Flat stools

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mar 13, 2018
Hey everyone, I was diagnosed with Crohn's 5 years ago by colonoscopy (the only one I've had so far). I've been managing relatively well on just Mesalamine.

The last several months, my stools have been overall more formed, but I've noticed they've been flat. Besides color changes, occasional irritation and pressure feeling, I've felt overall pretty good and not had any other noticeable red flag symptoms.

I recently saw my GI and told him my symptoms. He mentioned multiple things including cancer and now has me down for my second colonoscopy. I kind of feel blindsided as I was feeling well and then he drops the c-word on me. I'm super anxious now.

Does anyone else have similar experiences or advice? Anything to ease my mind is appreciated.
I wouldn't worry about that. I've been there too. It's scary when it changes and gets flat or long. Every time it happens and they do a colonscopy it comes back negative. Phew.

I would love to know the cause though!
First off, take a deep breath and relax! If your last colonoscopy was 5 years ago, it would be appropriate to do another one whether there is a cancer scare or not. My doc believes in 1 every 3 years if all is stable. It's possible that the stool is flat due to a narrowing somewhere along the track.
Where is your disease located?
seebee, on my first colonoscopy, the ulcerations were all found in my right colon and ileum which the GI said was pretty typical for Crohn's.
Maybe try something like metamucil which can bulk up the stools if they are bothering you.

Narrowing could be a sign of a stricture and I would NOT recommend anything to bulk up the stool as it may cause a blockage.
Just eat light and easy to digest food and drink lots of fluids.