Fissure Problem

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Nov 8, 2007
So my most frequent problem is rectal and anal fissures. Right now I have a series of incredibly bad and painful fissures from probably 3-6 inches into my rectum all the way to the outside. Obviously this makes having a bowel movement a serious problem, to the point I had to goto the ER for a disimpaction under sedation because I couldn't pass the stool out and my constipation from the crohns got bad without notice (usually it takes 5-7 days for a problem nowhere near this bad, this was 2 days tops).

Even with stool softeners, a liquid diet, and lots of fluids, I am not passing stool readily and that which does pass is still hard and painful. I am at a loss for ideas to get my stool softer when my usual tricks (including docusate sodium and miralax) are not working for me. I pretty much can't pass hard stool right now and can barely pass softer stools due to the severity of the pain. The ER told me they would basically not sedate me again (which is stupid as instead they made me suffer from pain at a 9 or 10 for 8 hours) and that I have to find another solution. It was almost like they didn't acknowledge the fact my issues are crohns related and not some bad lifestyle problem and I am asking them to undo my bad choices with a semi-risky (sedation) procedure. Also, warm water + olive oil enemas don't do anything when this happens except to cause pain as my body tries to force things out that hurt too much.

I don't really want to have to goto the ER for this to be fixed, but when it hurts so bad your body physically clenches your rectal muscles so tight that nothing can pass, I don't have much choice.

So tl;dr; really bad painful fissures, semi-impacted stool from crohns, need ideas to soften things up beyond stool softeners and miralax.
Forget the stool softners...
I tried that and was once in your position.
Purchase a cream over the counter called - hydrozole.
That will make you feel a lot better straight up.
To maintain the fissure use baby wipes every time you pass a stool.
You will find this will keep you away from the pain and will appear like you dont have a fissure at all.
Once you stop the baby wipes or hydrozole the fissure will come back so don't stop.
I was in a lot of pain at work because of fissures and would get back to my desk sweating.
It was my biggest problem for 4 years straight.
I have controlled it due to diet and baby wipes and no longer need to use hydrozole unless it gets bad.. It generally gets bad if your stomach is bad.
I found dairy or bread made my fissure worse..
I am trying to work out how I can use baby wipes at work as its a bit embarrassing...
Oh also, stool softners can sometimes have a reverse effect if you don't drink enough water with them.
Try a diet of fruit, veg and meats for a while and see how things go.
Believe it or not.. But that dietitian that says have fibre and lots of it is destroying you.
I don't even have cerial anymore as it usually clogs me up...
Now fruit and gluten free toast for breaky...
Hope you get it sorted soon
Dazzafarr, when I had a fissure I was advised by my CR doc to purchase a portable Sitz bath and use it as often as possible. Sit it on the toilet, add warm water to it and sit for 10 minutes. Very reliebing and helps with cleanliness. Currently, my daughter has a fissure, she has an ointment prescribed by the CR doc. I'll get the name of it for you. She says it helps a great deal.

Good Luck
Hi Saidinstouch.
You have described the path I took to getting a Stoma!
My rectum and anus was so badly ulcerated, I could only pass stools with the aid of morphine. Hopefully this won't happen to you.

I did come up with a range of pain relief methods.
I used lignocaine to deaden the area.
Whenever I needed to poop - I would jump in the shower, shoot hot water on to my butt, then poop. I would mop it up with baby wipes. It was like shitting acid - but it was the only way I could poop.
I had constant sitz baths.
I also used Emla to deaden the area.
I used Lacdol to soften my stools.
I also had a Botox shot in my rectum to relax the muscles and stop the painful spasming. This was done under anesthetic - after which they decided the bag was the only way I was going to get proper pain relief, and the area would recover. It was such a mess by the time I got the ileostomy, the CRS took a photo to use to show his students. It looked horrible!!

I really feel for you - I know how much pain you must be in.
I hope you get some kind of relief.
You have my absolute sympathy.
Hi. Hopefully by now your fissure is sorted. I had the same problem with my first flare up four years ago and the doctors just passed it off as if i was being silly and still to this day I've never experienced so much pain as with fissures.after months of agony I finally found a remedy that in my case worked wonders and I noticed the difference overnight. After just three days I was able to pass stools with a smile. Here's what you need to do.wash your anal passage with clean water using your hand and then dry it slightly but leave it a little moist. Then apply some normal white sugar. It will thoroughly cleanse you allowing you to heal much faster.repeat each time you open your bowels or if your still constipated repeat morning and night.I hope this works for you as it did for me like I said at the start I hope its already sorted.
Turns out my fissure was actually a fistula + abcess
+ void....
Gotto get it plugged I guess....
Love MRI's! - diagnosed fistula
Hate GP's - diagnosed anxiety

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