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Feb 25, 2012
My GI is leaving in August and he is suggesting I transfer to Dr. Emily Battle in the practice over the other four. They say she really cares and listens to her patients and spends time with them. My PCP highly recommended her.

Do any of you have a female GI?

I saw the NP of the practice once and when she did the rectal exam she had her assistant in there with her. I was ok with just the NP she was just a doctor doing her job but I didn't like the fact there was someone elese in the room. I made sure after that appointment I was with the Dr and not the NP.

This is the main part about going to a female GI I don't like is that when doing an exam there will be another person present in the room.
My regular GI is male, but I have been seen by two different female PAs and a female Nurse Practitioner. Personally, I didn't mind it. They always ask me if I'd like to have a witness present, and I always decline, usually with a wise guy "I don't want other people to see this!" crack. :)

His recommendation for her sounds wonderful! I suppose I'd call the office and see what their policy is regarding the assistant? It might not be policy if she's your regular GI.
I've only had male GIs but have had plenty of female doctors who have looked at my various bits. It doesn't bother me in the least. As long as they're a good doctor, I don't care if they're male, female, or had some sort of operation and hormone therapy. In the end, I think it comes down to what you're comfortable with and there isn't a right or wrong answer, just how you feel. If you're fine with a female doc but hate having someone else in the room, I think sawdust above has excellent advice.
My GI specialist is a female..and a wonderful , professional . She is there at my colonoscopies and has on occasion, had to jump in and remove polyps etc. After my surgery, my nurses in the gi ward were males. At one point while awake , i needed a catheter change . No big deal ...these are professionals. I think as long as you're getting the care you need, shouldn't make a difference. cheers
Hi Mark,

Two questions in one. Here are my answers.

Over the time I've seen male and female GIs. Most of the time they are male, but from time to time a women comes up. They work as a team in the hospital so somethimes I meet a different person.

About the rectal exam. I HATE IT !!! There were lots of people on the room when it took place. If you ask me I feel safer when there is more than one people checking since it is a very peculiar procedure. If there is two or more doctors in the room it is not personal any more :rof:
I have both male and female doctors. When I was younger I was more self conscious but I didnt really ever see a difference in dealing with doctors of either sex. I have no hesitation to see whomever is recommended to me.

If you are uncomfortable with it I understand but there is really nothing to be worried about. In fact my stay in the hosptial recently, exposed myself to more females than I can recall. When you are hooked up to so many devices clothing becomes fairly limited. It really felt like I was on display everytime a nurse came in to check on me. First night was hourly checks.

I will say there really is nothing that hits home more than attempting to have a bowel movement after surgery and then realizing you actually cant bend correctly to wipe yourself. Never felt so good to get better quick enough to deal with my own bowel movements.

Do what you feel comfortable with. In time.....I think for most people it really doesnt matter as you realize the doctors and nurses are treating you as a person to help you. Sex is not that relevant.
Okay not a male but.....

Have a chat with the staff and request if it is possible to only have one person present when being examined.

It may be a male/female thing, as in female doctor, male patient. Most male doctors that I know will not examine a female patient in the anal/genital region without a female doctor/nurse being present. Perhaps your surgery also practices this in the reverse.

Dusty. xxx
Sorry, another girl sticking her nose in, here ;) I agree with Dusty, it's most likely the protection policy of the hospital to have a second person there for a member of the opposite sex.

I had a male doctor for 9 years and never had a problem, he would always call the nurse before he looked at anything and he'd do the colonoscopies with a whole team there.

I used to have a male GI, but now my follow ups are with a female doctor, she's good and professional,,,, but she treats me like I'm her son, she said she has a son my age

Sometimes, She calls me with funny names !! But during exams, no, very respectful and professional
I have always had male doctors, but I have a female surgeon. When she did the surgeries back in November/December it was definitely a little uncomfortable for her and her female "apprentices" to look down there but A. they weren't looking at the front, B. My surgeon was amazing and fixed another doctors mistakes and her "apprentice" was amazingly nice and very helpful. If I could swap out my male doctor for the female surgeon I would in a second if she was a G.I.

To me it's awkward either way so I figured girls are usually more empathic and caring and male doctors just treat you like another man so they (in my experience) aren't as understanding and don't really seem to care. It might be different if I ever had to show a doctor my front area because thus far I haven't but for a G.I. I wouldn't mind having a female.
Doesnt bother me one bit who i have. My main doc is male but ive had females as well. Personally i'd rather have a females finger up my bum than a male .. smaller fingers = less discomfort
Okay, tad off topic here, well sort of, but I just thought I would put it out there...

