My fiance was never diagnosed with anything but has had polyps removed from his colon in the past and had bleeding back in the day. His brother had the same problem but doctor blamed it on food and stress. He also has mucus in his stool from time to time.
For the past week or so he's been having pain in his left testicle. like he's been kicked there. Makes him nauseous and has a hard time moving around. He's had pain there off and on in the past but he said this time its worse and the pain seems to be getting worse.
He saw a doctor about it in the past but doc didn't do any tests and said that he just needs to ejaculate more often. We had just started living together so that wasn't an issue and it obviously didn't help. Pain went away on its own as usual.
So now he says he's having mucus again, diarrhea and the pain is still really bad and feels nauseated. He's having a hard time sleeping due to pain (in his testicle) and nausea.
Last week doctor said there was some swelling and did a urinalysis. Haven't gotten the results yet as this is the only male doctor and he's pretty booked. He sees his doctor again on the 15th (will go to ER if pain gets really bad). What tests should he ask for? Does this sound in any way IBD related? Has this happened to any of you or anyone you know?
For the past week or so he's been having pain in his left testicle. like he's been kicked there. Makes him nauseous and has a hard time moving around. He's had pain there off and on in the past but he said this time its worse and the pain seems to be getting worse.
He saw a doctor about it in the past but doc didn't do any tests and said that he just needs to ejaculate more often. We had just started living together so that wasn't an issue and it obviously didn't help. Pain went away on its own as usual.
So now he says he's having mucus again, diarrhea and the pain is still really bad and feels nauseated. He's having a hard time sleeping due to pain (in his testicle) and nausea.
Last week doctor said there was some swelling and did a urinalysis. Haven't gotten the results yet as this is the only male doctor and he's pretty booked. He sees his doctor again on the 15th (will go to ER if pain gets really bad). What tests should he ask for? Does this sound in any way IBD related? Has this happened to any of you or anyone you know?