Flank discomfort?

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Jul 13, 2011
Hello everyone!

I'm 20 years old, I'm not diagnosed yet with anything, but I will be getting another colonoscopy in a week and a half and my doctor thinks it may be Crohn's possibly.

I went to the hospital the other week because i thought i may have kidney stones because i keep having discomfort. They checked everything and said my kidneys are perfectly fine and I don't have an infection or anything like tha. They did mention my spleen was a little inflamed which i guess is called "splenomalgy" or something like that lol, but they said that is normal. But then I have been doing research and it says that people with IBD may have flank discomfort because if the intestines are inflamed it can push up against your spleen or kidney and cause that to cause some discomfort (?).

It would be great if anyone would let me know if they have flank pain because of IBD, or if that is common? Thank you so much.
Sarah developed right sided flank pain late in her pre diagnosis period. The cause was inflammation of her terminal ileum pressing against the ureter and causing urine to back up into her kidney. This in turn caused the renal pelvis to swell and this is what produced the pain.

When Matt had CT Scan earlier this year it also showed some obstruction of his right ureter but once the inflammation was brought under control it resolved. He did not have any pain associated it. He did however have an episode of left sided flank pain, accompanied by vomiting, a couple of months ago but it resolved after a few days and no cause was found.

I have read of at least one other person here, there may well be others, presenting to the ER with acute, severe renal pain that turned out to be caused by inflammation of the ileum.

Dusty. xxx
I'm getting an ache a lot of the time right on the area of my RH kidney & have noticed my urine flow is diminished a lot. Have a colonoscopy on Monday & hopefully all will be revealed. Pretty sure I've got this problem as well.
I really hope you get this

Sunshine Smile
I went to the ER with the EXACT same problems. Extreme flank pain and a slightly enlarged spleen. Did you find out what was wrong with you after the colonoscopy?
no, nothing has shown anything yet :( had a pill cam with one dr and found crohn's, but then did another one at the mayo clinic and they found nothing... so i'm still going through tests.. kinda back at square one again. and i just got this pain AGAIN and have had it for the last 4 days... crazy! I'm so sorry you are experiencing that pain too! It's terrible! When I laugh or breathe or move it hurts :( so sad. I love laughing.
@Dusty-I had the exact same thing as Sarah. I was already diagnosed and no one would listen when I complained about the pain on my left side, so they did the CT scan and saw the inflammation.
I will keep you updated as I go

So far the doctor did find minor inflammation to my ilium and suspected crohn's but the way he told me he seems like the tests were inconclusive. Not sure. I'm going to have a second opinion as I've been taking Pentasa now for a 2 weeks and it still seems the pain comes and goes just as it did. Again the inflammation is very minor to the point that he asked me if I take asprin often.(which would cause that sort of inflammation as well). I have also recently found out I have a prostate infection (the doctors think they are separate incidents.) I am worried about a fistula but who knows. I have put my self on a gluten free diet just in case this could be celiacs. (don't know if he tested for that). If you find out anything please let me know. I am concerned that it may be unrelated.
Ohhh okay. i see. definitely keep me updated! Under the undiagnosed club I just posted something about what my doctor just told me too. Apparently, it's still a possibility that I may have Crohn's... :/

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