They took out 2 feet of small intestine. I'm making a good recovery and they say everything looks great. Should be out of here in a couple days. My question is... What next? I've never taken anything hardcore. Prednisone, asacol, pentasa, that's it. They're trying to get me on remicade or humira. Pretty aggressively actually. I've had 3 GI's already come talk to me and they called me. When I mention alternatives they won't even talk about it. WTH? Seems like they're trying to sell the crap out of it. Going to try and find another GI. Has anyone tried LDN? I'm curious. Thanks all