Fistula of doom

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Apr 4, 2012
Hello all,

I got told I don't have crohns but yeh I have a perani fistula/abcess/void
Found this out 1 month ago.
Surgeon is not calling me back to let me know when/if/what the operation will entail.
Went to hospital today in hope they will help me seem it's infected.... Nope.
Can anyone who has had a fistula give me advice.
Well that does s*cks!
So you went to the hospital and they haven't done a thing about it or you went to the hospital and they determined that it was not infected?
You probably would benefit from having some antibiotics and I wonder why you don't have any as of yet actually?
Actually I went to read some of your previous posts and saw you are dealing with a bacteria as of recently? Once again, maybe are you on some antibiotics.
In that same post you were saying you were suppose to see a GI on the 1st. He has no plan for you? It seems like someone is missing something somewhere...

Unfortunately, I don't have much more suggestion than trying to get something like cipro+flagyl if that is appropriate for your case... :S

I hope you get some relief from that soon.
Good luck

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