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Aug 11, 2011

Do any of you find your pain increases ALOT at "that time of the month" and have you ever felt period like pains not around period time??

Love and thanks,

Yes, my whole adult life since it started and the last month was the worst pain ever... where the &**^% is menopause anyways! ;)
Well I'm only 33 think if I wished for menopause I would be divorced soon after lol

I hate it I dread that time of the month cos NOTHING fits!! I can't close pants over my stomach and I feel like a blimp!!

Thank goodness for heat packs... and menopause!
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Every swells so bad, and the back pain and crohns pain is a million times worse.. Hey I have had 451 of those months, menopause better come soon!

See what you got to look forward too?:shifty-t:
Mine has only been bad the last few months cos I am in a flare up! Even got asked if I was pregnant!! WTF!!

Hope menopause finds you soon ;)
It gets really bad for me on my period. I'm way more tired and grouchy and I just don't feel like doing anything and no one should even bother putting food around me because I won't dare to touch it. That's the one good thing about when I get ill. I tend to be anemic when I'm ill so I just won't have a period. It's the one good thing that comes out of a flare for me because even when I get well, there's still a month or two before it comes back to normal cycles.

My periods are atrocious! My whole world is twisted for 5 days. I talked to a gynecologist about this, he suggested having MIRENA inserted into my cervix. Apparently this lasts for 5 years and will decrease heavy menstrual blood loss, which will of course prevent less uncomfortability. He also said that most woman stop having their periods!!

Can you imagine?

I am thinking about doing this. Very seriously.
I actually had to go to emergency room a couple months ago because my period was so bad, I was in so much pain, I was throwing up. I can describe it as waves of labour pain.........

Take care
It is currently my time of the month, and I am not doing too hot. I think it certainly makes symptoms worse.
Jill, I've found that about a week prior to menstruation cramping, diarrhea and pain worsens and my appetite definitely increases, along with headaches. I usually get menstrual migraines every month....After my period's over, the pain and diarrhea and headaches lessen quite a bit and my appetite returns to normal. About a week before I start I try to limit caffeine and stay on a mostly full liquid diet, or I try to eat mostly bland food. I find that it helps to do that rather than just sticking to my regular diet. I don't know if any of this information helps, but I hope it does. Good luck... :)
I was having horrible CD pains and diarrhea the week before my period. I (and hubby of course) also noticed that I was off the charts irrational, more so than ordinary PMS. I'm on Zoloft and a birth control pill now and that seems to help a lot the week before. I've never had menstrual cramps, but the CD cramping and D seems to be a lot less with the meds. I'm done having kids, I could gladly be done with all of this stuff but I'm not even 35 yet. Don't want to have stuff removed and then have to take more pills; I don't feel like messing around with my hormones just yet.
I always had a worse time on my periods, so I went on birth control. I skip the placebo week and start another pack immediately. I haven't had a period in over 2 years. It's wonderful!
I have terrible fatigue and pain during menstruation. I also go from regular type 4 stools while not on my period to diarrhea type 6 stools while on my period.

The worst part of it, is that I'm quite regular... I always have my period during my Remicade infusions, which makes me even more weak and tired... blah.
This just sucks!!! as if CD isn't bad enough. I didn't have any problems for years and anemia actually helped me too, started to get pain after my first pregnancy miscarried, got better after my first daughter, back to pain after second miscarriage, after second daughter fine until flare when she was 5mths old, I rolled around in pain, BM's went out of control and not only with period but when ovulating, GP said it was common for someone without our condition but could be a definite with CD. Things have eased a lot since my flare was reined in with preds and now off preds I just have mild issues around period such as cramps. I found out a few years ago that my cervix is tilted to the back, apparently making it harder to conceive (I didn't have any issues there, just holding onto pregnancy was a problem) but it feels like my cervix is crushing my rectum some months adding to the pain.
For anyone considering birth control for this issue please check that it doesn't have effect on your bones, I was on the depo provera injection for two years and it helped greatly with period but unknown to me it was depleting my bone store and I was dx with osteoporosis in my 20's and advised to come off all contraception from then on.
Good luck girls I pray for pain free periods for us all.
the loo is mine, all mine, for the whole week before period. no change in diet helps it. i cannot get off that loo, and my god it gushes through!!! was too skinny for periods in twentys, also took pill continually so no period in thirties. late forties, omg, perimenopause and menopause,AAARRRRHHHHH. my hormones are so fluctuating they really have a bad reaction to the menopause. not to mention those perimenopausal fibroids, awake two days two nights with excruciating pain, just to have doc tell me "that's normal" if only it was normal for men to have periods! fortunately, they are becoming few and far between now. BUT HELL, THE BONES, OMG, GET ME OUT THIS BODY, NOW, lol.

incidently, i found glucosamine very useful for lessening pmt and period phase, did absolutely nothing for the joints. allow two months for the glucosamine to take hold, and the body does get used to it, so up the dose, then cut it out on occasion.

good luck ladies!
Ohhhhh Spooky1, I was looking forward to my forties and menopause in time, but where's my duvet I think I need to hide. Any tips for getting through????
no! do not look forward to this everlasting phase, its as bad as major surgery!!! i take everything i can supplement wise, and i think they just whizz straight through, its the nightmare of a lifetime, lol. make sure its a 15 tog duvet! don't let it get you lol
Supplements and 15 Tog duvet on my menopause shopping list hehehehe I think our bodys like to keep us on our toes or is it on our heads.
You take care honey, we have to get it easy at some stage, well that's what I'm praying for anyway.
Gwen xxx
Holy crap! Yes! When I was about fourteen my crohn's started to act up really bad whenever I got my period. My doctor put me on yasmin birth control to where I only have my period every three months. It's definitely helped, and I would recommend to any woman who has problems with her crohn's flaring during that time of the month. It's worked wonders for me.
My Crohn's is always worse with my period. Over the course of this disease, about half of my bowel obstructions coincided with my period. It didn't matter when I was on birth control pills or not. I did have the mirena, but I was getting repeated yeast infections from it, and once it was removed, they stopped.

I only have about 5-10 more years until menopause, and I can't wait!!!!
I don't liek my period either. it doesn't help that I have problems with my iron levels. I wish they'd be taken more seriousl. I ahd itron injections/ infusions once..and they helped tremendously with my enery and overall ehatlh.
I had a Dr once not want to prescribe them casue he said I could have na allergic reaction. I just want to feel a lot better.
The only time I had abdominal pain with menstruation was when I had an IUD. Now I just get excruciating migraines, which is its own ball of fun.
Before my hysterectomy I had horrible flares the week prior and during my cycle. Nothing stopped it either-no amount of pred, drugs, etc-my GI said whenmy ovaries would swell up it pressed on the bowel which triggered a flare.

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