Flares suck

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Aug 16, 2011
flares suck

Hi, I'm new.
I have had Crohns for awhile now. I have dealt with it the best I can. But once again I am flaring. This time I am scared and feel so alone. I am married to a wonderful man, my family is very supportive. For some reason though I just wish I knew someone who was going through the same thing that I could talk to. The closest I can come to this is joining a forum meant for Crohns patients.

Things will get better one way or another. I have been so tired lately. I am starting college classes again this fall. But my doctors have me worried. I may have to have another colonoscopy (I never handle them well I always throw up and get extremely dehydrated) I hope things turn around before courses start.

Anyways I love 30 Rock.

Liz Lemon Out!!
Welcome! I don't know anyone IRL with Crohn's, either. Only people online. Sorry to hear you're flaring again. I'm still trying to get my flare under control that started last December. It's gone from severe to mild, so I'm happy about that.
Hi Liz! Welcome to the forum :) If you're looking to find people who understand, you've come to the right place. Plus, there's a wealth of information on basically every subject here. Enjoy your stay :)
Hi liz, welcome to the forum. and your not alone i have crohn's for 21 years now and it flared up a month ago and i am still battling it. With all the predisone and other medications too many to count. it's like fighting a demon. it just don't want to give up. i haven't eat anything solid for a whole month. and now i am into my second month. but you came to the right place. Remember your not alone. best wishes

Welcome Liz Lemon and madsod. I know how scared you both are, but neither of you are alone. Please know that! You have found a wonderful group of people that can quickly become a new family. We can all relate.

Lots of hugs for both of you....
Hiya Liz
and welcome
what's that in your avatar? An owl?

You're on some good meds there, hopefully these will knock this current flare on the head.
Hope you find comfort here with us, we'll look after you!
Lotsa luv
Joan xxx
That is actually my cat playing with a string on my backpack. I have another picture of her looking like she is about to attack the camera because she is playing with the wristband on the camera. She is a great cat who can seem to tell when I am having a bad crohns day and wants to get attention, but then again she stood on my belly the day I got home from surgery......

And yeah I'm lucky. I haven't had any real adverse reactions to my meds (that I am aware of) and I was lucky enough to get a great IBD specialist.
Hi Liz and welcome! I love your username and 30 rock, too!

Have you reached out to your GI about your recent flare?
Yes I have. They said if I don't show enough improvement in two weeks They will have to scope me. I never do well with scopes, last time I could not keep down the stuff I was supposed to drink.
Prep is awful. What are you going to need to take?

I highly recommened the Miralax/Gatorade prep. Miralax is an over the counter powdered laxative that has no taste at all. You mix an entire bottle with 64 oz. of lemon Gatorade. You can't taste a thing. Mention it to your GI and see if he'll allow you to use this method.
Thank you so much for the suggestion. Is it pretty gentle on the stomach? Or as gentle as a prep can be? I will definitely mention it. Thank you again!!
Other than those online, I havent met anyone face to face with Crohns either. Your title of this thread though is incredibly accurate!!! FLARES SUCK!!!! BADLY!!!

If you are having another colonoscopy, ask your GI about Osmoprep, its pills you can take instead of drinking that horrid stuff. It was a lifesaver for me. You have to drink a lot of water to follow the pills to ensure it clears you out well, but drinking regular old water or light colored gatorade is a breeze!

I too like this forum a lot, I have read tons about peoples experiences, some far worse than my own and it helps me to keep my own issues in perspective. The posters here also are very helpful and seem to enjoy posting and answering questions. I am glad I found this place!
Is it pretty gentle on the stomach?

It was tough on the gut for me, but at least I could get it down without throwing it up. Granted, I drank the whole thing (I am less than 120lbs and 5'5) at once. And now I have learned you can split the dose by drinking one half mid-afternoon and the second half in the evening or even the morning of (needs to be 5 hours prior to the procedure). So, I think for my next scope in September, I am going to drink half at like 2pm and the other half at 8pm, and I may skip a glass with hopes it will sit better with me. But, again, it was sooooo much better than the prescription preps!