It is true, the flu can kill people. I will agree with that. But the flu shot CAN make some people very, very sick. I am a prime example, as well as my MIL and quite a few people I know. That is BS when the doctors say the flu shot cannot make you sick. LIES!!! They only can tell you that the flu shot wont give you the flu. This is true, it usually cannot cause the flu. But what the doctors will not tell you is that your immune system can go wakko due to the injection of the flu vaccine. I had a doctor at the MAYO clinic tell me that it is possible the flu shot set off my immune system and caused all my chronic health issues I deal with to this day! He told me that your body cannot tell the difference between a real virus attacking the body verses a non live vaccine( fake). For a lot of healthy people, they will get some mild flu like symptoms for a couple days after the shot( this is the body's reaction to the vaccine). But take a immunocompromised person and give them the vaccine, all hell may break loose! The body is already compromised and when you have the flu shot injected, then your body is going to go into fight mode. Well while your body is trying to fight off the flu vaccine( remember,it does not know it is a vaccine, it thinks it is a virus or some foreign invader), well then your immune system drops lower and it leaves you open for anything to get you. This is likely what happened to me when all my health issues started back in 2003, less than two weeks after I got that shot.
I am in no way saying this will happen to everyone, it wont. But all I know is I was told that if even a healthy person is sick even with the sniffles, they should not get a shot at that time. Also, I was told that people who have any sort of autoimmune issues should Never get any type of vaccine. It is a hard call. I mean for me, I will try and be careful as I can ( wash hands a lot, avoid sick people etc....) and will have to take my chances and hopefully not get the flu. But there is no way in hell I would ever get another flu shot as long as I live. my own doctor when I told her I would not get a flu shot, she told me "I dont blame you, I would never put that crap in me either!" And I have to say, I had a few doctors tell me that they never get the shot. What does that tell you when they wont even get it??
My MIL who is pretty healthy for the most part got a flu shot a couple years back and she said she was sick all that year with a bunch of viruses, one right after another. She said never again. She even said her doctor talked her into getting a pneumonia shot. Worst mistake ever, she said she ended up with viral pneumonia for over three months that year she got that shot!
I guess it is each to their own. Hey, for some people they are ok with it. But for some, they are not so lucky. People who have any type of immune issues or have a compromised immune system due to illness or meds, you are taking a huge risk when you get any type of vaccine...