Hey guys,
Was hoping somebody may have had a similar experience or symptoms. Kind of desperate at this point to find out whats wrong with me.
So one day 5 months ago after a night of partying, I woke up with extreme pain in my right flank (just below the ribs), and severe flatulence. This was accompanied by very soft bowel movements (not quite diarrhea), which had an odd very pale color I'd never seen before & almost an orange/yellow tinge. Also looked almost like there was a lot of mucous in it as well. I had felt fine until literally that morning.
Long story short, this continued with the off-colored, mucousy bowel movement, flank pains, and constant flatulence. As it progressed, the stool became less soft, but still didn't look right. Had pretty much constant nausea feeling like I was about to throw up. The flank pain eventually shifted to my left side as well & other parts of the abdomen, but became less frequent. I noticed that the stool started to become progressively flatter as well.
I've been in an out of the doctors/GI and have had countless blood tests for everything imaginable... liver function, gallbladder, pancreas, celiac etc. Everything came back normal. Had several stool samples which came up with nothing. Had a colonoscopy/endoscopy about a month ago. They found small ulcers in my ileum which they biopsied, but came up negative for Crohns (although I know those tests aren't always conclusive). Following the colonoscopy I actually got an infection in my intestines from the biopsy and had to be hospitalized/given antibiotics...which subsequently gave me tendonitis throughout my entire right side but thats a different story.
All in all the doctors have been able to tell me absolutely nothing. My symptoms have really detracted from my quality of life.
They have progressed/changed since this started. Here are my symptoms as they currently stand, my stools are loose, and now very flat shaped, but really not pale anymore like when it first started. Almost looks like ribbon-shaped. I have intermittent flank pains still, although not as painful as when it first started. I haven't found any food or anything that makes it better/worse. However, one thing I have noticed is I get very nauseous immediately following a bowel movement for several hours. Also have begun to have more frequent bowel movements, sometimes up to 5-6 per day.
Anybody experience anything like this? Very sudden onset with pale stool, nausea AFTER bowel movement, flat stool, etc. w/ negative tests for crohns? Its so strange since I literally woke up one morning and this started happening to me.
Just trying to get a name for whatever this is so I can start to treat it.
Was hoping somebody may have had a similar experience or symptoms. Kind of desperate at this point to find out whats wrong with me.
So one day 5 months ago after a night of partying, I woke up with extreme pain in my right flank (just below the ribs), and severe flatulence. This was accompanied by very soft bowel movements (not quite diarrhea), which had an odd very pale color I'd never seen before & almost an orange/yellow tinge. Also looked almost like there was a lot of mucous in it as well. I had felt fine until literally that morning.
Long story short, this continued with the off-colored, mucousy bowel movement, flank pains, and constant flatulence. As it progressed, the stool became less soft, but still didn't look right. Had pretty much constant nausea feeling like I was about to throw up. The flank pain eventually shifted to my left side as well & other parts of the abdomen, but became less frequent. I noticed that the stool started to become progressively flatter as well.
I've been in an out of the doctors/GI and have had countless blood tests for everything imaginable... liver function, gallbladder, pancreas, celiac etc. Everything came back normal. Had several stool samples which came up with nothing. Had a colonoscopy/endoscopy about a month ago. They found small ulcers in my ileum which they biopsied, but came up negative for Crohns (although I know those tests aren't always conclusive). Following the colonoscopy I actually got an infection in my intestines from the biopsy and had to be hospitalized/given antibiotics...which subsequently gave me tendonitis throughout my entire right side but thats a different story.
All in all the doctors have been able to tell me absolutely nothing. My symptoms have really detracted from my quality of life.
They have progressed/changed since this started. Here are my symptoms as they currently stand, my stools are loose, and now very flat shaped, but really not pale anymore like when it first started. Almost looks like ribbon-shaped. I have intermittent flank pains still, although not as painful as when it first started. I haven't found any food or anything that makes it better/worse. However, one thing I have noticed is I get very nauseous immediately following a bowel movement for several hours. Also have begun to have more frequent bowel movements, sometimes up to 5-6 per day.
Anybody experience anything like this? Very sudden onset with pale stool, nausea AFTER bowel movement, flat stool, etc. w/ negative tests for crohns? Its so strange since I literally woke up one morning and this started happening to me.
Just trying to get a name for whatever this is so I can start to treat it.