Follow up with doc

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Nov 17, 2009
Well, I was really surprised to hear my GI doc still wants to do more testing. I was sure he was gonna tell me it was just a virus and come back if it happens again. My lab work (I believe asca) was actually positive, unlike the nurse saying it was ok maybe "weakly positive" it was HIGH. However, the biopsies from terminal ileum and from upper Endo came back ok. He is very sure it is Crohn's based on the two CT scans with severe swelling of the terminal ileum and acities, even possible obstruction. So he really wants me to take the Pentasa which I had stopped and have a small bowel follow through before doing a video capsule. I do have to say I feel increase pressure and discomfort in the low abdomen. So back to Pentasa for me. Am I doing the right thing? I really can't believe this is still a possibility. I really thought I was moving on. :depressed:
Well, I guess it can't hurt to try at this point. If you are that close to obstruction you have to do something!! Good luck and let us know how the SBFT goes for you.
Ive, been on Pentasa for a number of years and it worked for my lower abdominal pain until just recently. I would give it a try and see how it goes. I hope you feel better soon MissMel.
Good luck Miss Mel...It's hard to come to terms with being diagnosed with a chronic illness...It takes time to adjust. Pentasa is a relatively benign medication, so take it if it helps you.....Keep us posted.
I wish you luck. But I looked into pentasa and it is a relatively "weaker" drug. I was on Asacol for the last two years (just changed to Imuran 5 weeks ago now) and Asacol and Pentasa are in the same family of drugs. If you do indeed have Crohn's Pentasa is only meant to target one specific area of your digestive tract. In my case with Asacol it was only targeting the area where your small and large intestines join. I have a largely affected area in the rectum area which was left relativley untreated for 2 years and therefore has gotten worse. If Pentasa is working well for you that is great because that family of drugs is one of the safest ones to take and usually causes the least side-effects. I wish you all the luck in the world in getting better.
Thanks for all the supportive comments. I had to call the Doc on Friday after being up for hours with severe abdominal pain. He was concerned with the obstruction so he wanted me really cleaned out and moving stuff it helped. I am holding on well for the SBFT on Thursday. Happy holidays everyone. This is a fabulous place for support.
MissMel said:
Thanks for all the supportive comments. I had to call the Doc on Friday after being up for hours with severe abdominal pain. He was concerned with the obstruction so he wanted me really cleaned out and moving stuff it helped. I am holding on well for the SBFT on Thursday. Happy holidays everyone. This is a fabulous place for support.

I am having a SBFT on Thursday also. And I to was up last night at about 4am with severe abdominal pains. Good luck with yours.

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