Fistulas and Sex

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Jan 3, 2009
Sorry for the TMI on this one...but this post has to be made. Google has no love for me :(

So, I have a rectovaginal fistula. My docs don't really 'believe' me...but I know it's there. It's not serious to the point of needing intervention, just a little gas leakage through there.

However...more often than is painful. Like sometimes so painful I avoid it at all costs. My husband definitely does not appreciate this. He understands, but it's so unpredictable that I don't know if it's going to hurt until we're in the middle of it, so I just try to avoid it, which hurts him. He thinks he's undesireable, or that I have no sex drive. I have lots of drive...just no gas. Make sense?

For you ladies that have these, or know of someone who has, or have done a bit of there anything I can do to help the pain??? I don't want my husband to feel unsatisfied, but I can't keep going on like this. It starts to wear on a person's self-esteem... Thanks in advance!!
Can you pinpoint why it hurts sometimes, and not other times?
Are you getting enough foreplay?
(Should this be in the lounge?)
Do you use any lubrication?
(Don't answer those here.)
To make him stop feeling undesirable, try satisfying him in other ways than just vaginally.
My ob/gyn said we could patch mine up, but I'd rather not mess with that area, as I don't have pain from it. I'd hate to put in a patch then have a rough spot or something.
there is a kind of condom call extended pleasure.... they cause things to go numb.... wonder if that would help. although can turn into a 2 hour session sometimes.

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