Food poisoning, flu bug...or crohn's?

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Jan 7, 2009
I have been doing pretty okay real big flare symptoms other than the usual gas/bloating stuff. I guess I should preface this all by saying I had a slight concern about a partial blockage, only because my stools have been very thin. I haven't really had a lot of pain and such, so I just kind of kept it in the back of my mind.

Anyway, Sunday night I made crab cakes for dinner. Within a half hour I was vomiting violently...first all of my dinner, then some kind of brown liquid stuff, then a lot of bright yellow stuff which I assumed to be bile. Then around 1AM or so the D kicked in...massive amounts. This kept up, vomiting and D, sweats, chills, etc., the whole night until around 7AM. At that point I was just having D and it was also green to yellow liquid. Finally i think everything was out of my system and I called in sick and went to sleep. I felt slightly better as the day went on, but I was still afraid to eat. I took my temp that evening and it was 100.4. My husband did not get sick, so i was thinking flu bug or maybe a reaction to the seafood (don't usually have a problem with crab, but have seen this before with mussels).

So Tuesday I go to work. Still feeling kind of crappy and not much like eating, but loads better than the day before. I tried to force down an english muffin with PB and within minutes I was in the bathroom with D. Since then it has been the same thing...I try to eat a little, but immediate D kicks in. Even this morning, I was on the toilet 5 times before eating anything with bright yellow watery D. I also have had cramps in my upper stomach area, just below my rib cage. They are sudden, sharp and lasting only a minute or less. I would usually assume gas pains, but they don't quite feel like that, but maybe they are. Anyway, I am starting to wonder if the whole thing may have been Crohn's related because usually with the flu or food poisoning, I bounce right back. I have just felt nauseous and yucky ever since. I am also slightly concerned about the bile thing because I just resumed Imuran a month ago and the first time I took it I had problems with nausea. But we decided that my dose was too high, so I started back up on 50mg.

So anyway, I am hoping that this is just remnants from a stomach bug, but I was wondering if anyone has had any similar experiences or thoughts? When somebody experiences liver problems with Imuran, what actually happens? What are the symptoms?
I think maybe you should see a doctor to be on the safe side

But... a few comments...
I'd suspect maybe it was food poisoning as sea food was involved. I've had it a couple of times over the years and no-one else seemed to be affected by it... maybe we're more susceptible. I had gastro-enteritis after eating something at a party once... and I was seriously ill for quite a while. The doc basically said that anything I ate would come shooting out of both ends... so if I stopped eating I'd get better quicker... but make sure you keep your fluids up

Not had anything relating to the Imuran... all the more reason to consult a doctor

Hope you get better soon
Hi Shady
hope you are ok now?
Hope it was just a bug, but your D & V sounds just like mine was 2 months ago, and I ignored it thinkin I had a bug, but ended up in hospital via ambulance, blocked and with an infection and CRP of 261.
(gosh sound like a broken record)
Check with a doc if you still rough after 24 hours
good luck
Thanks guys. I am hoping it was a bug. I haven't vomited since Sunday/Monday, but the D is still pretty horrible. Joan, when you had D & V due to a blockage, did you ever stop vomiting?

I think I will wait it out and see how I feel. I am not feeling any worse and I have no fever.

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