I have occasional bouts of diverticulitis, so while this group is really not for me, I had to open an account to share my metronidazole (flagyl) experiences.
Night sweats: Horrible.
Taste: really thought I was going to vomit it and the Oxycontin I'd just swallowed.
Efficacy: Taken with ciprofloxin the inflammation associated with the infection had subsided to the point where 1/2 an oxy 2x/day managed the pain quite nicely.
Solution to the EXTREME bitterness: Don't ever let the pill touch the inside of your mouth or throat... to wit:
Cut a rectangle of "loaf bread" (I used white-wheat but any thin sliced bread of a "white" type will work). Make the rectangle about 1.25" wide and maybe 1.5" long, make sure you've removed the crust.
Flatten it with the palm of your hand until it is very very thin.
Carefully roll the tablet up in the center of the bread.
Quickly dunk the capsule into what ever you're going to chug to get this down.
Give a quick reforming to make it a thin football shape. Pop it in and chug.
It's some work to get the larger thing down, but it really beats trying to get rid of the taste afterward. I've done this way, and, if you can, a very thin coat of peanut butter on the bread (inside) before rolling it up helps it hold together.