For the MEN. Question About Your Bits. Ladies Chime in if you Know the Answer

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Jan 9, 2010
My fiance was never diagnosed with anything but has had polyps removed from his colon in the past and had bleeding back in the day. His brother had the same problem but doctor blamed it on food and stress. He also has mucus in his stool from time to time.

For the past week or so he's been having pain in his left testicle. like he's been kicked there. Makes him nauseous and has a hard time moving around. He's had pain there off and on in the past but he said this time its worse and the pain seems to be getting worse.

He saw a doctor about it in the past but doc didn't do any tests and said that he just needs to ejaculate more often. We had just started living together so that wasn't an issue and it obviously didn't help. Pain went away on its own as usual.

So now he says he's having mucus again, diarrhea and the pain is still really bad and feels nauseated. He's having a hard time sleeping due to pain (in his testicle) and nausea.

Last week doctor said there was some swelling and did a urinalysis. Haven't gotten the results yet as this is the only male doctor and he's pretty booked. He sees his doctor again on the 15th (will go to ER if pain gets really bad). What tests should he ask for? Does this sound in any way IBD related? Has this happened to any of you or anyone you know?
My fiance was never diagnosed with anything but has had polyps removed from his colon in the past and had bleeding back in the day. His brother had the same problem but doctor blamed it on food and stress. He also has mucus in his stool from time to time.

For the past week or so he's been having pain in his left testicle. like he's been kicked there. Makes him nauseous and has a hard time moving around. He's had pain there off and on in the past but he said this time its worse and the pain seems to be getting worse.

He saw a doctor about it in the past but doc didn't do any tests and said that he just needs to ejaculate more often. We had just started living together so that wasn't an issue and it obviously didn't help. Pain went away on its own as usual.

So now he says he's having mucus again, diarrhea and the pain is still really bad and feels nauseated. He's having a hard time sleeping due to pain (in his testicle) and nausea.

Last week doctor said there was some swelling and did a urinalysis. Haven't gotten the results yet as this is the only male doctor and he's pretty booked. He sees his doctor again on the 15th (will go to ER if pain gets really bad). What tests should he ask for? Does this sound in any way IBD related? Has this happened to any of you or anyone you know?

My boyfriend has similar symptoms, they are related to an infection called epididimitis (not sure if the spelling is right). It's an infection of the testicles and CAN be (but is not always, so DO NOT PANIC :)) a precurser to testicular cancer. It should be checked. If that's what it is, antibiotics will get rid of the infection. For my boyfriend, he gets it periodically, on average every 6 months or so. He didn't have the mucus, though. His primary care doctor might be able to diagnose but most likely, he should see a urologist.
If it was me, I'd want my goodies to get an ultrasound to rule out testicular cancer unless the doctor was sure it wasn't that.
If it was me, I'd want my goodies to get an ultrasound to rule out testicular cancer unless the doctor was sure it wasn't that.

My bf has to get an ultrasound every time the infection recurs. Better to be safe than sorry :)
Is it the whole testicle that's swollen or part of it. If when he feels his testicle it's particularly painful at the top or bottom then it is more likely epididymitis. If it is tender all over the testicle it could be orchitis or he could be developing a twisted testicle (torsion). Orchitis and epididymitis are infextions - though Iam not aware of increased risk of cancer. A long course of antibiotic can settle these.
If the swelling is localised then it could be cyst - though these don't tend to be painful. A possible torsion needs an urgent ultrasound to rule it out.
None of these would cause mucus though and not that likely to cause diarrhoea so there could be a separate issue there and with a history of polyps he should get a colonoscopy if it lasts more than 2-3 weeks.
He says it seems more swollen on the bottom and hurts less on the top so sounds more localized to the bottom of the testicle yet the pain shoots down his inner thigh (about halfway down) in a pulling/burning type feeling.
I had epididymitis. It is very painfully and can cause damage to the testicle. If it gets to bad it will actually cause the infected testicle to shrink and cease to function. It is a serious condition that will require anti-biotics. And yes you run a greater risk of getting testcular cancer.
The shooting pain in the thigh is not uncommon in testicular pain- a common referred pain. There is sort of connection. In baby boys if you stroke the inner thigh it can cause the testicles to retract upwards. Do
Sometimes in epididymitis people feel anal pain as well particularly if the infection gets to the prostate.
If the pain is localised as you say to the lower pole of the testicle and tender to touch there then the most likely thing is epididymitis. A 4 week course of something like oxytetracycline or ciprofloxacin should settle things.

I had epididymitis. I was told it was due to inflamation from the crohns had antibiotics and it went down in a few days. He needs to wear something to support his plums that helps
This is very common in men in general. I have had this for many years apparently the result of scar tissue from a vesectomy which I had 15 years ago. Wearing support will help. I also had the prostrate checked as this can also be a sign of prostrate issues. Basically its like blisters forming on the tubes coming from the testicle, but get it checked by ultra sound to be sure.
Pain is bad again today and I'm hoping he will take himself to the ER to get checked out. His doctor appointment is too long of a wait imo. He also said that his urine is smelling foul. Is that normal with epididymitis? We both agree that if this were an STD/STI we both would have known by now as we've been together for 3 years now and he had this issue off and on before we started dating (he was a virgin).
He's going to the ER right now so hopefully we'll get some answers soon.
They didn't do anything for him at the ER. Just tried to give him pain meds. No tests, not even a urinalysis. Nothing. Doc just felt around and said they felt nothing out of the ordinary. He did nothing. Said that if he wants any tests done he'll have to go to his regular doctor and have them order tests. His appointment is next week on the 15th so he's forced to deal with whatever is wrong until then? That's messed up.
Poor guy! Maybe insist on seeing a different doc in the ER? Insist they test? Sometimes when you go to the ER, they try to hurry you out if they don't think it's many of us have a story that started out that way! I hate it when the docs want to give you pain drugs without actually finding out what causes the pain.:ymad:
They used to say "take two of these and call me in the morning." Apparently now they just say "take two of these and call someone else."

Stay strong there, Mr. Crabby. Sometimes not knowing is the toughest part, but at least they determined that it wasn't an emergency. That's probably not what you were looking for, but it is some good news for the time being.

That's ridiculous. Was it painful when examined?

Yes it was, very much so.

@ Sawdust: Actually we still don't know if its an emergency or not. His testicle could be permanently damaged after this for all we know or maybe he could lose it.

No tests at all just baffles me to no end.
Do you have an urgent care center instead of an ER. I find they take you a lot more serious.
What about his family doctor.
I would call the urologist and explain what is going on and see if they can work him in quicker.
He needs a referral to a urologist from his family doctor. His family doctor is the only male doctor right now so he's booked months in advance. My fiance sees him next week just to get his urine test results. The urgent care place around here is terrible but there is another hospital so if he wants he could try going to the other ER.
He needs a referral to a urologist from his family doctor. His family doctor is the only male doctor right now so he's booked months in advance. My fiance sees him next week just to get his urine test results. The urgent care place around here is terrible but there is another hospital so if he wants he could try going to the other ER.

If you haven't already, I would call his family doctor, explain the situation (and don't sugarcoat it, squeaky wheels etc) and see if there's any way in hedoublehockeystick they can get him in sooner. I'm sure they keep some appointments open as sick visits. Can't hurt, might help.

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