For those with strictures/narrowing

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Feb 5, 2010
What foods would you say are definite no-nos?

I'm still not sure if my narrowing was resolved or not since they couldn't get to my ileum during my colonoscopy. So, in the meantime I'm trying to be careful until either my Humira kicks in or some type of other x-ray/scan (that has yet to be determined) confirms I'm all clear. Whichever comes first.

I'm still unsure/paranoid about correct diet options, specifically when it comes to fruits and veggies with possible strictures. The internet keeps confusing me too. I know to avoid seeds, nuts, and corn for sure...

Any advice would be helpful :) Thanks!
I was recommended a low residue diet, you can find info on the internet. basically avoid heavy fibre and stuff that is hard to digest like skins and seeds. I have only had well cooked veges since diagnosis in July (I have a structure in the ileum) but seem okay with raw apple (no skin). Also just eat less more often. That seems to help me :)
I refuse to eat mushrooms. They are very bad along with baked potato skins. I also try to avoid fibrous cereals like bran flakes, granola and shredded wheat etc. Although sometimes I'm bad an have the occasional bowl maybe once every 3 months. The same with popcorn.

With fruit and veggies I tend to eat a small portion of veggies most days and some fruit now and again. I try and balance it so I don't consume too much in one day. Anything with skins is bad so I peel apples etc. Asparagus is also very bad along with celery but I don't like those anyway!

I would also say it depends on how bad your symptoms are. I know when I've pushed my limits because I am blocked up the next day and get bloated. But sometimes I feel better and can tolerate more. Play it by ear :)
I was wondering about seed and nut butters, are they okay, or at least better than whole seeds and nuts? I love my seed and nut butters!
I think a huge thing that people forget is not only the food...but chewing it X amount. I do not recall the actual number but it can make a huge difference. Nuts are still a big no no for matter how much I chew. Peanutbutter but no nuts. I think the natural oils/ fat content is what upsets my system. I have had two resections. Now I have a stricture directly in the center of my large colon. I am on Humira for fistuals they found...and prednisone for the flare up at the stricture. On my second resection I went back to meat and potatoes too soon and found myself back in the emergency/hospital twice because of blockages, we know everyone is different, but I started with very small meals and took my time eating every bite, thinking about it going all the way through with no pain. I hope this helps.
I was 7 when I was diagnosed, I am 44 now and I am still learning.
I eat almond butter and I have no issues and better for you than peanut butter...just my take on it.
Yes ma'am! And straight from one of my favorite sources, BackwoodsHome magazine! Hey Mawwww, is that there possum stew ready yit?
Well, I'm thinking potato skins are a definite no-no for me. I tried potato skins for the first time since being diagnosed the day before I started flaring really bad and then ended up in the ER with partial obstruction. Live and learn, haha.
I find skins of anything are usually tough and fibrous. I peel apples (except the ones I grow because the skins are very thin and of course no carnuba wax on them) grapes I avoid, potato and some tougher skinned veggies, like carrots. I have had many obstructions and trust me the worst is meat like sausages or weiners. Chewy meat, mostly red meat, is very hard to digest as well. Just to name a few. Corn based everything even cornmeal can get stuck.

I am new to this website and wish I'd found it sooner. I've had Crohns for about 23 years and have found eating habits by trial and error. My mother also has Crohns but we seem to have different foods that we can tolerate and ones that are strict no-nos.
So interesting to read about what you guys can't eat - I have discovered that nuts and seeds (whole) are out of the question, mushrooms (but that took me about 18 years to figure out and I used to eat them maybe 3 times a week!), baked potato skins, grapes and blueberries I can eat in small amounts. Have never considered red meat to be a problem - will bear that in mind. Popcorn and sweetcorn are also a recent discovery of food to be barred.

I have found that I can currently eat apples with the peel on (this is not always the case) and feel I have to be brave to get some just the right amount of fibre into my diet, but if I eat a little bit too much - constant trips to toilet for several days and then I have to build it all up again.

I don't touch coffee with caffeine in it (would love to, but that has an instant laxative effect) and am careful with alcohol but do have a couple of glasses of wine once or twice a week when I'm well enough.

I currently suffer from constipated diarrhea (can't spell) - an hour on the toilet, pain, strain, drain. 5 mins reprieve, oh and then back to the toilet for another half an hour until there's nothing left. Only happening in the evenings so I'm going to follow others' advice and have much smaller evening meal and see if that helps.
Hey Marisa (or anyone),

I am just wondering, when you ask about stricture/obstruction and food to eat, are you asking because you are wondering if the foods will make you flare and therefore make you obstruct/narrow even more or is there something about the skin and nuts that gets caught easier once you are narrowed?
Hope this isn't a dumb question but just trying to figure this all out.

Thanks and I hope they can get to your ileum soon to find out.
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I think both, Keona. But probably more so from the getting stuck part. That and it takes a lot more work for the gut to digest seeds and nuts and skins because it's insoluble fiber. So it can irritate the gut causing inflammation. I guess I imagine tomato seeds slowly accumulating or something silently until one day BAM! obstruction again. So, I really make sure I take off all skins and seeds.
I'll echo what Justice said - CHEW, CHEW, CHEW! It is one of the first things my doctor told me. I can be guilty of eating way too fast, so I do try to count - at least 20 chews per bite.

I miss my raw vegetables since being on a low res diet, so I am going to start juicing today. Kale juice anyone?!

- Amy
uh oh I'm so mad I found this thread AFTER I ate loads of potato skins with dinner. No wonder I haven't felt right since!
I am envious of anyone who can eat potatoes, as I can't and I miss them!
Potatoes create a lot of gas when you eat them (onions & garlic also do the same) and cause me to get trapped gas for days, which is extremeful painful and unpleasant until it clears.

I have never noticed a problem with mushrooms or asparagus, as they are both low in fiber, and I seem to tolerate most low fiber veggies. I can't tolerate any high or medium fibre veggies such as carrot, sweet potatoes, green beans, broccoli, cabbage. Tomatoes & spinach are a no-no because they are acid and cause my joint pain to get worse.

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