As a female R/N with let's say...many years experience, I have had many a female patient refuse the attentions of a male nurse but never a male patient refuse the attentions of a female nurse. Go figure...:ybiggrin:

Dusty. xxx
I really don't mind as long they're professional and respectful,,, I was examined and attended by both male and female,,,, but I don't know, I lf I get to choose, then I prefer old doctors, dont mind the gender,,, old people are more comforting, more friendly, and they don't care about these things,,,, they've seen everything :)
Another female weighing in on this. I would imagine for men it is unnerving at first to have a woman in the room. Women face this dilemma with our gynecologists as well. From talking to my friends over the years, I have learned that some women will on see women gyno's. Others don't feel strongly either way. I have a male gyno, and his nurse is always in the room with us. It is just as everyone says, you must go with what you are comfortable with.
As with some here, I have had both male and females doing the exams/scopes/assisting. When I was young/single, yes, it mattered to me. After a couple procedures, and having a few embarrassing moments, you sort of get used to it. After you let go with a lot of gas after an emergency scope with no prep in front of the cute nurse, nothing is likely to embarrass you again. Hospital safety - I can see that especially with all of the law suits going around these days. Now, mostly I just want the procedure over and done with.
As with some here, I have had both male and females doing the exams/scopes/assisting. When I was young/single, yes, it mattered to me. After a couple procedures, and having a few embarrassing moments, you sort of get used to it. After you let go with a lot of gas after an emergency scope with no prep in front of the cute nurse, nothing is likely to embarrass you again. Hospital safety - I can see that especially with all of the law suits going around these days. Now, mostly I just want the procedure over and done with.

For my last endoscopy (same place I get colonoscopies) there were 3 female nurses, plus the anesthetist, who was also a woman. We were waiting on the doctor to arrive and one of the nurses put on a big plastic poncho, then big protective goggles, then long plastic gauntlet-style gloves. I preemptively apologized if any of that was needed and asked her if she was part of this crew or if she was on her way to a Gallagher show. She asked, "Who's Gallagher?" It was then that I realized that I'm the old guy in that room.
Couple of points. First, my current GI is female, and she is the one who put me on LDN. If not for her, and her courage, I don't know where I'd be by now. I've seen the best of the local GI's, and I'd rank her knowledge as par or above the rest of the pack, and courage.. off the chart. Second, one of the other GI's I've seen (he performed my last surgery) is the head of the department and teaches the next generation of GI's... like I said, I've seen or been seen by the best. But here is the rub... he is not just a doctor/surgeon/GI, but also an instructor. And, as such, there have to be students. So, I've found myself bent over, with a sigmoidoscope shoved up my whatsit during an impromptu exam, and EVERYBODY had to have a peek. I should have charged admission.
As one of the ladies pointed out, women have been examined by gynos or GP's since they went thru puberty, whereas us males... we literally have to be dying before we go see a doctor. Onces you've been around that mulberry tree for a time or two, it loses all of its.... "abnormalacy" (sp?... if there even is such a word). I've reached the point where, rather than be embarrassed by what is going on if there are others in the room, I push them out of the way so I can see the monitor... to see how my insides look, etc...

Odd thing... I've known many, many women who are (for reasons I simply can't fathom) quite uncomfortable being seen by a female doctor, tho I know a few who prefer it that way. Like, I knew one lady who suffered in silence for years before seeing a female gyno who suggested that the exam be done with a pediatric speculum. Made the total experience pain free for the 1st time in her life. She never felt comfortable enough with male doctors to even ask if there was an easier way to perform the exam. Go figure...
I want to thank everyone for their advise. I think after reading everything you all said I am willing to try the female doctor. My PCP said women are usually more understanding, listen to you and spend more time and are more thorough and get to the bottom of everything
I thought my pcp was just telling me that butafter hearing from the guys who have experienced it I am satisfied. Thanks guys and gals
As far as GI's go I've never dealt with females but I have had a lot of female doctors and nurses looking after me and never really had issue's, I know it is uncomfortable having someone else present when having a rectal examination but in my experience this is common practice, i think mainly to ensure that there is a "witness" so nothing untoward can take place.
Well, that is rather a good thing, given the circumstances and all...

I want to thank everyone for their advise. I think after reading everything you all said I am willing to try the female doctor. My PCP said women are usually more understanding, listen to you and spend more time and are more thorough and get to the bottom of everything

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