Flares & work

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Jul 12, 2010
Sent an email to Crohns and Colitis association UK, but in the meantime thought would seek some advice here, hope its okay

Wondering if theres any tips for working during a flare - anything you find handy to take with etc

We have a sickness limit of 3 days in 3 months- I had 1 day off sick , now in 3rd week of flare. Really struggling with the pain, been crying at my desk basically. May need to go to A&E but that will have to wait until weeekend - cant risk my work

Also I have to ask to go to the toilet with my job, which is tricky. I have just been walking out the past couple days as I simply cant wait..but I dont want any drama

Any advice or tips on things to bring that might help would be super useful

Thanks in advance
Wow, sounds like you need a new job more than anything else! I'm in the US so not sure what the laws are there in the UK (I assume you're in the UK because it's in your username), but denying you time off or even bathroom trips sounds like something you could maybe sue them for. Do your employers know about your illness? Are you in a position that you could work from home a day or a few days each week?

If I were you, I'd start looking into a new job. You shouldn't have to put up with that kind of treatment! I work full time at a desk job myself, I've used many sick days so far this year and I don't have to ask to use the bathroom. And my boss is really understanding about everything - he frequently asks me how I'm feeling, how my latest test went, etc. I know how it is when you HAVE to work and are so sick, but you really need to be treated better and with more understanding by your employers. Good luck, I hope things work out for you!
I have been on water + ice lollies only now for 3 weeks

Thanks hun, if it was that easy.. I would.. pretty much got to stick with it.

Going to try and speak to my manager today, see if I can take tommorow off sick. Really sick of crying all lunchbreak.

Yes they are aware of my illness, but the targets still need to be met regardless.

Thanks guys for your responses :)
I am also in the UK, as far as I know they cannot limit your sick days like that! For a start, long term sickness/ disability related illness ought to be considered separately to routine illness, secondly if you are off ill more than the limits, it is cause for a meeting with your supervisor to explain yourself, hand in evidence that you were really ill etc. Not grounds for dismissal. Also your employer must make 'reasonable adjustments' to accomodate you in your job, this would include things like unlimited bathroom breaks. Are you a member of a union? If so, I would contact them and explain your situation, you are being discriminated against. If you don't have a union, I would go to Citizen's Advice, see if they can help.
I have my sicknote yes - going to speak with manager later.

I can ask to have cover so I can go to the toilet.. just sometimes I really cannot wait!

Thanks guys, yes will ask him if this can be acknowledged as seperate to my sickness management. Fingers crossed

Thanks so much for all the replies
I agree with what Rebecca says. I have read many of your posts Dancer and you seem terrified of taking time off for doctor's appointments, having time off work etc.... If you are ill then you will time off, and if you need to see a doctor then that is what you have to do! Speak to your employer and explain things to them. You will not lose your job, you will feel less stressed and have time to look after yourself.

You say that you have been on ice lollies and water for 3 weeks now. Speak to your GP/Consultant and ask for a prescribed liquid diet, to ensure that you have all the nutrients and calories that you need.

Meg has surgery in 3 weeks and will be on a liquid diet until then. (she has been on a liquid diet since April) She has Ensure Plus and enjoys the taste. It's the only thing her body can take at the moment and fortunately she is painfree and has lots of energy.

Wishing you well Dancer. xxxx
Check out the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) in the UK. I was covered by it, mostly on the grounds of incontinence. Your employer is bound by law to make reasonable adjustments.. as Rebecca said. I think the National Association for Crohns and Colitis also has fact sheets you can print out about this, even one you can hand over to your employer.

Good luck.
Thanks guys, speaking to him in an hour.

I know its covered by DDA, but here than means little/nothing.. will see what they say. worth a try!! - they just allowed me 3 days per 3 months, opposed to 2 days for people without a condition covered by DDA

Thanks Dallies - I hope Megs op all goes well - I spoke to late night GP last night, he weighed me, checked my temperature and eyes - said he wasnt willing to do any meal replacement - just said to "eat/drink what I can".. so... nothing then! My actual GP is back from his cruise in 2 weeks..got an appointment soon as he returns

Thanks so much everyone
My GP just signed me off work for a few weeks due to similar issues. Sounds like you need to take some time off and just relax, take care of yourself etc. I'm still getting SSP so it's not like I'm without money in the short term. Hopefully when your own GP comes back you will be able to sort something out properly. I'd put your own health over targets. My work are a total pain in the rear end but they've been pretty supportive of me during this more difficult period and have even said if I need to extend leave that's fine as I have someone covering for me. You might be surprised as to how your employer reacts.

I've gone back on Elemental/Modulen which is a nutritionally complete liquid diet. I went from bloated like a whale to relatively comfortable in only a few days and it's helped a lot. Again I'd badger your own GP to make some more realistic decisions about meal replacement therapy.

All that being said hope you feel better soon!
My work got sick of me taking time off here an there all the time with my cd
so in my latest flare they put me in contact with the employee relations manager, we spoke a bit an they basicly said don't come back to work til I'm right

ok that prob sounds bad lol
but basicly what was happenin is I'd get a flare take a day or two off an then come back to work but not be 100%
they're worried I'm not giving myself time to heal/recover
so aslong as I see my specialist an keep tryin medication or ideas to improve an keep them informed then they will hold my job (so I'm told)
bit like compassionate leave without pay or such

perhaps you can get something similar organized with your work an get a week or two etc off

best of luck
Hopefully all went well with your manager.....

You said you have an office job, with "targets that need to be met"... is this at all something you can do from home? (Just another suggestion :redface: )

It sounds like quite a few from your "neck of the woods" have been able to offer some options... I hope one of these works out for you....

I understand the feeling of "being caught"... it might be easier for some to just "find another job" or "sue"...but that takes time, and in the meantime, you need to keep finances coming in to pay the house and medical bills.... I have no answers for you, but I have big shoulders if you ever need to cry or vent...either here or in PM....

Try and take care of yourself.

Sending caring thoughts (((((((( Dancer ))))))
Thank you so much

I wish I could do it from home, it is real time monitoring ..I could in blue sky scenario.. do it at home.. but I know with all cut backs we really wont right now

If I am off sick then I will face the concequences, I really cant afford to be signed off ..or I would!! Need this job ..cant risk loosing it due to being off a week!

I left off half an hour early, so got dropped home, can rest a bit now. Just get through the week, am hoping everything will start to kick in soon and calm down big time

DDA has been taken into consideration - manager happy to cover my toilet breaks, flexible working if needed, but ultimately we are a business and everyone has to fall within those targets. Which I do understand.

Thanks guys for all the help.. roll on Saturday!!

Well that sounds a bit more positive! At least you rmanager sounds a bit more flexible.... work has to be done, but at least you get to go to the potty when you need to!

Hoping everything continues on an upward climb for you.
Thanks so much

One day at a time.. cant wait for the weekend to sleep!

Until then continue with Cocodomal to get me into office
Hi Dancer
I can't remember whether I've said hello and welcome?

glad you got to speak to managers, I was going to suggest the reasonable adjustments too under the DDA, I think you'll find that they will comply.
In this present climate, jobs are scarce, so do the best you can, and your best is good enough!
maybe Codeine Phosphate would be a better choice, this is an excellent painkiller, but also stops diarrhea in it's tracks, can make you a bit drowsy tho.
big hugs your way Dancer, hope you'll be ok
lotsa luv
Joan xxx

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