Food cravings whilst on modulen with an ng tube, help!

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Jun 27, 2012

Hi guys, so basically i'm 15 years old and on modulen via an ng tube and i have about 3 or 4 weeks left to go until i can eat again and get the tube out, i'm finding it so hard not eating and get really bad food cravings, just about the only thing i can eat are sugar free ice lollies and sugar free mints until i get the tube out, does anyone have any suggestions of what i can do? thanks
Are you able to chew gum? It may help or possibly ice chips maybe? How long have you had the tube in already? I know not eating is very hard but you do get used to it. Before I was diagnosed I was hospitalized and wasn't allowed to eat or drink for a couple weeks and then was put on a liquid diet for a month after. The cravings never really went away but what I did was try to take my mind off of it by watching movies or playing games, anything at all (although I did plan my first meal for when I got to eat again, didn't taste as good as I imagined it though). It'll be over and done with before you know it! ;)
yeah i am allowed gum, but it hasn't really been helping much, ive had the tube in since the 11th of june and yeah haha i've been planning my first meal, i just hope it lives up to my expectations, thanks!:)
That's a long time. No fun at all. If I may ask, what were you thinking for your first meal (well, aside from any type of hospital food or the like, you know, real food)? For me I wanted a spicy chicken sandwich from Jack in the Box. In my head it was the best thing I've ever eaten. Maybe it would have been if I hadn't been forced to eat yucky hospital food for a week before I was sent home. :p Who knows, maybe you'll be doing great and they'll cut the 3-4 more weeks into 2-3 instead.
for my first meal i was thinking lasagne or some kind of pasta because its my absolute favourite food and i could live off it! or i would love a chicken royale with chese from burger king, they're sooo good. and i really hope so, i feel so much better and i think its put me into remission, hopefully with some persuasion i can get the time cut down
That sounds pretty good. Remind yourself that this is temporary. You're a trooper, you can tough this out no problem! Keep us posted on how you're doing. :)
good news! my dietitian just called and said it sounds like i'm doing great and it will be another 3 weeks at most but once she talks to my doctor at the hospital we may be able to get it reduced once they've weighed me and done bloods etc, hopefully i'll only have it for a week or two more, fingers crossed
I had to do the modulen diet for 8 weeks when I was 12, didn't have a tube so had to drink it, it was so yucky!!! First thing I ate afterwards was mashed potatoes.. BORING!! hehe keep going sweetie!!! x
wow that's brave, the stuff is vile haha, i had it when i was 12 too for give or take 4 months, it was terrible, i now have it again at 15 and i'm allowed to have food now just no junk! getting the tube out in 4 days!! and thanks x