Flaring while pregnant

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Jan 15, 2013
First off, I am 20 weeks pregnant with a little girl, and I could not be any happier :) I hadn't been on medication awhile before I became pregnant, because of the cost. So when I found out I was pregnant, I figured I might as well stay off the medications even though Pentasa is said to be safe. Well, I feel as if I've made a terrible mistake for me and my baby. My stomach has been hurting soooo bad lately. I am high risk due to the Crohn's and my low weight (that's thanks to the Crohn's too). All of my ultra sounds have turned out good, my last one being last Monday. However, they did draw blood and left me a voicemail Friday saying something in my blood signifies inflammation somewhere ( I realize this is probably a flare) and I couldn't quite understand the voicemail, but something about sublow food intake. I'm not absorbing nutrients correctly. I can't call back until Monday, and I am sick with worry. If I'm not absorbing nutrients, how can my baby?
What bothers me is I have been trying to eat better. I take vitamins everyday and do everything I can. If anything happens it will be my fault for refusing to take the Pentasa just because I didn't want to 'drug' the baby. Everybody kept telling me it would be fine, but I wouldn't listen. I don't care what the Crohn's does to me. I just don't want the baby to get hurt. I have a GI appointment for next Tursday. That's the soonest they can see me. Maybe I am not going into a flare. I trying to remain positive but the pains been soo bad these past few weeks and I've been going to the bathroom more frequently. My entire torso hurts and blah. Sorry, I don't mean to whine. I'm just so frustrated and worried. I swear everybody is losing patience with me. It's like they think this is all over a 'belly ache'. I called in one day the pain was so bad. The next day my manager asked if my belly was feeling better. Maybe I am being sensitive but I feel like.. people think I exagerate the pain.
Have you tried nutrition supplements such as ensure or boost or peptamen ?
Might be something to talk with your ob/Gi about????
That was my thought too ^^^. Ensure, Boost, Orgain. If it truly is the issue of not enough food/calories, drinking supplements can help.

I hope it's not a flare. Keep us posted!
Hiya. I am 22 weeks pregnant this week and am currently taking Pentasa. I have been taking it for longer than my pregnancy and i too am also in alot of pain. My consultant told me to continue the drugs because when i come off them i bleed and am in the toilet alot more.
I understand you dont want to take any drugs, I was the same but I have started my pregnancy on them so really thought i would continue.

I have noticed that since 20 weeeks my whole belly area is tender and sore to evern get out of the car. Because of my current pains I have contacted my consultant again and he has said that as long as im not in the toilet more or bleeding, the baby will continue to be safe and that these pains can be very normal in pregnancy.

I think as the baby grows and moves more she will be pushing on all your intestines. Its hard to want to eat when you feel so grim but keep going and hopefully your flare will calm.

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